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Can be used to make Runewords:

Well yea those changes I liked, cause they actually fixed builds with problem, the sunder chamrs tho, biggest screw up ever and WHAT is that monstrosity?? lol I hadn't even seen that one, good thing I'm not forced to use that crap
Sunders are poggers

You can always make alternative offers with Keys.
I don't really trade in pgems.
Can trade on PC and Switch

second account JuliePayette#1511
For me the QoL changes (stackable runes/gems, etc) would make a big difference on enjoyment while impacting very little on the gameplay. Every other major change I would make optional. For me sunders and new runewords are perfect, if I don't like sunders for example, I just don't use them, same as runewords.
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TheDoo 383

Europe PC
PabloSL wrote: 1 year ago
Well yea those changes I liked, cause they actually fixed builds with problem, the sunder chamrs tho, biggest screw up ever and WHAT is that monstrosity?? lol I hadn't even seen that one, good thing I'm not forced to use that crap
Sunders actually opened up a lot of variety of not exclusively needing Infinity on every single Merc for all classes/builds which is a great thing if you ask me. :)

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
Well I hate it, if you like it great I just don't use them
These are more "fun" additions rather than proper fixes / improvements:

1) Casters should be able to destroy crates / barrels etc. with their spells.
(I mean, come on, you can kill walking trees, baseball-bat-wielding fat pub drunks, and unexorcised demons with your spells, but not crack open a wooden box?!)

2) Curses should only affect you if your character looks at the source when they're cast :-D

3) Specific monster types could show specific reactions when you're wearing certain sets. (Flee,
at you, switch sides and join you...)

4) Useless NPCs could come up with quests once in a while.

5) "Slow play" options: Killed monsters stay dead for a week/month or so. (Could be "players 20" then, I wouldn't mind.)

6) Reduce addictive potential: Decrease item drop rates with playtime.

7) In memoriam of 1990s computer gaming: NUDE PATCH!
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

fraggykrueger wrote: 1 year ago
4) Useless NPCs could come up with quests once in a while.
This (minus the 'useless' part) is honestly one of my bigger hopes for future gaming. For someone (lookin' at you, Larian!) to come up with a proper, baller RPG base game that ends up capitalizing on advances in AI for endless, high quality story and quest generation so you can just keep going and going and going...using something like BG3 as an example, you'd still hit a level
at some point and be "done" in terms of character advancement, simply because the core rule set has an end point (which in itself theoretically wouldn't have to be the case), but if you added proper, full-scale AI capabilities, you could have the whole thing keep adding believable, detailed story (and with that 'quests') based on what's already happened, generate the according dialogues to match, render everything real-time and just for good measure keep the underlying advancement on a central server so everyone can play through a massive, never-ending world together, within the same previously unknown story.

That's kind of my Dream...and kind of the one thing I'm starting to hate about came too soon and still has an end! :D
Then again, based on recent comments from them, I wouldn't be surprised if Larian's plan is in fact exactly the above (albeit not within the BG franchise/world/ruleset, sadly). Long-term as it will naturally have to be, seeing how none of that tech is quite ready for prime time yet (or even close in multiple areas).

Well, and all of that with whatever the ultimate immersion experience will be by VR, 'holodecks', whatever it may be...

Just a feeeeeew more years!
And at least one really, really good developer willing to take it on...which is probably the hardest part of it all.

fraggykrueger wrote: 1 year ago
7) In memoriam of 1990s computer gaming: NUDE PATCH!
Can't say I've checked but I'm near certain there is one. Just know..there always is. :P

 Deleted User 77308 0

Some Fixes I would love personally:

#1 Cut a lot of the junk affixes and suffixes to thin the pool down as a crafter its a very wasteful experience due to these. Plus it would give Rares a shot at being more viable like they were in the past.

#2 Make melee more fun/viable, Add a Cleave attack to the
form to give you more of a reason to choose that over its mere tankiness alone since they nerfed shockwave. I think adding some form of Melee aoe has a chance to give it parity with some of the caster classes, and no
Leap Attack
doesn't count.

