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About superior items:

This recipe can not be used with superior items.
To add sockets to any superior items, you must use the reward from the Siege of Harrogath quest (also known as the
About the number of sockets:

When using the socketing recipe it rolls a number between 1 and 6 and the item rolls with that number of sockets.

When items have less maximum sockets, they will have a higher chance of rolling the max number of sockets from the recipe.

Example with
Kite Shield
(max 3 sockets):
  • 1/6 chance to get 1 socket
  • 1/6 chance to get 2 sockets
  • 4/6 chance to get 3 sockets
About the ebug:

There was a bug in the original game called the "eth bug" or "ebug" for short.
By using this recipe on an Ethereal armor, the +50% ethereal defense bonus was applied twice.
The result was an "ebugged" armor base, used for runewords, with much more defense than normal.

This is not possible in D2R.
Description by Trang Oul

Can be used to make Runewords:

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Teebling Admin

Europe PC
About superior items:

This recipe can not be used with superior items.
To add sockets to any superior items, you must use the reward from the Siege of Harrogath quest (also known as the
About the number of sockets:

When using the socketing recipe it rolls a number between 1 and 6 and the item rolls with that number of sockets.

When items have less maximum sockets, they will have a higher chance of rolling the max number of sockets from the recipe.

Example with
Kite Shield
(max 3 sockets):
  • 1/6 chance to get 1 socket
  • 1/6 chance to get 2 sockets
  • 4/6 chance to get 3 sockets
About the ebug:

There was a bug in the original game called the "eth bug" or "ebug" for short.
By using this recipe on an Ethereal armor, the +50% ethereal defense bonus was applied twice.
The result was an "ebugged" armor base, used for runewords, with much more defense than normal.

This is not possible in D2R.


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