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I'm having difficulty researching/testing conclusively on my own, so I thought I'd ask the community: What happens when you cast
Lower Resist
on an enemy who is currently poisoned?

Does each tick of poison damage take resistances into account, or is the total damage over the duration of the spell calculated only upon initial application?

In other words, does casting
Lower Resist
on an enemy who is poisoned increase the poison damage they are taking (assuming enemy has >0 poison resist, duration, etc.)?
Description by BillyMaysed

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I'm having difficulty researching/testing conclusively on my own, so I thought I'd ask the community: What happens when you cast
Lower Resist
on an enemy who is currently poisoned?

Does each tick of poison damage take resistances into account, or is the total damage over the duration of the spell calculated only upon initial application?

In other words, does casting
Lower Resist
on an enemy who is poisoned increase the poison damage they are taking (assuming enemy has >0 poison resist, duration, etc.)?
It does not. From the Amazonbasin ( ... nt-1419063 )
It is pointless to apply any of the relevant modifiers after the poison application (no difference between when they weren't applied until after poison application and unmodified results); clearly they have to be applied either before or with poison.
It is also clear that both LR and -% EPR have to be applied with the poison, since applying them on activation (but not on application) had results identical to those when unmodified.
Furthermore, once LR and -% EPR have been applied with the poison, they can be removed; the results on application (but not after application) indicated that they have their desired effect.
As an extension to this, I was wondering about
Poison Nova
'stacking' -- or more accurately 'overriding. Found some answers here: ... ed.571717/

Seems like a higher damage
Poison Nova
will override a lower damage
Poison Nova
. Hopefully this means that if you:

Poison Nova

Lower Resist
(no extra PN damage)
Poison Nova
(extra damage!)

Seems like you can correct your mistake of not cursing first :)


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