Hey guys, just want to survey what you guys have been experiencing for site speed over the last 4-5 days. You can choose 1 option. Poll will run for 7 days.This topic is now outdated. Please read the patch notes for v1.0.
I tweaked a few things recently with some help from @Noemard and @Byte-Size and I'm interested in knowing if you guys also have noticed an modest increase in speed.
Please could you guys answer honestly and add any comments below after you vote.
Cheers and can't wait to bring the next patch live!Note that v1.0 is dropping next week - this will improve site speed significantly. I need to try and isolate the improvements that I know were working well before v1.0 drops, hence wanting some data now.
Here's a few screenshots of some cool upcoming stuff that is already working on the dev environment: