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ive rolled a 6-6-2 cta, does the
Battle Cry
roll even matter? I dont feel like i swap mid fight to do battlecry

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ive rolled a 6-6-2 cta, does the
Battle Cry
roll even matter? I dont feel like i swap mid fight to do battlecry
From what I know/read, in practice, no... 🤔🤔

But some players seek perfect rolls, so you may find someone that will pay more for a 6/64 than for a 6/6/1...

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Imo the only thing that matters is the BO level... the rest, does not matter.

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Necrarch 2163Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Agreed with Fred :
Battle Cry
does not matter for most people, so you should if you sell use the "perfect" tag.

Battle Command
is certainly less useful than
Battle Orders
, but it still counts as it sets the duration of the +1 to skills. Having it as high as possible allows to make it quite close to the duration of
Battle Orders
- so when you switch/BC/BC/BO when you don't see any more the blue aura, you have not spent a long time without the yellow one neither.

On my side I use a 5/6/x and I am perfectly fine - no need to roll new ones until 6/6/x or even worse 6/6/4, but some wealthier people do.


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Necrarch wrote: 1 week ago
Agreed with Fred :
Battle Cry
does not matter for most people, so you should if you sell use the "perfect" tag.

Battle Command
is certainly less useful than
Battle Orders
, but it still counts as it sets the duration of the +1 to skills. Having it as high as possible allows to make it quite close to the duration of
Battle Orders
- so when you switch/BC/BC/BO when you don't see any more the blue aura, you have not spent a long time without the yellow one neither.

On my side I use a 5/6/x and I am perfectly fine - no need to roll new ones until 6/6/x or even worse 6/6/4, but some wealthier people do.
Because I am colorblind I like to have BO/BC at the same level (mine is 5/5). Otherwise I barely notice when it fades 😉

After a 20 year break from D2 I started playing D2R in 2024 with my sons (9 and 10 years old)
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BerHilda wrote: 1 week ago
ive rolled a 6-6-2 cta, does the
Battle Cry
roll even matter? I dont feel like i swap mid fight to do battlecry
For the most part, 661-663 to me are all the same. Only 664 matters as you can sell it for a decent amount more since it's closer to perfect. If you roll a 664 with 290 enhanced damage, that's perfect and now worth even more to the right person.

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thank you for clearing it up for me, cheers


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