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so I got lvl 72 necro, lvl 80 druid, levl 76

all get really hammered in particular mobs.
I usually play solo.

thinking of transitioning to off line mode, since i already play solo. that way i can increase my drop rates with players X.

the only way i think i can get serious drops, besides more grinding, is joining a team. or getting stronger runes, but that requires bigger groups, and less chance to get the rune drops.

I can go NM boss runs...but is it realy worth the low item in my levels?

I just seem to hit a wall here. if anyone can give tips would be much appreciated.

I'm sure this has happened to the lots of you!

here are my chars:
Immortal King's Will
for 57% MF
heart with 3 resistences runes socketed

Chance Guards
rings: 2 rares with 8% life steal total
amulet: cresent moon
weapon: dual light sabres 94-125

Merc: Obedience with might aura
necro skeli :
weapons: leoric arm + Rhyme of
Zombie Head

: vidala for 50% MF
body: Wealth
the rest are just rare blues with +to MF and +to resistences
Description by rikus

Can be used to make Runewords:

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rikus 150

Assassin Americas PC
so I got lvl 72 necro, lvl 80 druid, levl 76

all get really hammered in particular mobs.
I usually play solo.

thinking of transitioning to off line mode, since i already play solo. that way i can increase my drop rates with players X.

the only way i think i can get serious drops, besides more grinding, is joining a team. or getting stronger runes, but that requires bigger groups, and less chance to get the rune drops.

I can go NM boss runs...but is it realy worth the low item in my levels?

I just seem to hit a wall here. if anyone can give tips would be much appreciated.

I'm sure this has happened to the lots of you!

here are my chars:
Immortal King's Will
for 57% MF
heart with 3 resistences runes socketed

Chance Guards
rings: 2 rares with 8% life steal total
amulet: cresent moon
weapon: dual light sabres 94-125

Merc: Obedience with might aura
necro skeli :
weapons: leoric arm + Rhyme of
Zombie Head

: vidala for 50% MF
body: Wealth
the rest are just rare blues with +to MF and +to resistences

goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.
With necro you should be OK running through hell solo when going skelets, a2 might merc, amplified damage and
Corpse Explosion

What do you use on the necro?

I think you can get good gear by trading
Perfect Gems
on this site. ppl usualy are looking for runes but try offering
Perfect Gems

some are trading for recipies and search for pgems, Pamethist, Pskull,
, jewels... (i don't want to give links openly but you can find them on the market) in exchange for

a necro/druid/barb torch should start at
(= 80 jewels, 30 pgem, 20
, 20
or 12 Pametist)

price-check/trade-value-guide-runes-tor ... 20668.html

ofc they are other good stuff around that you can trade.

see ya

NB : i'm new to the forum and you're not so maybe you already know all of this, ignore my comment in this case
It's hard to give good answer here without more details about your skills and gear.
I found it quite easy to finish Hell with my summon Necro, so I'm not sure where you're getting stuck with him.
Don't really know about Barb, but with a Fury Druid I did require some gear from trades, though nothing too expensive.

If you want to trade for gear I would suggest doing Hell Countess runs. It's a reliable way to get runes and keys that you can trade for whatever you need to beat Hell.

Check out my trades
Feel free to make offers of runes, keys or Pgems
***** Not by PM *****
Poison necro, get full trang ouls. Gloves add 25% damage 3 pieces ( with shield ) adds -25% poison. Starting my necro for D2R I slowly just did NM andy meph cows until I could afford trangs set. Once I got that I was able to solo hell cows and the Pitts. Boring as hell but they pay off. From that character now have 2nd necro summoner w Beast nigma etc. X2 paladins gf barb ele druid and working on bow zon atm. Nothing in hell cows or Pitts are poison immune. And Pitts has chance of dropping anything in the game.

