I tried every fix on the internet - windows and all of the drivers are up to date, I tried every method can I could find on the official troubleshooting guide and forums, I reinstalled both bnet and d2r. No geforce experience. Firewall disabled. Everything running asthe administrator. Nothing works.
I didnt delete Settings.JSON because D2R folder in C:\Users\WindowsUSERNAME\Saved Games\ doesnt exist.
Code: Select all
12/26 19:25:39.283 [tact/4] [<>:0]: Error while performing host resolution for 'eu.cdn.blizzard.com'. Error (10109): The specified class was not found
12/26 19:25:39.283 [tact/4] [<>:0]: Error while performing host resolution for 'level3.blizzard.com'. Error (10109): The specified class was not found
12/26 19:25:39.283 [tact/4] [<>:0]: Error while performing host resolution for 'eu.cdn.blizzard.com'. Error (10109): The specified class was not found
12/26 19:25:39.283 [tact/4] [<>:0]: Error while performing host resolution for 'level3.ssl.blizzard.com'. Error (10109): The specified class was not found
12/26 19:25:39.283 [tact/4] [<>:0]: No valid edge nodes were resolved. Could not initialize resolver.
12/26 19:25:39.284 [aio/4] [<>:0]: Failed to open file. Error (3): The specified class was not found
12/26 19:25:39.284 [aio/4] [<>:0]: Encountered an unexpected result. Error (3): The specified class was not found
12/26 19:25:39.284 [tact/4] [<>:0]: Failed to open the config file for reading.
12/26 19:25:39.284 [tact/4] [<>:0]: Failed to load patch config. Error(1) : unknown failure
12/26 19:25:39.284 [tact/4] [<>:0]: TACT Failed to create an instance. [1, unknown failure]
12/26 19:25:39.284 [tact/4] [<>:0]: Unable to load file manifest. Invalid tact instance.