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The 3 most important SSF offline end-game farming builds!

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I’ve pretty much being playing D2R since it came out, i played the original way back in the day, and LoD on the family comp when i could have been studying… but i digress.

Since the launch of D2R i wanted to do everything myself, so i went the offline SSF route. I also don’t have a computer these days, so i play on console (probably a less ideal gaming experience but maybe more convenient for a modern lifestyle).

And in my time of playing, I’ve gathered great Wealth, nearly completed my holy grail (Tyrell’s might,
Wisp Projector
, Schaefer’s hammer and mang-songs still missing i think), and found enough high runes to make whatever builds I’ve wanted.

Nowadays i only play on P7/8, if a build can’t handle that - to me it’s not worth it!

Recently I’ve gotten into trying out “fun” and experimental builds, nothing is too niche to experiment - as long as it’s fun. Almost every one of my character slots has been tokened to some crazy weird build… except 3.

There are three builds I’ve nailed down to their best in slot gear and will never adjust (unless a crazy patch comes out changing everything - ha!). And I can recommend them to everyone. This isn’t meant to de-rail anyone’s build that are ‘fun’ to play, i have some of those that I like, but that role is very subjective, vs the objective utility of these three builds. They fill 3

The Density clearer - useful for general farming, base/magic item farming
The MFer - i use solely for specific
zones (Andy, meph, trist, pits, etc),
zones supplanted pit running for sure
The Rune Horker - there’s no better way to get runes, like damn it’s insane how fast/often HRs drop compared to normal farming

A bit more details you say? Fair warning: these are end-game builds, so you’ll need some resources to get them geared up properly!

Density clearer - I’ll die on the hill that the self-wielding ES Infinity
sorc is the overall best character in the game - she actually can do it all, to change her from high density clear speed to efficient MF only swaps a few items/sockets, but she excels at places like the
Chaos Sanctuary
, cows, and pretty much every tc85 areas. If I’m ever bored I’ll open her up and do a few runs, always pleasantly surprised how fast and capable she is. Need to farm a rune-word base?
. Need to find a rare magic item?
, want to just kill as much stuff as possible and be awed at what drops?
! You can find all the build details fairly easily, she’s well established in the meta. The only other contender here is the Mosaic sin, but personally i find the build a bit too tedious to play - managing all those charges, then keeping them active? Ain’t nobody got time for that! There’s a few other good density clearers, but none really match the
sorc (IMAO).

The MFer - shouldn’t surprise many the hammerdin is here. There’s a few other builds that can contend with the hammerdin for MF effectiveness, maybe the javazon, blizzard sorc, but for running terrorized Andy specifically (which is the best kill speed/high level uinque drop rate in the game) the hammerdin stands above all. He can also do everything, but the gameplay can get a bit tedious in tight places, or when that one monster
’s the hammer’s spiral. Other MF build typically don’t have the raw damage output the hammerdin does, especially in magic damage. Just a standard MF hammerdin build needed, no secrets here!

The Rune horker - lets face it, in the end game you need high runes, everything
and higher, you’ll need lots. Sure they drop pretty much everywhere in hell at varying frequencies, LK is a good place, TC 85 and
zones are good, cows are good, but damn, for me, like every hundred runs or so at Trav my horker finds something. 75% of my Bers, 100% of my Jahs were found here - i found a
in WSK, but for Chams and Zods, best to either trade or for SSF: just cube up. The horker also is great for gold find, which if you’re a gambler is fun - but I’ve found re-rolling and crafting more efficient in getting GG gear. Again no surprises in the build (but i do my runs on P5 - maybe 1/7 i need to chug a rejuv, and increases drop rate significantly).

Anyways those are my thoughts on the three most important end-game farming builds. There’s definitely other options: a well geared Javazon could do it all too, a trapsin isn’t bad, there’s other builds too, but the ones above I’ve found to be the most constant in their performance and the easiest to play.

Happy farming!

