Apologies if that is not the correct place for the thread, but I think that it's more of a general discussion rather than price check
Whenever there is a discussion around the runes in some forum (even the official one) there is always someone that will mention the word "High" rune and some arbitrary number in which for example Lo and Sur are very close and Ber and Jah are quite close as well. We will leave Cham and Zod out of the discussion. If we are to check some sites selling/"trading" items for $$/FG (from what it seems you can buy the same with $$, so...) that will certainly be the case, but with slightly bigger difference (I won't mention names, but I think the first result in google are obvious to anyone).
In practice almost nobody is going to trade (in-game) a rune for lower versions unless they are at least close to 95-100% of the cubing value. You can make a game and wait to verify it, you can check the threads here and it will be the mostly the same. Obviously there will be exceptions if someone is in a hurry. The reality is that people will always try to up-sell to whatever the market can bear, but be dirty cheap when they want to buy something.
Just example from this site:
The same guy wants to buy Jah for Ber, but sells Jah for Ber+ Sur in the SAME TIME (and yes it's in the same non-ladder).
That is how trading works even in real-life (resellers, scalpers, whatever) - if you can make a profit, you will make a profit. I'm not blaming the guy, don't get me wrong. It's just to prove the point that nobody really wants to give their highER rune for less
My personal experience - Before few weeks I was trying to find Lo for Grief for Ohm + 3x Gul + Ist (or 93.75% of the cubing value, that is what I had TBH). Most people who entered the game wanted something like + Mal+ Um+ Pul, Ist, 2x Mal, 2x Ist (!!) etc or 99.X-106.25% of the cubing value, so I just continued farming until I was able to cube it myself (and that was probably for days)
From what I can understand it seems like in the past there was a massive issue with rune duplicates and therefore everything lost its value and was a "HIGH" rune, but nowadays outside of bots (maybe) that should not be the case, so we are simply on the cubing value even tho high runes are almost matter of luck and they just "drop" instead of being cubed. Back in the days of the original I was a kid and only played it for some time very causally, so even tho I'm aware of what the game was, the online drama is kind of unknown area to me.
What is your opinion on the subject? How should the runes be traded one to another considering what is realistic? As I mentioned the arbitrary price is completely useless if it's respected only when someone searches for a rune, but nobody sells