#3 Remove the Wind-up from
Blade Fury
its just awkward and bad, I love the build its probably one of my favorites but this hampers it alot.

#4 Make
Standard of Heroes
do something: New Sell Item for
, or allow you to rename your character Something.
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Necrarch 2405Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Oh, a very very simple addition but nice:
- Barbs (incl a5 merc) have no penalty using heavy and médium armors
- Druids, Paladin, Assassin have no penalty using medium armors and the current médium penatly for heavy ones
- Zon / Necro / Sorc / other mercs stay same ad now
Would open a bit the armor options from
Archon Plate


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
-More stash tabs
-Customizable loot filter
A way to choose any
zone you want.
Maybe once a day for an 1 hour (or randomly as an extra tz option), the first "terrorizable" zone visited on the game becomes terrozided.

For a while: not accepting
; and considering
Perfect Skull
as a regular
Perfect Gems
on my trades.

Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
Or at least a longer "next
zone" list (today we can only know the next one for online play...)

For a while: not accepting
; and considering
Perfect Skull
as a regular
Perfect Gems
on my trades.

Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
There's a lengthy list of things that could be taken from Path of Exile, which for most who've experienced it can describe it as "Diablo 2 but fixed." Some of these are just 100% right out from the game, or follow roughly how things work in there:
  • Giving you a "move only" option on the skill selection bar, so KB+mouse has an option to guarantee just moving without the game deciding your caster wants to run up and try and melee an enemy with a 5% chance to hit.
  • Changing auras to no longer require being constantly bound to RMB to be active: just let them be turned on/off so we can use that button for something else without disabling the aura first.
  • A grace period (invulnerability) upon entering a zone, rather than just letting enemies kill you in the period between when you first clicked the entrance to the zone and when your client loads in.
  • A stash tab that lets you stack major bulk items. (e.g, runes & PGems) Also maybe a stash tab (or some other method) to count Holy Grail progress.
  • Not instantly killing your game session if you disconnect (while Online single player) but only doing so on an intentional disconnect.
  • Improved netcode (possibly including lockstep) that eliminates the sometimes-frequent desyncing that you see.
  • Coding to handle having multiples of the same unique charm to only apply one of one at once. That way carrying extras of the same sunder charm wouldn't stack their resist penalties, and you could also move Annis around would having to bank the one you're using in a public tab first.
  • Improved loot-droping code, so that enemies over impassible terrain just... Fail to drop any loot. (really irksome in Arcane Sanctuary when Spectres love to just be one space off of the walkable path, thus eliminating their chance to drop gems & runes like we hope to get. This can be fixed by having them drop the loot on the closest-available walkable space.
  • Options to filter loot drops on the ground, to hide things, change the colors, etc so I'm not trying to visually pick gems out from large piles of white-name gear. Also so I can avoid having to play a guessing game on picking up gray-name items as to whether it's an ethereal or just a one-socket piece of garbage.
  • Option to filter items in stash/vendor windows with search entry bar, using normal tag searches, to highlight those that match/darken those that don't. (e.g, typing "socketed (3)" would highlight all items in the window that had 3 sockets) It'd be not that unlike the search function in this site's own Database.
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TheDoo 383

Europe PC
ACGIFT wrote: 1 year ago
  • Giving you a "move only" option on the skill selection bar, so KB+mouse has an option to guarantee just moving without the game deciding your caster wants to run up and try and melee an enemy with a 5% chance to hit.
You can do this by selecting a throw for the LMB action since you can't throw an unthrowable weapon and use one more quick cast button from the keyboard for the spell you were using on LMB or just use <SHIFT> wisely.

  • Changing auras to no longer require being constantly bound to RMB to be active: just let them be turned on/off so we can use that button for something else without disabling the aura first.
-I feel like this would mess up tele and other skills interactions majorly (I think that exists as a sort of balance -- if you want to use some active spell like that you should get a bit vulnerable). But also RMB is just one button -- not a big deal IMHO, just use some other letter on kb for a particular spell to quick cast.