Xbox GT: Cinomed541 add me if you need someone to play with.
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rikus 150

Assassin Americas PC
I forgot what my necro skelli - CE build gear was. But I had that wicked unique
. Leoric maybe? With tons of pluses to skills.
With my barb is fairly ok gear. Two lightsabers. Tho I think I should socket them.
Crescent Moon
for life steal. Mf gear also. Perhaps I should give that up. I have that
and gloves mf gear.
My necro isn’t that strong on certain mobs. I forget.
I won’t do Fury Druid. Cause I don’t like his shape shifting. Not my gameplay.
I’ve played the ptr patch a few hours ago. And the meteorb sorc is pretty wicked. 12k damage. But she has +20 to her skills?! My barb barely got one.

I can’t get fried or Enigma. Since they’re too expensive to me yet.

Yes runs. Maybe. But runs to do what? I can’t get a good rune from luck with countess. Even if I did.
is way expansive. You need loads of high level runes. Which I think is more possible with more players in the game.

From what I read-
I should be ok with necro. Is he safer than barb ? Because barb can kill faster. When they do.

goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.
rikus wrote: 3 years ago
I forgot what my necro skelli - CE build gear was. But I had that wicked unique
. Leoric maybe? With tons of pluses to skills.
With my barb is fairly ok gear. Two lightsabers. Tho I think I should socket them.
Crescent Moon
for life steal. Mf gear also. Perhaps I should give that up. I have that
and gloves mf gear.
My necro isn’t that strong on certain mobs. I forget.
I won’t do Fury Druid. Cause I don’t like his shape shifting. Not my gameplay.
I’ve played the ptr patch a few hours ago. And the meteorb sorc is pretty wicked. 12k damage. But she has +20 to her skills?! My barb barely got one.

I can’t get fried or Enigma. Since they’re too expensive to me yet.

Yes runs. Maybe. But runs to do what? I can’t get a good rune from luck with countess. Even if I did.
is way expansive. You need loads of high level runes. Which I think is more possible with more players in the game.

From what I read-
I should be ok with necro. Is he safer than barb ? Because barb can kill faster. When they do.
Respec your necro and go poison. Don't need any gear and you can do NM cows Pitts naked. But like I said once you get trangs, hell I'll even buy you the set and then farm hell cows and The Pitts until you find better gear or trade for some.
is worth like a
now so you can probably get that from hellforge or countess runs. It'll be boring as hell doing those two areas until you get stuff to trade but once you do you'll be set. Occasionally there are
archers out in Tamoe Highlands that are poison immune but nothing
Lower Resist
curse can't solve. And cows just hit em with lower res, cast a few novas then Amp damage CE. Summons are good with no gear until hell then you really need your merc to step up if you don't have any decent gear. Until I found that trangs set I ran mf crap on psn necro and was pretty good.
Chance Guards
a couple crap nagels sigs shield
. Few minor +1 skill items but all dirt cheap if not free or found

Xbox GT: Cinomed541 add me if you need someone to play with.
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rikus 150

Assassin Americas PC
Cinomed541 wrote: 3 years ago
rikus wrote: 3 years ago
I forgot what my necro skelli - CE build gear was. But I had that wicked unique
. Leoric maybe? With tons of pluses to skills.
With my barb is fairly ok gear. Two lightsabers. Tho I think I should socket them.
Crescent Moon
for life steal. Mf gear also. Perhaps I should give that up. I have that
and gloves mf gear.
My necro isn’t that strong on certain mobs. I forget.
I won’t do Fury Druid. Cause I don’t like his shape shifting. Not my gameplay.
I’ve played the ptr patch a few hours ago. And the meteorb sorc is pretty wicked. 12k damage. But she has +20 to her skills?! My barb barely got one.

I can’t get fried or Enigma. Since they’re too expensive to me yet.

Yes runs. Maybe. But runs to do what? I can’t get a good rune from luck with countess. Even if I did.
is way expansive. You need loads of high level runes. Which I think is more possible with more players in the game.