I’d be interested in details on other great farming end-game builds!
Description by Nate2.0

Can be used to make Runewords:

I’ve pretty much being playing D2R since it came out, i played the original way back in the day, and LoD on the family comp when i could have been studying… but i digress.

Since the launch of D2R i wanted to do everything myself, so i went the offline SSF route. I also don’t have a computer these days, so i play on console (probably a less ideal gaming experience but maybe more convenient for a modern lifestyle).

And in my time of playing, I’ve gathered great Wealth, nearly completed my holy grail (Tyrell’s might,
Wisp Projector
, Schaefer’s hammer and mang-songs still missing i think), and found enough high runes to make whatever builds I’ve wanted.

Nowadays i only play on P7/8, if a build can’t handle that - to me it’s not worth it!

Recently I’ve gotten into trying out “fun” and experimental builds, nothing is too niche to experiment - as long as it’s fun. Almost every one of my character slots has been tokened to some crazy weird build… except 3.

There are three builds I’ve nailed down to their best in slot gear and will never adjust (unless a crazy patch comes out changing everything - ha!). And I can recommend them to everyone. This isn’t meant to de-rail anyone’s build that are ‘fun’ to play, i have some of those that I like, but that role is very subjective, vs the objective utility of these three builds. They fill 3

The Density clearer - useful for general farming, base/magic item farming
The MFer - i use solely for specific
zones (Andy, meph, trist, pits, etc),
zones supplanted pit running for sure
The Rune Horker - there’s no better way to get runes, like damn it’s insane how fast/often HRs drop compared to normal farming

A bit more details you say? Fair warning: these are end-game builds, so you’ll need some resources to get them geared up properly!

Density clearer - I’ll die on the hill that the self-wielding ES Infinity
sorc is the overall best character in the game - she actually can do it all, to change her from high density clear speed to efficient MF only swaps a few items/sockets, but she excels at places like the
Chaos Sanctuary
, cows, and pretty much every tc85 areas. If I’m ever bored I’ll open her up and do a few runs, always pleasantly surprised how fast and capable she is. Need to farm a rune-word base?
. Need to find a rare magic item?
, want to just kill as much stuff as possible and be awed at what drops?
! You can find all the build details fairly easily, she’s well established in the meta. The only other contender here is the Mosaic sin, but personally i find the build a bit too tedious to play - managing all those charges, then keeping them active? Ain’t nobody got time for that! There’s a few other good density clearers, but none really match the
sorc (IMAO).

The MFer - shouldn’t surprise many the hammerdin is here. There’s a few other builds that can contend with the hammerdin for MF effectiveness, maybe the javazon, blizzard sorc, but for running terrorized Andy specifically (which is the best kill speed/high level uinque drop rate in the game) the hammerdin stands above all. He can also do everything, but the gameplay can get a bit tedious in tight places, or when that one monster
’s the hammer’s spiral. Other MF build typically don’t have the raw damage output the hammerdin does, especially in magic damage. Just a standard MF hammerdin build needed, no secrets here!

The Rune horker - lets face it, in the end game you need high runes, everything
and higher, you’ll need lots. Sure they drop pretty much everywhere in hell at varying frequencies, LK is a good place, TC 85 and
zones are good, cows are good, but damn, for me, like every hundred runs or so at Trav my horker finds something. 75% of my Bers, 100% of my Jahs were found here - i found a
in WSK, but for Chams and Zods, best to either trade or for SSF: just cube up. The horker also is great for gold find, which if you’re a gambler is fun - but I’ve found re-rolling and crafting more efficient in getting GG gear. Again no surprises in the build (but i do my runs on P5 - maybe 1/7 i need to chug a rejuv, and increases drop rate significantly).

Anyways those are my thoughts on the three most important end-game farming builds. There’s definitely other options: a well geared Javazon could do it all too, a trapsin isn’t bad, there’s other builds too, but the ones above I’ve found to be the most constant in their performance and the easiest to play.