  • A grace period (invulnerability) upon entering a zone, rather than just letting enemies kill you in the period between when you first clicked the entrance to the zone and when your client loads in.

-I thought they fixed this, especially when going thru TPs and WPs... You gotta count there is and always will be some server lag that can kill your HC char in an instance and there is nothing you can do about it (oh the joys of online play!)

  • Not instantly killing your game session if you disconnect (while Online single player) but only doing so on an intentional disconnect.
-It's not. You have about 5 minutes to rejoin your game atm which is plenty if you just crash-to-desktop, switch accounts or something else. Although you need to know the exact game name and password to rejoin, but it's very doable (I transferred soooo many expensive items and runes to the other account completely by myself).

  • Coding to handle having multiples of the same unique charm to only apply one of one at once. That way carrying extras of the same sunder charm wouldn't stack their resist penalties, and you could also move Annis around would having to bank the one you're using in a public tab first.
-Don't know what do you mean by this tho. It would be insane to fill your inventory with just Annis and run around like that -- it defeats the purpose of EXP and leveling at 92+ since Anni has an EXP mod. Now if you think a QoL that would allow you to have Annis in your inventory WHILE you are accessing stash for example, that would be cool yes and that game doesn't allow you to leave that screen unless you have only max 1 left. But again, think that would be very exploitable with how disconnect works especially the fact that you can, for example, pick up from the ground or stash or cube and then exit the game while holding that which results in you loading back in with the exact thing still in your hands (not equipped just picked up). Also about Sunder charms they don't give -% enemy res, they just flat reset enemy's immunity to 95% and there is no point in stacking them anyway (especially if you are multiclass build like fire&cold bowazon for example). -% enemy res on Sunders would be pushing them too waaaay more OP than they current are.
One easy QoL change that I just thought of: for the love of God, please let gems be auto-upgraded when you use gem shrine if they are in the cube as well!! :D

Another one on top of that would definitely be: Let us chug pots directly from the cube and also if you have a full inventory [this can be a toggle] and you buy pots from vendors they should go directly to the cube (if there's room) -- so basically make a cube "pretend" it's extended inventory space but only for pots.
Although I assume nobody would like this to work also for "picking pots from the ground" since you could get your cube filled up in a nick of time with crap all the time accidentally

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
About many charms on inventory.
I understand that is just for being easy to carry them, not to use 40
and get +40 to all skills 😝
So you wouldn't need to stash your
Hellfire Torch
after killing DClone/Ubers before getting the new one... Would make trades easier too...
One ideia is let only the last one being active (the other ones could gain a "X mark" to indicate that they are disabled 🤔)

For a while: not accepting
; and considering
Perfect Skull
as a regular
Perfect Gems
on my trades.

Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
You can do this by selecting a throw for the LMB action since you can't throw an unthrowable weapon and use one more quick cast button from the keyboard for the spell you were using on LMB or just use <SHIFT> wisely.
There's a "Force Move" command in the game right now that you can set on controls tab. The default hotkey I believe is "E" though I do wish they added it on LMB actions as well.
TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
You can do this by selecting a throw for the LMB action since you can't throw an unthrowable weapon and use one more quick cast button from the keyboard for the spell you were using on LMB or just use <SHIFT> wisely.

Tried this: it doesn't work. All it does is if the game decides you've clicked on an enemy, instead of running up to it you just stand still complete, and delaying any other actions by a few frames.

By contrast, a "move only" command will still move you towards the cursor no matter what. I'd recommend trying out either playing Path of Exile (or other more-modern games derived from it or D2) or even trying D2R with controller input to get a feel of what it can be like.

TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
-I feel like this would mess up tele and other skills interactions majorly (I think that exists as a sort of balance -- if you want to use some active spell like that you should get a bit vulnerable). But also RMB is just one button -- not a big deal IMHO, just use some other letter on kb for a particular spell to quick cast.

No, no it won't. You should give D2R's controller input a try to see how much better it can be. And the "balance" there is insignificant, given that no, you aren't any more vulnerable: under normal circumstances, the aura will be back up before anything you teleport next to you progresses enough frames in their attack animation to actually hit you.

This is doubly a pain on KB+M because D2R often likes to mess up when quick-casting and... Fail to swap the button back, leaving the aura disabled for longer than just the cast animation.

This is a big reason why I draw upon Path of Exile: you don't need to eat up any of your key bindings with auras, you just... Turn them on, and then you're done. It was actually from PoE that the D2R devs actually went with when programming the controller input system for the game, as that works basically the same: you just activate an aura skill and it's just up.

TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
-I thought they fixed this, especially when going thru TPs and WPs... You gotta count there is and always will be some server lag that can kill your HC char in an instance and there is nothing you can do about it (oh the joys of online play!)

They very much did not fix this: got a death to Pindleskin yesterday taking the stairs up to behind him, even though the loading screen lasted around 200-300 miliseconds. By comparison, in Path of Exile whenever you enter a fresh zone, you are given a "grace period" buff that lasts up to 30 seconds, during which you cannot be targeted, have no collision, and are immune to damage & status effects, and gain no EXP from monsters killed nearby. Making any move at all (even moving items in your inventory or swapping weapons) instantly ends the grace period.

TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
-It's not. You have about 5 minutes to rejoin your game atm which is plenty if you just crash-to-desktop, switch accounts or something else. Although you need to know the exact game name and password to rejoin,

That's not what I was talking about. I said single player, not open game. Single-player online characters are still played online (as evidenced by the tons of online-only lag that you don't get with offline chars) but they also will kill the session immediately the moment you get DC'd.

TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
-Don't know what do you mean by this tho. It would be insane to fill your inventory with just Annis and run around like that -- it defeats the purpose of EXP and leveling at 92+ since Anni has an EXP mod.

No, again, please re-read what I said. The code would only allow one charm to work at once. To make one example of it... It'd check your inventory for annis, and only apply the first identified one it finds. So if you had multiple in your inventory (e.g, you picked up one dropped by a DClone kill) it would start at the right side (similar to ctrl+click stash management) and stop once if finds an identified anni, and only apply the effects of that one.

This is why I brought up Path of Exile, since this is how a lot of things work in there: the game doesn't prevent you from equipping multiple items that are mutually-exclusive, and allows pseudo-stacking of a lot of effects (for instance, you can apply multiple DoTs at once, even if an enemy can only be damaged by one: in this case it only takes damage from the most-intense DoT active that frame)

That would be also the working for Sunder charms as well: if you were moving/transferring and had, say, 4 Crack of the Heavens in your inventory, it would only apply one charm's resistance penalty, and not all four. (which'd pretty much guarantee you have -100 lightning resist) In this case, it could either pick the right-most charm in your inventory, or just simply apply whichever had the strongest penalty.

This is why I focus on it being a code upgrade: the extra algorithms to calculate this sort of thing on-the-fly would've imposed a small performance hit back in 2000, but is absolutely trivial in 2024.
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TheDoo 383

Europe PC
ACGIFT wrote: 1 year ago

Tried this: it doesn't work. All it does is if the game decides you've clicked on an enemy, instead of running up to it you just stand still complete, and delaying any other actions by a few frames.

By contrast, a "move only" command will still move you towards the cursor no matter what. I'd recommend trying out either playing Path of Exile (or other more-modern games derived from it or D2) or even trying D2R with controller input to get a feel of what it can be like.


Then why just not go and play PoE since it's clearly better designed game for you? D2 doesn't NEED to be like any other game especially not any modern RPG because it's probably one of the best RPG games ever made and a lot of others can't get even close to it. But that's a derailing from the topic.