From what I read-
I should be ok with necro. Is he safer than barb ? Because barb can kill faster. When they do.
Respec your necro and go poison. Don't need any gear and you can do NM cows Pitts naked. But like I said once you get trangs, hell I'll even buy you the set and then farm hell cows and The Pitts until you find better gear or trade for some.
is worth like a
now so you can probably get that from hellforge or countess runs. It'll be boring as hell doing those two areas until you get stuff to trade but once you do you'll be set. Occasionally there are
archers out in Tamoe Highlands that are poison immune but nothing
Lower Resist
curse can't solve. And cows just hit em with lower res, cast a few novas then Amp damage CE. Summons are good with no gear until hell then you really need your merc to step up if you don't have any decent gear. Until I found that trangs set I ran mf crap on psn necro and was pretty good.
Chance Guards
a couple crap nagels sigs shield
. Few minor +1 skill items but all dirt cheap if not free or found
I couldn’t find it on the web.
How much is base
Poison Nova
skill that it is so powerful?

goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.
i can give you trang gloves, trang wing (head), and trang armor if you want.

I recommend you enter "free itens" games in normal difficulty, i found a lot of this stuff there, people will honetly just drop a lot of stuff when they have several of them.

I would make White runeword as well, you can buy a good base for it from
, it has to be White with two sockets, not blue though. and usefull skills,
Poison Nova
Corpse Explosion
, and so forth.
If you are able to, farm hell countess and pits if possible. These are both act 1 farming locations that can have big payouts. If you are still struggling with those areas, farm nightmare
and or cows. Melee characters such as barbs, Fury Druids are very gear reliant. But your necro should be able to breeze through act1 hell farming areas even on a budget build.
Poison Nova
or summoner builds are both viable. Feel free to DM me and I can assist further and possibly give you some gear if you’d like.
rikus wrote: 3 years ago
Cinomed541 wrote: 3 years ago
rikus wrote: 3 years ago
I forgot what my necro skelli - CE build gear was. But I had that wicked unique
. Leoric maybe? With tons of pluses to skills.
With my barb is fairly ok gear. Two lightsabers. Tho I think I should socket them.
Crescent Moon
for life steal. Mf gear also. Perhaps I should give that up. I have that
and gloves mf gear.
My necro isn’t that strong on certain mobs. I forget.
I won’t do Fury Druid. Cause I don’t like his shape shifting. Not my gameplay.
I’ve played the ptr patch a few hours ago. And the meteorb sorc is pretty wicked. 12k damage. But she has +20 to her skills?! My barb barely got one.

I can’t get fried or Enigma. Since they’re too expensive to me yet.

Yes runs. Maybe. But runs to do what? I can’t get a good rune from luck with countess. Even if I did.
is way expansive. You need loads of high level runes. Which I think is more possible with more players in the game.

From what I read-
I should be ok with necro. Is he safer than barb ? Because barb can kill faster. When they do.
Respec your necro and go poison. Don't need any gear and you can do NM cows Pitts naked. But like I said once you get trangs, hell I'll even buy you the set and then farm hell cows and The Pitts until you find better gear or trade for some.
is worth like a
now so you can probably get that from hellforge or countess runs. It'll be boring as hell doing those two areas until you get stuff to trade but once you do you'll be set. Occasionally there are
archers out in Tamoe Highlands that are poison immune but nothing
Lower Resist
curse can't solve. And cows just hit em with lower res, cast a few novas then Amp damage CE. Summons are good with no gear until hell then you really need your merc to step up if you don't have any decent gear. Until I found that trangs set I ran mf crap on psn necro and was pretty good.
Chance Guards
a couple crap nagels sigs shield
. Few minor +1 skill items but all dirt cheap if not free or found
I couldn’t find it on the web.
How much is base
Poison Nova
skill that it is so powerful?
With maxed synergies and no added skills 1781-1953 for 2 seconds. Can max all poison skills and get 1 point in curses down to lower res at lvl 70. Everything after that is golem, skeletons, CE radius. I personally threw a couple points into
Golem Mastery
Summon Resist
, then at least 6 in CE for radius and I choose
Iron Golem
instead of
Clay Golem
. Add me on Xbox or PC and tag along with my necro. I'll run you through Countess, Pitts and Cows in hell. If you need a
I got an extra too, makes countess way faster. I got some extra necro things I can help you with gear wise as well. Necro has always been my main so I horde everything. Lol

