道德经 — § 56.
Hello guys, this is a small talk about D2R economics, current at the time of this post.
I'm taking the time to clarify this post3759907.html
Diablo 2 is my favorite game and is not a way for me to make money for real life. This will not tell you how to earn $10,000 a month from your favorite hobby. But it will give you a little knowledge of how trading occurs and the capital multiplication of all medium and large players in the market.
Any business is built on the fact that it is cheaper to produce or buy goods and sell them at a higher price. Save as much money as possible on employee salaries, or replace them with robots, so as not to have problems with labor laws.Skaijuice wrote: Really! dirty resellers are the fucking scum and must be call out in public to create awareness.
there are BS low ballers, intentionally or otherwise and then there are those who take it several levels down to prey on the unawares (which i take issue with).
alas the modding culture in this site don't have the balls to admit that oversight.
another one to add to the squelch list!
To limit this, countries agree on duties, taxes and antitrust laws. But in D2R is an uncontrolled self-regulatory market.
In a broad sense, the D2R economy is built on three sites: diablo2io, Traderie, d2jsp. It is not limited to them, but extends to many RMT-platforms, discord/telegram-channels, and YouTube/Twitch-streams.
Around the fall of 2022, Traderie experienced an influx of many Asian players and prices soared to about the level of d2jsp or even higher.
The main feature of d2jsp has always been that at the start of each season you can profitably sell items, runes and services, accumulating virtual currency on your balance, and by the end of the season you can buy everything cheaper than on a non-ladder, when players remove their mules and kick all the stuff for cheap. After this, you can sell everything on non-season and once again multiply your profits.
I’ll add that d2jsp is not an RMT-site in the classical sense. Yes, you can buy forum gold for real money, but it’s your own business how to use it: buy items and services with it in different games available in the catalog, buy a Steam balance replenishment, create your own guild, change the color of your nickname, buy services from artists or programmers, and much more within the forum.
I took a break for personal reasons, but when I returned to the game in the spring/summer of 2023, I realized that my capital in the Jah and Ber runes had depreciated. Any minor change can have an avalanche effect on pricing. The living market will not wait for your personal return, and is always in motion.
A simplified sales chain looks something like this: (1) Players who farm, trade and provide services in public games ↔ (2) Players who farm but sell their items and services on one or more of the three sites. ↔ (3) Players who practically do not farm, but make a profit on the difference in prices by reselling stuff purchased at a low price. ↔ (4) Players using all three sites + RMT sites to achieve excess profits.
Now let's talk about RMT. Ask yourself, what is the average life expectancy of a human? Everything in our world is interconnected. If any of you have invented the elixir of immortality, please farm the Ber/ Jah runes yourself, spending part of your short life, and if the RNGods take pity on you. Or think about how much money you make in real life. If your income per hour is higher than the time it takes to farm the rune you need, you can easily buy it. As a bonus, you'll spend time improving your professional skills rather than ingame grinding, thereby increasing your competitiveness in real life and therefore increasing your monetary income.
So I have nothing against RMT. It is your personal choice how to store your accumulated capital: in runes, perfect items, forum gold on d2jsp or on the balance of your bank card. The main thing is that the game gives you fun. How exactly to play D2R is your own business. And no one has the right to restrict or condemn you if you do not violate any pre-agreed rules of the particular forum or site that you use. I’ll also add that I have nothing against bots, although I don't use them myself, because it’s prohibited by the user agreement. For me, as a player who does not profit from the game in order to, for example, feed my family and satisfy my desires in real life, the fall in market prices is only a plus.
d2rppa69 wrote: Maybe its a typo or figure of speech?
So what does every new player need to get the build they want quickly?M1ck wrote: Doesn't look like a typo, certainly likes tooting his own horn.
— Only level 30 sorceress on normal difficulty and low equip. Softcore NonLadder.
Lore in any helmet;
Skin of the Vipermagi any low-roll;
Nightsmoke any low-roll;
Magefist any low-roll;
Wall of the Eyeless any low-roll;
Spirit in any sword;
Amulet +2 lightning skills;
x2 Stone of Jordan;
Cow King's Hooves or Treads of Cthon for Fuster Run/Walk.
Merc ( Prayer) with Insight.
That's all. Go farm The Countess.
Prices for low runes on Traderie:
El = x7/x6 Jah's for every 140 runes;
Eld = x7/x6 Ber's for every 140 runes;
Tir = x7 Ber's or x4 Jah's for every 140 runes;
Nef = x2 Ber's for every 140 runes;
Eth = x5/x6 Ber's or x3 Jah's for every 140 runes;
Ith = x3 Jah's for every 140 runes;
Tal = x3 Ber's or x2 Jah's for every 140 runes;
Ral = x1 Ber for every 30 runes;
Ber = x7 Ist's, Jah = x10 Ist's.
But keep in mind that for Asians there is nothing reprehensible in RMT trading, these are features of their mentality. Each of your local moralists and racial purists, stop using d2jsp and Traderie. Because real money trading is tightly integrated into the global D2R economy. When selling runes and materials on Traderie, know that in the future these runes will be resold on Asian RMT-sites, or will be used for crafting in order to sell good crafted items also for real money.
The East is beyond your grasp!
As for the magic, which I used to call basic mathematics and financial literacy:
Why do I buy runes here at low prices? Because I don’t actually need them and I collect them for further mass resale and sometimes for crafting. By initially setting a low price, I don't expect too many people to sell me their low runes so as not to clutter up my inventories, despite the fact that I have 7 accounts. If any of you want to compete with me, please do so. I will always find sellers in public games and on my friendlist.
In order to get 2 Ists for 3 low runes, I use the russian RMT-platform.
My price for 1 rune starting from El and ending with Ko (not including Hel) = 0.30₽ (0,0035$). And avg price for one Ist = 0.46₽ (0,0053$). Magic is: 0,0035$ * 3 = 0,0105$ = 0,0053$ *2.
The price for instant socket quest from Larzuk is 10₽ (0,12$). If I load all 7 accounts and hire a rusher for Ist, in 12-15 minutes I have ~158 Ist's. I can exchange Ist for two Um, and hire a rusher in a public game, then my profit will (31500%) be 315 Ist.
Even if I load only 3 accounts, my profit in 15 minutes is already x10 Ber (x67 Ist's). I also provide character leveling services (1-80) for ~23$ (~620 Ber's or ~9300fg, the average price from top drivers on d2jsp for the same service is 1000fg).
Despite the fact that I deliberately drop some prices that are 5 or even 20 times higher than mine.
There are many ways to make profit, you just need to pick up a calculator and use your brain. Use all available platforms, because everything in our world is interconnected.
I don't give the fish, but I do give the fishing rod and instructions for using it.M1ck wrote: I think your offer is fair. Assume there is enough profit left to satisfy his reseller requirement.
I think that in general this instruction will not be useful, because most people are lazy and don't want to learn. But I will remind you that until this site has strict rules about which prices are acceptable and which are not, any reseller who reads this post with a smile will continue to do his job, not paying attention to your reprimand and attempts to shame him.
I'm totally against scam, but some on this forum don't understand a thing about economics in general. We all overpay someone because of a lack of knowledge that we ourselves have not spent part of our lives on.