...or does everyone use Titan's Revenge ......
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...or does everyone use Titan's Revenge ......
As far as I know, you "poke" (with Charged Strike) using Thunderstroke, and use Titan's Revenge for Lightning Fury.
I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
I used a few times, but you need to be careful about your ammo.
So if i am going to farm cow level, Chaos Sanctuary or other high density areas, i don't like using it. But you could probably carry it with you and use it on bosses.
So if i am going to farm cow level, Chaos Sanctuary or other high density areas, i don't like using it. But you could probably carry it with you and use it on bosses.
I use both. Thunderstroke does more damage, but Titan's are more convenient to use because they replenish. Then of course you have the nice stat bonus on Titan's and lower requirements.
But I still like Tstrokes better because they are faster (allowing you to hit higher IAS breakpoints with the right gear) and hit harder.
But I still like Tstrokes better because they are faster (allowing you to hit higher IAS breakpoints with the right gear) and hit harder.
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PC | Softcore Non-Ladder | US Eastern Time (UTC-4)
Expansion Ladder Season 1 Level 99 (#115 Amazon, #584 Overall)

I actually use both. When I need to push more damage, I switch to Thunderstroke + Spirit. When playing it safe, I switch to Titan's Revenge + Stormshield. And for less risky areas (e.g. The Pit), I go for Titan's w/ Spirit.
If using a sunder charm Thunderstroke is definitely better, -15% lightning resistance and +15% IAS is far more valuable than anything Titan's provides. Plus you can reach a higher FCR / IAS breakpoint with a 10% Caster Amulet, one 10% ring and 20% IAS gloves.
Arguably the best is actually +6 Javelin skills / 40 IAS magic Javelin, but it is very rare....
Arguably the best is actually +6 Javelin skills / 40 IAS magic Javelin, but it is very rare....
I use Eth upped Titans (with a spare set in the stash so I never have to wait for them to regen) for the quality of life. I just grab a fresh set when in town starting a new game so I don't have to worry about ammo. I have mana leech on my rings and gloves and reach 15% mana stolen per hit so I don't have to worry mana potions except sometimes when fighting undead or if a monster has mana burn. The 9% life leech on the titans and 14 life after kill from Enigma make it so I don't have to worry about life. I have 70 FCR (from Spirit , griffons, and 10 FCR on a ring), so I hit the 68 FCR breakpoint for tele. Hitting 99 FCR for the next breakpoint isn't practical. I have 30 IAS (20 from gloves and 10 from Goldwrap or nosferatus coil) I hit the 30 breakpoint for Lightning Fury (next breakpoint is 52) and I hit the 26 breakpoint for Charged Strike (next breakpoint is 50) I could hit 50 with highlords instead of mara's, but would give up too much for slightly faster boss kills. The only weakness to this setup that I see is a relatively weak Belt, but I don't see much room for improvement outside of a +6jav 40 IAS . To me, the only thing thunderstrokes offer is -15 light resistance. That is a nice damage boost, but I have a sunder charm and Infinity on my merc and griffs, so I don't feel like the increase makes up for all the QOL improvements Eth titans offers. Maybe the extra -15 light res would make more of an impact with 8 players? I have Call To Arms on switch, so it would not make sense to take the time to swap out for Thunderstrokes for bosses. I would love feedback on my setup, especially if someone sees a way to improve (all of my resists are maxed too).
Hitting the 99% breakpoint is easily practical. Only thing out of the ordinary is the requirement of a 9% Caster Amulet, some builds require the full 20% to reach the desired breakpoint. Sunder charm setup: https://maxroll.gg/d2/guides/lightning- ... tup-headerLandros wrote: 1 year ago I use Eth upped Titans (with a spare set in the stash so I never have to wait for them to regen) for the quality of life. I just grab a fresh set when in town starting a new game so I don't have to worry about ammo. I have mana leech on my rings and gloves and reach 15% mana stolen per hit so I don't have to worry mana potions except sometimes when fighting undead or if a monster has mana burn. The 9% life leech on the titans and 14 life after kill from Enigma make it so I don't have to worry about life. I have 70 FCR (from Spirit , griffons, and 10 FCR on a ring), so I hit the 68 FCR breakpoint for tele. Hitting 99 FCR for the next breakpoint isn't practical. I have 30 IAS (20 from gloves and 10 from Goldwrap or nosferatus coil) I hit the 30 breakpoint for Lightning Fury (next breakpoint is 52) and I hit the 26 breakpoint for Charged Strike (next breakpoint is 50) I could hit 50 with highlords instead of mara's, but would give up too much for slightly faster boss kills. The only weakness to this setup that I see is a relatively weak Belt, but I don't see much room for improvement outside of a +6jav 40 IAS . To me, the only thing thunderstrokes offer is -15 light resistance. That is a nice damage boost, but I have a sunder charm and Infinity on my merc and griffs, so I don't feel like the increase makes up for all the QOL improvements Eth titans offers. Maybe the extra -15 light res would make more of an impact with 8 players? I have Call To Arms on switch, so it would not make sense to take the time to swap out for Thunderstrokes for bosses. I would love feedback on my setup, especially if someone sees a way to improve (all of my resists are maxed too).