Xbox GT: Cinomed541 add me if you need someone to play with.
I think you should focus on building a little bit of Wealth in nightmare to get better gear for your characters. You could run Nightmare
with your barbarian to get gold to sell, kill nightmare
with your druid/necromancer to maybe get an SOJ or some nice exceptional armor like
Skin of the Vipermagi
Skullder's Ire

You could also run Nightmare
Chaos Sanctuary
or Worldstone Keep with your barbarian to get some nice loot and level up.

For your gear, you could gear up your Barbarian nicely with a

Guillaume's Face
for a
This is going to be stronger than your
Immortal King's Will
because of the crushing blow and deadly strike.

Treachery for a
This is going to be stronger than
Griswold's Heart
because of the increased attack speed, and chance to cast Venom and
. Venom is going to add some nice damage to your attacks, while
will give you some much needed resistances.

Griswold's Heart
has great defense, but the other stats just aren't good.

Raven Frost
for a

This is almost mandatory, as the can not be frozen will immensely help your melee fighter.

and a

If you offer what I am asking, add me on for a quicker trade. I'll see the notification instantly if I'm available.
One thing that I haven't seen anyone else post in this thread is the simple fact that no matter what build you run, in hell, there are always going to be a few monsters that your particular build cannot handle (or at least, can't handle very well).

sometimes this can be shored up by a well-built mercenary, but most often the way to go about it is to just skip past mobs that are immune to your main damage type, or just deal too much damage to you/are annoying in some other fashion.

But, like the others here have suggested, you can also buy some decent gear for fairly cheap here on this site. one or two lucky finds can net you some runes, which you can then trade for gear improvements. Just run whatever you can do efficiently (Hell countess is usually a good place to start) and use what you get to buy gear.

As for what gear, well, I'd suggest looking at guides that deal with your particular builds and either just getting whatever is in the guides, or figuring out why those items are good and looking around for similar things.

Another thing to keep in mind is that not all builds are "hell-viable". But Skellymancer necro and
barb certainly are if built properly.

Oh and don't knock NM boss farming. you can get some seriously good stuff there too. Not all bis endgame gear is from hell. ;)
I just got you a full Trangs set Rikus, so whether you stick with summoner or go poison you will have a decent set to keep you alive through NM and Hell. Hard out here for a necro gotta stick together. ;)

Xbox GT: Cinomed541 add me if you need someone to play with.
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rikus 150

Assassin Americas PC
thanks for your offers guys.
I'm not really looking for donation, even though it's a nice shortcut.

just looking to enjoy the game as much as I can.

.. ghosts just kick my
barb. my summon necro is too slow for farming. respecing a lvl 72 isn't enough for poison necro with formidable
Poison Nova
and all the summons/curses. too much hassle.
so I've started a meteorb sorc on single player now, with players 8. no trades, but -150% cold resist is enough to break any immune no? (with
Cold Mastery

goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.
rikus wrote: 3 years ago
thanks for your offers guys.
I'm not really looking for donation, even though it's a nice shortcut.

just looking to enjoy the game as much as I can.

.. ghosts just kick my
barb. my summon necro is too slow for farming. respecing a lvl 72 isn't enough for poison necro with formidable
Poison Nova
and all the summons/curses. too much hassle.
so I've started a meteorb sorc on single player now, with players 8. no trades, but -150% cold resist is enough to break any immune no? (with
Cold Mastery
Most monsters that are cold immune are VERY cold immune (as in super high resistances, not just 100%) so no, it will not break immunities. Even if you add Infinity into the mix you will not be breaking cold immunes most of the time.

But sorceress does have the benefit of just teleporting away from anything immune to her chosen damage type. And there's good farming spots for each damage type as well. Maybe less so for fire, or so I hear...