The parallel to this is same as you were to say that you hit and stopped on the wall because you clicked somewhere where game cannot find a proper pathing to and now you are lingering on the wall or obstacle for some time. It's not a bug it's a feature. Let's be real here, if you are a caster then you are already obliterating everything in your path from a single cast (in worst case from couple of them) anyway. And being mechanically able to "mess up" and put yourself in a dangerous position if you have melee selected as a primary att is your own fault which you should be accounted for. Let's not get into absolutely disgusting mechanics like in D4 where you could roll to
or collect pots from Bosses when you hit them mid-fight and bs like that.

Playing with a controller, yuck [need to clean my hands with bleach for just reading about it]! Abominations all around, abominations I tell ya! xd

It's weird that you are annoyed by an action that happened unexpectedly while doing an unexpected and taking unintentional path yourself. If you are trying to circumvent things then you are, by default, accepting RNG to happen at any point. It's like stating that it's bad design of
Uber Mephisto
by going only with max res in and not taking any extra res neither light absorb and then blaming it on the game. Or telestomping
and being shocked when he oneshots you with some random CE. Or experiencing that 1/10000 spawn of
Lord De Seis
who spawns on top of you in NE Sanctuary and can insta-kill you aka in very few frames which aren't avoidable most of the time (that I didn't even know existed since last 2 months). Or like invading people's games while they are doing rushes and then you are disappointed when, for example a
Staff of Kings
despawns (or like any of Khalim's parts), because while other players were doing Act 2/3 you were still in Act 1 (which I do often when I want to rush myself on players X on online). And yes it can happen but very rarely.

Online 'single-player' doesn't exist. You can still rejoin your own game (for about 5 minutes) if you just press play without going into lobby and creating a game there. For the rejoin you just need to write down pw (and game name is the same thing) then go to lobby and put those in the join bars. It's not exclusively single-player since anyone can still join u, via friends list (unless unchecked) or by you giving them info about your game. This works even if you lock max players on 1 (I tested it myself)!!

I don't know with what PC and internet are you playing, but I never ever had a quick cast problem as you described and I have over 20k hours on this game (well legacy and D2R combined tho). The only 'mess up' that can occur is if you bind a spell on your MMB which can trigger scroll if not always pressed with the absolute precision and scroll to some other spell accidentally. Now all that being said, a positive thing that comes to my mind would be a toggle or a button or an option for auras to be temporarily turned off if needed, but that would be in very specific PvP situations when you don't want to feed someone who has high particular elemental absorb if you are getting some sort offensive aura effect from the gear. But that is very, very, VERY rare case.

Also ctrl+click doesn't prioritizes right side all the time, it starts like that but then it's priority is to "fill up a particular column/row". If we get everything automatized then eventually we will lose the joy of manual doing. It's like with cars in rl, if the progression of cars and vehicles proceed we will eventually forget to walk (use legs) or like a random character in a saloon said: "Run for fun??? What the hell fun is that?" (from one of my favorite movies). Jokes aside, I agree that this could help some people and with trades but would also feel weird and odd and not Diablo-like (well at least D2-like and after all we are playing D2) and on top of that which I already stated -- knowing how Blizzard "fixes and implements things" it would be very much prone to exploits. Dunno if that is worth it (might be)...

Stacking Sunders just don't have any purpose, still I don't see what's the point of that (if you are transferring them then you are already in town then who cares about stacked -res? and if not, if only have picked them up, you know you don't have to id them right away or simply put them in the cube and they won't count).

You are simply wrong on some stuff but I don't care enough to push the discussion any further neither to spam unnecessarily. We can agree to disagree and that's fine. :)

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
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xigua 66

Remove Mosaic, add DMG reduction stat on sunder charm, crank up the hit point curve for p6-p8
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Necrarch 2405Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
As for the "multiple unique charms" more simply, allow to carry 1 of them in inventory AND some in cube AND some in personal Stash.
Still one active at a given time, but can be put on mules, picked up in cube when you kill a DClone with Anni on you, etc.

- put cube interface between inventory and stash

- Increase cube to 4x4

- add a pick in cube command (CtrlShiftClick?)


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap


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