Helping all life form and living with honesty
Winners in order they were posted:
I’ll pm these winners to set up time so they can get their runes
1st - Marek22 -“ selflessly helping others” - he has Key word of helping others. Not all things but he has the Key word, missing 2nd part but its all good
2nd - Kaot88- Helping others, in return asking they only "pay it foward. " - he also mentioned helping others.
3rd place - Xart - “Being accepted or loved for exactly how you are” - no Key words but the phrase does relate to being living with honesty
Honorable mention:
Mockingbirdreal - “Do what I love. Live a meaningful life without giving a damn about money. ::::disqual for > 10 words? Otherwise, matched 50%” - mockingbird would have won 2nd place if he words them 10 or below, but he doenst care and just want to join the party

Twinsen - “Sharing things that you value with people whom you dont even know.” - this is almost means helping others but this seems to indicate only materialistic items, which is far from helping all things/others.
OVERALL, i enjoy reading your guys take on this question. THANKS ALL FOR PARTCIPATING!
i will make anothet event this weekend and it will be fun(i believe)…there will be prizes
Hi everyone
I am giving away a free Ber rune, with just one question for everyone.
***this event will end tomorrow 24th, 2023 @ 7:30 pm cst ***
Please read below carefully before placing your reply

See below for the rules:
-ONLY one reply per user, you may edit your post
-reply cannot exceed 10 words to form a coherent phrase
-require at least 20+ users to reply to this posting
-user who does not follow the above rules will not be considered even if he/she provided the right answer
Here is the question:
If your answer is close to what I have on mind, which I have written down, you will win the Ber rune.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner will be based on how close the answer is to my original answer and my interpretations of your answer to mine. This is just for fun guys, don’t get serious if you think my interpretation is wrong.
Once i post my answer to this original post and the winners, further ninja editing of your own reply will no longer be accepted, as I have already looked at all the replies at that point and have declared the winners

Seeing this has alot of replies, i have decided to add 2nd place n 3rd place winner.
1st - Ber
2nd - Vex
3rd - Ist
This is a 48 hour giveway post. Will check back within 48 hours to see the result.