Personally cold sorc is my favourite type of sorceress however, always has been. whether it's
Frozen Orb
or Blizzard, either way works. though Blizzard is my personal preference.

Just heavily kit out your merc with ethereal
Insight, tanky armour (2000~ def) and some life leech in there somewhere and he can deal with the things your cold damage can't handle. or as said before, just
past it.
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

rikus wrote: 3 years ago
thanks for your offers guys.
I'm not really looking for donation, even though it's a nice shortcut.

just looking to enjoy the game as much as I can.

.. ghosts just kick my
barb. my summon necro is too slow for farming. respecing a lvl 72 isn't enough for poison necro with formidable
Poison Nova
and all the summons/curses. too much hassle.
so I've started a meteorb sorc on single player now, with players 8. no trades, but -150% cold resist is enough to break any immune no? (with
Cold Mastery
Adding to the response you got in the post above this one:
It doesn't matter how high your
Cold Mastery
is. Even if/when you do outscale the "VERY cold immune" mobs resistances,
Cold Mastery
will not and cannot break immunities. Ever. It simply doesn't have the same mechanic.
Cold Mastery
only ever reduces resistances (i.e. increases damage) against mobs that are already not cold immune. To break such an immunity, you'd need
Lower Resist
but for cold, it is a challenge even then, simply because they are so "VERY cold immune".

On the plus side, in many cases, cold immunes are numerically far less than their other element counterparts. Take Chaos sanc for example. If you're a lightning sorc without Infinity, you'll be severely annoyed because there's a plethora of lightning immune ghosts that come in packs of their own. As a cold sorc on the other hand, the only thing you worry about is the skeletal mages which more often than not come as only 1 or 2 in a pack of other, non-immune mobs. Just gear up your merc to handle those couple of immunes and you're good to go. No need to break immunities if you can just have your merc smack them down in record time anyways.
Some very useful runewords for
barb that are not that used are:

barb in
Chaos Sanctuary
, make a Lawbringer either for yourself or your act 5 merc, it renders the undead there useless by pushing them away from you/your merc, and makes them lose their resists due to
Sanctuary Aura
. Voice of Reason in your offhand does 300% extra damage to demons and undead., and is also cheap.

Laying of Hands
, 350% damage against demons, helmet guilliame face,
Goblin Toe
and later gore riders,
anything with life leech really, same for the rings,
Raven Frost
and something with dual leech ideally but in honestly you could even use cathan ring, leech is what keeps you alive.

Ive used all this stuff before, and now with an Oath on the main hand, and Chaos is never a problem at all.
rikus wrote: 3 years ago
thanks for your offers guys.
I'm not really looking for donation, even though it's a nice shortcut.

just looking to enjoy the game as much as I can.

.. ghosts just kick my
barb. my summon necro is too slow for farming. respecing a lvl 72 isn't enough for poison necro with formidable
Poison Nova
and all the summons/curses. too much hassle.
so I've started a meteorb sorc on single player now, with players 8. no trades, but -150% cold resist is enough to break any immune no? (with
Cold Mastery
You can always purchase a
staff for your necro from the NPC vendors in town. I believe
sells them? Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
Crushnasty wrote: 3 years ago
rikus wrote: 3 years ago
thanks for your offers guys.
I'm not really looking for donation, even though it's a nice shortcut.

just looking to enjoy the game as much as I can.

.. ghosts just kick my
barb. my summon necro is too slow for farming. respecing a lvl 72 isn't enough for poison necro with formidable
Poison Nova
and all the summons/curses. too much hassle.
so I've started a meteorb sorc on single player now, with players 8. no trades, but -150% cold resist is enough to break any immune no? (with
Cold Mastery
You can always purchase a
staff for your necro from the NPC vendors in town. I believe
sells them? Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
Personally i shop mine from
. I kmow
sells the +3
Bone Spear
wands at lvl 17.

Xbox GT: Cinomed541 add me if you need someone to play with.


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