PSA for all the new players posting they have a 25 attack rating vipermagi for trade.
It might sound petty but its not, dont ever say you have a "5ar SC FT" when you mean "5@", they are 2 very different items with a world of difference in value.
PSA for all the new players posting they have a 25 attack rating vipermagi for trade.
It might sound petty but its not, dont ever say you have a "5ar SC FT" when you mean "5@", they are 2 very different items with a world of difference in value.
The lingo doesn't always translate from game to game and people have to re-learn what means what.
I made a big list in my New Players Guide with like 60 Diablo 2 specific acronyms/lingo:
19. Most Common D2 Acronyms/Lingo
19. Most Common D2 Acronyms/Lingo: (i probably missed a few)
1. "N" = Normal "NM" = Nightmare "H" = Hell.
2. SOJ = Stone of Jordan Unique Ring
3. TP = Town Portal
4. SP = Single Player mode
5. MF = Magic Find
6. IAS = Increased Attack Speed
7. os = Open Sockets
8. Eth = Etheral
9. PP = Party Please
10. PK = Player Kill. >:)
11. FCR = Faster Cast Rate
12. FWR = Faster Walk/Run Speed
13. FHR = Faster Hit Recovery
14. FBR = Faster Block Rate
15. BO = Battle Orders. barbarian skill.
16. CTA = Call To Arms gives any class Battle Orders
17. Nigma = Enigma Runeword that gives any class Teleport
18. LR = Lower Resist or Low Rune = [El, Eld, Tir, Nef, Eth, Ith, Tal, Ral, Ort, Thul & Amn]
19. MR = Mid Rune = [Sol, Shael, Dol, Hel, io, Lum, Ko, Fal, Lem, Pul & Um]
20. HR = High Rune = [Mal, Ist, Gul, Vex, Ohm, Lo, Sur, Ber, Jah, Cham & Zod]
21. Trist Runs = Low level group runs through Tristram, located through a portal in the Act 1 Stoney Field.
22. Tomb Runs = Low level group runs through Tal Rasha's Tombs at the end of Act 2.
23. Baal Runs = Mid to end level group runs through end of Act 5 to kill Baal and his minions.
24. R4F or Rush 4 forge = Someone will rush you through the game in exchange for your Hellforge Quest Rune
25. Chaos = Referring to the Chaos Sanctuary Area in Act 4.
26. "SC" = Small Charm "LC" = Large Charm "GC" = Grand Charm
27. Skillers = Grand Charm with + to Class Skills (Only found in NM - A3 Flayer Jungle and beyond)
28. Pcomb = + Combat Skills Grand Charm for Paladins
29. Hdin = Hammerdin = Paladin that uses Blessed Hammer build
30. "1" = Safe, "2" = Not Safe. Refers to if a Town Portal someone opens up is safe to take or not. They may be trying to escape death.
31. HoTo = Heart of The Oak Runeword
32. BK = Bul-Kathos Ring
33. CB = Crushing Blow (percentage of monster health per hit, powerful against bosses)
34. DS = Deadly Strike (% chance to deal double damage)
35. OW = Open Wounds (causes target to bleed for dmg over time)
36. DR = Damage Reduction %
37. Torch = Unique Large Charm from killing Ubers.
38. Anni = Unique Small Charm from killing Diablo clone.
39. BIN = Buy It Now
40. FG = Forum Gold (Currency on ``)
41. Script = Description
42. WUG = What do you Got?
43. WUW = What do you Want?
44. NN = No Need
45. t4t = Thanks for Trade
46. ISO = In Search Of
47. Pindle = Pindleskin = Unique monster in A5 through Anya's portal after her quest)
48. Andy = Act 1 boss Andariel
49. Meph = Act 3 boss Mephisto
50. Big D = Diablo
51. Occy = The Occulus Unique Orb.
52. Shako = Harlequin Crest Unique Helm.
53. DND = Sets a Do Not Disturb message for your online profile. Type "/DND message" to set it. This was commonly used to scam players into giving up their passwords. (i never fell for it.. of course..)
54. Amy = Amulet
55. CTC = Chance to Cast
56. WP = Way Point
57. Script = Description of the game. Players use this to reference items they want to trade. Such as "ist 4 script" or "script 4 ist"
58. LK = Lower Kurast (not Lich King)
Let me know if there are other ones i need to add to this list.
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