So with Thunderstroke you have a faster cast rate break point, same IAS breakpoint and -15% lightning resistance. I get the replenish quantity of Titan's is handy though. Also Conviction does not have as big a range as Lightning Fury, which can clear screens ahead.... This does make a difference on higher player counts.
Isn't IAS jewel in griffon + Razortail better then 10% IAS Belt ( Goldwrap or nosferatus)? I ran in this setup with 15 IAS/ poison res jewel to achieve 75% poison res.Landros wrote: 1 year ago I use Eth upped Titans (with a spare set in the stash so I never have to wait for them to regen) for the quality of life. I just grab a fresh set when in town starting a new game so I don't have to worry about ammo. I have mana leech on my rings and gloves and reach 15% mana stolen per hit so I don't have to worry mana potions except sometimes when fighting undead or if a monster has mana burn. The 9% life leech on the titans and 14 life after kill from Enigma make it so I don't have to worry about life. I have 70 FCR (from Spirit , griffons, and 10 FCR on a ring), so I hit the 68 FCR breakpoint for tele. Hitting 99 FCR for the next breakpoint isn't practical. I have 30 IAS (20 from gloves and 10 from Goldwrap or nosferatus coil) I hit the 30 breakpoint for Lightning Fury (next breakpoint is 52) and I hit the 26 breakpoint for Charged Strike (next breakpoint is 50) I could hit 50 with highlords instead of mara's, but would give up too much for slightly faster boss kills. The only weakness to this setup that I see is a relatively weak Belt, but I don't see much room for improvement outside of a +6jav 40 IAS . To me, the only thing thunderstrokes offer is -15 light resistance. That is a nice damage boost, but I have a sunder charm and Infinity on my merc and griffs, so I don't feel like the increase makes up for all the QOL improvements Eth titans offers. Maybe the extra -15 light res would make more of an impact with 8 players? I have Call To Arms on switch, so it would not make sense to take the time to swap out for Thunderstrokes for bosses. I would love feedback on my setup, especially if someone sees a way to improve (all of my resists are maxed too).
Landros wrote: 1 year ago I use Eth upped Titans (with a spare set in the stash so I never have to wait for them to regen) for the quality of life. I just grab a fresh set when in town starting a new game so I don't have to worry about ammo. I have mana leech on my rings and gloves and reach 15% mana stolen per hit so I don't have to worry mana potions except sometimes when fighting undead or if a monster has mana burn. The 9% life leech on the titans and 14 life after kill from Enigma make it so I don't have to worry about life. I have 70 FCR (from Spirit , griffons, and 10 FCR on a ring), so I hit the 68 FCR breakpoint for tele. Hitting 99 FCR for the next breakpoint isn't practical. I have 30 IAS (20 from gloves and 10 from Goldwrap or nosferatus coil) I hit the 30 breakpoint for Lightning Fury (next breakpoint is 52) and I hit the 26 breakpoint for Charged Strike (next breakpoint is 50) I could hit 50 with highlords instead of mara's, but would give up too much for slightly faster boss kills. The only weakness to this setup that I see is a relatively weak Belt, but I don't see much room for improvement outside of a +6jav 40 IAS . To me, the only thing thunderstrokes offer is -15 light resistance. That is a nice damage boost, but I have a sunder charm and Infinity on my merc and griffs, so I don't feel like the increase makes up for all the QOL improvements Eth titans offers. Maybe the extra -15 light res would make more of an impact with 8 players? I have Call To Arms on switch, so it would not make sense to take the time to swap out for Thunderstrokes for bosses. I would love feedback on my setup, especially if someone sees a way to improve (all of my resists are maxed too).
There are several ways to approach the IAS/FCR challenges. Part of it could even depend on how proficient you are with how you've configured your game controls if you cube swap like I do. I'd rather not do that, but the optimal gear configuration is situational and if I need extra performance for a given situation, I'll make the necessary swaps to accommodate it.M1ck wrote: 1 year ago Hitting the 99% breakpoint is easily practical. Only thing out of the ordinary is the requirement of a 9% Caster Amulet, some builds require the full 20% to reach the desired breakpoint. Sunder charm setup: https://maxroll.gg/d2/guides/lightning- ... tup-header
So with Thunderstroke you have a faster cast rate break point, same IAS breakpoint and -15% lightning resistance. I get the replenish quantity of Titan's is handy though. Also Conviction does not have as big a range as Lightning Fury, which can clear screens ahead.... This does make a difference on higher player counts.
As for the belt, Razortail and Arachnid Mesh both offer more versatility than Nosferatu's Coil (I don't consider Goldwrap viable at all because its secondary properties aren't useful enough), and I don't think the 10% IAS is necessary since it only barely complements Titan's Revenge but introduces significant tradeoffs.
I strictly use Thunderstroke as a boss killer. However, that doesn't mean I have it on weapon switch or even keep it in the cube. For a planned event where I have time to set up like DClone or Ubers (minus Uber Mephisto) or even PvP, Thunderstroke is far superior to eth/up Titan's Revenge because I have the gear for a level 48 Charged Strike (and its synergies) after Battle Command. For anything else PvM though, I'm taking Titan's Revenge because a higher proportion of time will be spent on trash mobs versus bosses. Why isn't Thunderstroke in my cube though? Well, that's another story.
In my cube is always Crack of the Heavens and either Call To Arms or Wizardspike. Wizardspike is for long distance or discovery teleporting after casting BC/BO and the mana boost helps a lot for those long distance Teleport runs. When else is FCR relevant for an Amazon though? Hardly ever, so that's why I don't try to do full-time 99+% FCR with my primary weapon.
Crack of the Heavens stays in the cube until it's actually needed. In a Chaos Sanctuary run, the only time I would need it is against a lightning enchanted Grand Vizier of Chaos. Also, let me say that I hate looking at D2Planner builds that rely on a Fade proc from Treachery to max resists. If you've ever tried to proc Fade by wearing Treachery and standing in fire, you'll understand why. That crap proc chance can sometimes take longer to trigger than killing an uber. I have full-time maxed resists on my javazon without relying on a Fade proc as a crutch, so I'm not going to take the resistance penalty from Crack of the Heavens until it's absolutely necessary.
I haven't even gotten into the amulets yet, but I'll leave those alone for now. Basically, there are gearsets that work together to optimize either Lightning Fury or Charged Strike output. Given the type of run, the time constraints of a run, whether I need to lead the run (for a party), and whatever else I'm doing at any point in time, I usually end up just going with a general purpose "good enough" gearset in most situations. For me, "good enough" is based around Titan's Revenge, but it's also noticeably slower for speedkilling DClone.

PC | Softcore Non-Ladder | US Eastern Time (UTC-4)
Expansion Ladder Season 1 Level 99 (#115 Amazon, #584 Overall)

Great info guys, I appreciate the replies. I do need to take a closer look on working Razortail or Arachnid's Mesh into my setup. That could mean dropping my 5/5 facet from my Griphs and replacing it with an IAS jewel. A caster ammy is also something to think about, but I guess I just disregarded it since a GG one would probably be cost prohibitive. I like the idea of keeping the tiny Wizardspike available for tele for Key runs or Baal runs. At the end of the day, all of these things are probably overkill for me since I mostly run solo, unless Blizz finally adds the player 8 command to battlenet games (which would be great)
A bit late to the party, but orignially I was running Titans + Spirit, then eTitans + Phoenix + 15/15 in Griff, then exchanging Phoenix for 20/20 JMo( Defiance), then 2/2/40 rare javs instead of Titans.
I've always considered Thunderstroke as a niche use item that is in the "win more" category. For ubers and dclone that -15% res certainly helps against their massive health pools, but pretty much everything else dies in a second or less to a javazon, even in P8 (dclone doesn't even last that long either really). There's some argument for Tstroke against sundered immunes since it's about equal to Convic off Infinity (-15 vs -17), but Titans is more than enough to get the job done quickly.
You could also say that 2/2/40s are in the "win more" category, but I'm too in love with the 7/9 frame speed. I can't go back to Titans.
I've always considered Thunderstroke as a niche use item that is in the "win more" category. For ubers and dclone that -15% res certainly helps against their massive health pools, but pretty much everything else dies in a second or less to a javazon, even in P8 (dclone doesn't even last that long either really). There's some argument for Tstroke against sundered immunes since it's about equal to Convic off Infinity (-15 vs -17), but Titans is more than enough to get the job done quickly.
You could also say that 2/2/40s are in the "win more" category, but I'm too in love with the 7/9 frame speed. I can't go back to Titans.
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