Happy farming!

I’d be interested in details on other great farming end-game builds!
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Necrarch 2405Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
I'll add 3 more, specific to a given situation :

> The survivor, for HC play.

My bet would then be on summoner necro, that well geared can play fine and with a huge permanent meat (well, bony) shield, but that can be discussed, there are other options.

> The PvPer

For PvP of course

I'll put a point on Bone necro, but there are many other options like trapsins.

> The season starter

To start ladder with a quick and efficient char to start farming stuff for the others mentioned above.

Most popular is certainly cold sorc, which can go quick while undergeared. Trapsin works too.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
I believe you all left out perhaps the most important job of them all, Ubers

Everything you said is true, but here's my opinion ..

You only need One Class to do it all, That's Right! The Summon Necro

High Density Mobs? EZ. Capable of stacking 300% MF? NP

Hell even with a few Charm Swaps you even got yourself a GoldNecro (sure they don't have
Find Item
skill, but the Gold Find Barb can only do Trav)

, Diablo, Meph, Andy all insects waiting to be crushed by your TeleStomp

Oh wait, did we forget about Ubers? Nah Summon Necro got your back

Now I won't bring up PvP but if we must. my Level 69 Necro back in the day would pawn Lvl 99 Barbs with Wall +
Iron Maiden
, but that's another story

So if you was looking for One Class to Rule them All, Boom! Necromancer is your answer

And the best part in all this, You don't even have to do anything asides
with occasional AmpCurse and
Corpse Explosion

It's a super laid back, easy to play class that I obviously enjoy the most! Necrarch knows what I'm talking about

Now all joking aside, the obvious best answer here is The Sorcdin

Sorc for the MF Gear, Din for Keys and Ubers = Fastest way to get Rich in D2R starting from Nothing

But at the end of the day, you won't be as cool looking as my Summon Necro ;)

Appreciate the Read Nate, That's awesome how far you've gone with Diablo2

BTW have you seen GGM's video on infinite
Rune Trick for Offline?

He's figured out that there's an algorithm in how drops are calculated and 100% Guarantees a
every single Run

If not, you are welcome for that. It's rather simple and only take 15 seconds to run

Hunting Everyone!!

All Trades are Negotiable. Long Live
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Necrarch 2405Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Good point, we forgot the Boss Killer. And that's definitely a Smiter Pally. DClones, Ubers... Smiiiite !


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
Whoot Whoot!

Great feedback, but for me end-game farming is different than early to mid-game farming, or playing for the fun of it. I consider Ubers mid-game farming, a smiter can do it at a very reasonable level with pretty cheap gear, and once you’ve got a good torch there’s little incentive to do it again - unless you just want the challenge, which again I’d say isn’t farming but playing for fun. There’s probably limitless ways to play for just fun - I’d include PvP in here.
Soultego wrote: 1 year ago
100% Guarantees a
every single Run
Yea I’ve seen the vid, MrLlamasc did a vid on the same process a year or two ago, and it works great if your playing on a computer and can set the map seed, on console though, not so much (also it still doesn’t 100% guarantee a
every single time). Fortunately for us console players we have the airplane mode glitch - so even though i appreciate the difficulty of rune farming - and I’d be embarrassed to admit how much time I’ve spent doing it - nowadays if i need a high rune, i just pull one from my rune mule. I’ll still pick up a HR if i see it drop - it’s still fun to see them, i don’t end up saving them anymore. Sometime i just leave them on the Ground - highest i think I’ve done that was

My first character on my SSF journey was a summoner necro, for sure it’s the cheapest, easiest and safetest build that can do everything - i just got bored of managing all the minions, and got tired of having to go to nylathaks temple at the start of every game to get the army going. The
sorc and hammerdin are bing bang boom, done! Runs went tens of minutes or more to 5 minutes or less. But sometimes i still play with the summon necro for fun/nostalgia!
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Rik 136

