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Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Rogue Scout
Desert Warrior
Iron Wolf
Harrogath Barb
+ Skiller
Magic Find
Extra Gold
Increased Attack Speed
Faster Cast Rate
Faster Run/Walk
Faster Hit Recovery
Enhanced Damage
Min/Max Damage
Attack Rating
No sockets
1 socket
2 sockets
3 sockets
4 sockets
5 sockets
6 sockets
Perfect roll
Resurrected or Legacy
Note that 'Legacy' means game versions and mods other than those in Resurrected. Basically the original vanilla D2 game or mods like PoD, SlashDiablo etc.
Game Mode
Note that 'Non-Expansion' means 'Pre-LoD in Resurrected' or 'Non-Expansion character in Resurrected' - this is different to Legacy (which refers to versions of Diablo 2 other than Resurrected).
Note that you can trade with anyone in any region in Resurrected. This filter option only indicates that you are price checking for trades local to one region.
Filter by Ladder Season. This filter only considers the date or 'timeframes' in which these ladders occurred, so you can check NL listings (around the same time) against this filter as well.
Good for this Class
The price check will return results that match this custom opinion filter.
Use this to browse items that are good for a particular class, for example traders will often apply this filter if their item has +to X class or skill tree modifiers.
Use this to browse items that are good for a particular class, for example traders will often apply this filter if their item has +to X class or skill tree modifiers.
Good for this Mercenary type
Used for price checking trades that are good for your current hireling.
The price check will return results of items that match any of the selected 'modifier' filters
Handy if you're looking for a particular stat on an item. If you can't find a filter, use a keyword instead.
Handy if you're looking for a particular stat on an item. If you can't find a filter, use a keyword instead.
Returns price check results for items that are not Ethereal quality.
Returns price check results for items that are Ethereal quality.
Returns price check results for items that are not Superior quality.
Returns price check results for items that are Superior quality.
Returns price check results only for items that have already been identified.
Returns price check results for only for items that have been marked as unidentified (unid).
No. of Sockets
The price check will return filtered market results for the selected number of sockets.
Perfect roll
Returns price check results for items that have been marked as being 'perfect' rolls.
/pricecheck.php?item=Natural Grand Charm of Vita&other=1&sk=m&sd=d&Recently sold (last 3d)
Total results: 119 • Page 1 of 3
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
I am currently most in search of Jah and Ber to finish my first enigma of the season. I am also still in search of a Shako, a Gheed's mf charm, and decent mf boots. I am pretty much always looking for Ist and p amys. Open to offers/negotiations!
1d 9h
Seller: theDiscipline99
Buyer: mockingbirdreal
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
0d 0h
Seller: goliath
Buyer: Aloy2022
Natural Grand Charm of Vita - +1 to Elemental Skills, +40 life
+1 to Elemental Skills
+40 to Life
Looking for high runes.
0d 20h
Seller: human_being
Buyer: Jason15446
natural grand charm of vita
+1 ele
+34 life
N Offer
1d 7h
Seller: Zippy1999
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
LF 20 life, 5 all res, small charm, pref bear claw
18d 23h
Seller: Ymp
Buyer: Elsewhere
natural grand charm of vita
2d 17h
Seller: tds_most
Buyer: Jason15446
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
2d 21h
Seller: Soul89
Buyer: Jason15446
3d 1h
Seller: Simto
Buyer: Queegon
Natural Grand charm of vita
x2 +1 elem charm a gift for buy
0d 0h
Seller: RagnarokGGG
Buyer: Sephi9
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
0d 0h
Seller: FatGuyLittleCoat
Buyer: holywalk
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
5d 9h
Seller: Xanhast70
Buyer: Maldoror
Natural grand charm of vita
Should be worth at least JAH, hopefully more. JAH, LO, MALs and GUL's preferred, but any offer above JAH will be considered of course.
0d 18h
Seller: Huurteinen
Buyer: Queegon
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
0d 4h
Seller: Sinbad
Buyer: shadowjassie
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
1d 1h
Seller: Cellic312
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
5d 23h
Seller: JackMehof
Buyer: Peaky
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
Looking for ber + jah
0d 1h
Seller: Gnomerhawker
Buyer: Aloy2022
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
0d 1h
Seller: jeffdr
Buyer: mockingbirdreal
+1 Elemental Skills +36LIFE (Natural Grand Charm of Vita)
1d 22h
Seller: jayson12344
Buyer: cqqlin
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
2d 21h
Seller: realFunk
Buyer: Superbear
natural grand charm of vita
+38 life
LF Ber x 2
0d 13h
Seller: StrixAorus
Buyer: traderie user
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
+43 Life
0d 15h
Seller: FunyunKnight
Buyer: NewbieMcNasty
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
+39 to Life
Monster pattern
3d 4h
Seller: Prideqt
Natural Grand charm of vita
+44 life ele skiller! Monster GFX
5d 12h
Seller: nystiri
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
3d 0h
Seller: Gnave
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
0d 23h
Seller: Sucuktoast
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
+38 Life
Looking for Ber or Sur + Lo
1d 11h
Seller: nekatskin
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
1d 8h
Seller: Bucket
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
1d 22h
Seller: freud
Buyer: Romstone
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
LF Jah or Ber or similar offer
0d 12h
Seller: Toren
Buyer: CCLK
Natural grand charm of vita
0d 15h
Seller: kimaalfr
Buyer: cqqlin
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
0d 20h
Seller: Elvir
Buyer: CCLK
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
0d 6h
Seller: Mattysekkk
Buyer: cqqlin
Natural grand charm of vita
+39 life
Rune offers
Only switch
5d 7h
Seller: Sigeliys
Buyer: Tourminator
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
Druid Elemental Skiller.
Eye Graphic
Bin - 3 Ber drop offers looking to sell fast.
0d 8h
Seller: Mikuya
Buyer: N/A
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
1d 12h
Seller: PainForShane
Buyer: some guy on traderie
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
13d 2h
Seller: LightRadius
Buyer: nuklezzz
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
0d 12h
Seller: t0xicpoptart
Buyer: cqqlin
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
+43 to Life
LF Runes Offer
0d 1h
Seller: korniits
Buyer: Sakura777
natural grand charm of vita
1d 17h
Seller: icma
Buyer: Jason15446
Natural grand charm of vita
7d 8h
Seller: LbrtN
Buyer: Sakura777
Natural Grand Charm Of Vita
+36 to life
1d 23h
Seller: m4koXC
Buyer: ppPrs
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
0d 10h
Seller: Asymmetry
Buyer: Touloumo
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
1) Elem 40 life gc, dna shaped;
2) 2x Elems 39 life gc, monster and dna.
20d 0h
Seller: Asha
Natural grand charm of vita
5d 13h
Seller: Nattemenneske
Natural grand charm of Vita
monster eye
lf runes
1d 20h
Seller: Muddyrock
Buyer: Naitsirk
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
0d 0h
Seller: natedawg0620
Buyer: Counterit
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
lf a good rune offer or a similar light / cold gc
10d 5h
Seller: lukandroll
Buyer: CCLK
Natural Grand Charm Of Vita
6d 1h
Seller: cypherVII
Buyer: cqqlin
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
1d 23h
Seller: dmn83
Buyer: cqqlin
Natural Grand Charm of Vita
4d 20h
Seller: stepdad
Buyer: Flu
Total results: 119 • Page 1 of 3