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Hey guys, in case you were wondering where I've been the last few days basically I came down with pretty bad food poisoning on Sunday night and haven’t improved since then.

Been bed-bound the whole time. My farts smell like
Strangling Gas Potion
and I keep on throwing up so I think it’s Salmonella or Gastritis. Still waiting for a doctor to call me back…

Sorry for not getting back to your messages and/or contributions and thanks again to everyone who has been working on descriptions/comments/guides this whole time. Keep it up guys and I’ll be back soon!
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Teebling 6239Admin

Europe PC
Hey guys, in case you were wondering where I've been the last few days basically I came down with pretty bad food poisoning on Sunday night and haven’t improved since then.

Been bed-bound the whole time. My farts smell like
Strangling Gas Potion
and I keep on throwing up so I think it’s Salmonella or Gastritis. Still waiting for a doctor to call me back…

Sorry for not getting back to your messages and/or contributions and thanks again to everyone who has been working on descriptions/comments/guides this whole time. Keep it up guys and I’ll be back soon!

I am really sorry to hear that Teebling,

My ex girlfriend and I once went to the theater and she decided to get some food there. Everything was fine until we got back home and she started throwing up non-stop for the entire duration of the night. We had to call an ambulance and she spent several days in the hospital.

Food poisoning is no joke at all and I really do hope you recover quickly.

Take good care of yourself my friend.
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Dzik 50

Assassin Americas PC
Damn that sucks, hope you will get better soon.

Once I ended up in hospital after neglecting my situation, (healthcare is expensive in USA :( ) it turned out I was having anaphylactic shock after eating food I was not aware I was allergic to. I was bedridden for more than a month and I’m careful with my food ever since. So, if you get any worse don't wait to go to a doctor like me.


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