Americas PC
Nate, considering how short your grail list is,
Wisp Projector
does not belong. That’s some pretty wild rng. I’ve found 2, possibly 3 this season alone. Then again, last season I found 6 maras out of 7 unique amulets.. I think I prefer my rng :p

A fine list thus far, but I think I’d elevate horker barb as the premier general mf gawd, not just runes, at least on p/1. On single player, his item find gift is nullified by players toggle. Online, it’s not easy to find full games you can jump in and find decent tz levels which aren’t already occupied or completed. Barbs item find can emulate drops from normal monsters usually only available at p5. When you account for initial drop chanceon kill, a barb, if item finding each killed monster, can expect 3x the drops of another char running p1. Granted, it can be a cumbersome way of playing, and you’re dealing with barb kill speeds along with the fcr rate loss of horking every corpse so your clear speeds will be very slow. But adding everything up, including the time of creating new games and transporting to an area, it’s an efficient way of accumulating Wealth, albeit, your leveling progress will suffer.

But then, add on top of that 75 percent more drops super uniques/champions etc. if you just hork those, along with dense monster stacks, cows/flayers, you will be rolling in Wealth.

Finally, on top of that, you can stack mf on a barb like no other and still have a killing/ endurable mf machine. Get yourself to 63 fcr on item swap with 180 mf
Phase Blade
, Enigma and x2 Grief on other weapon swap and you’ve got, I’d say bar none the best mfer p1 has to offer. He can run any area besides dolls with very low Death risk, bosses melt with
Battle Cry
and crushing blow plus you get to dig through dead bodies while grunting enthusiastically. S tier.
I updated the title to better reflect what play style it relates to
Rik wrote: 1 year ago
Wisp Projector
does not belong
Buddy i wish you were right, I’ve found like 4 metalgrids, usually multiple version of all the other tc87 items…

Oh I haven’t found a
yet, cubed them up, but never dropped one,

Ah and sry and I haven’t seen
The Cow King
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Rik 136

Americas PC
Nate2.0 wrote: 1 year ago
I updated the title to better reflect what play style it relates to
Rik wrote: 1 year ago
Wisp Projector
does not belong
Buddy i wish you were right, I’ve found like 4 metalgrids, usually multiple version of all the other tc87 items…

Oh I haven’t found a
yet, cubed them up, but never dropped one,

Ah and sry and I haven’t seen
The Cow King
Rng works in mysterious ways..

We’ve got similar grail list lengths. I managed to find 3 last season but I’m still waiting on mang song, Death web, and tyreals. Last season I found Schaefer’s, c bashher and 3 storm spires haha. One of them might have been the season prior can’t remember.

There also might be an additional grail item I haven’t listed oh wait, there is,
. I actually want that one for use. I’ve never taken a fire Druid to full form, only early as a leveling instrument but they seem like a great time.

Best of luck bro, I predict you’ll find 2 wispies within a month ;p
Can anyone point me in the direction of a good horker build guide? I've looked around and haven't found much. Maxroll and Icy Veins both look geared towards gold find, which I'm not sure is what a horker is?
AmiableCelt wrote: 1 year ago
Can anyone point me in the direction of a good horker build guide?
There’s lots of different ways to play/build a horker. First thing’s first, what’s you budget? If you’re SSFing the easiest would be to run LK until you can make a Grief in a
Phase Blade
, then after that you can pretty much just stack as much mf gear as possible. Skill wise you’d want to max
Blade Mastery
Battle Orders
Find Item
Find Potion
. Stat wise i like to put about 100 points into strength, don’t need much in dex, then the rest in vitality.

Merc wise you’ve got some options too, a might merc can survive if given the right gear (
Guardian Angel
, Kira’s), a
Holy Freeze
merc can be useful. You can also try an act 1 cold merc, or even an act 5
merc works well enough.
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Necrarch 2405Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
If it's for Trav, I'd advise against a1 merc.
She can be excellent, but not in Trav where she gets quickly cooked.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap


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