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Oh right! This isn't youtube. But hey ...feel free to uhh "like" & "subscribe" .

Or heck feel free to browse the nonsense i have on my profile..reasonable prices unlike

(also home to the #1 P AMY thread on this site.) *cough*

Anyway, the current S4 ladder ends this week. And all shall join the nitty gritty general populance of the NL season's past (1,2,3 & soon to be 4)

For those who do not already know..(if you are around from the start you already knew) - and if you started Ladder in S3 you would notice that in your stash is a CHECK box that enables you to see what you have from S3 ladder previously.

e.g if you don't have the check box - no need to panic - it just means you don't have any, or you already cleared / cleaned up.

If it is is the time to move , sell or get rid of those because once the current ladder resets, everything in that temporary space shall be replaced with the items from your current ladder season 4 shared tabs (all tabs 1 -3)

Second- that includes all the gold in the banking tab.s

Lastly, for discussion. what are some of the tips that can be shared prior to a ladder reset to tweak inventory mgmt ?

For me i like to move all consumables to the personal stash and leave slow moving stuff to the shared tab space so i can use the additional space to least until the next ladder reset comes and i need to clear em asap rocky!


Can be used to make Runewords:


Oh right! This isn't youtube. But hey ...feel free to uhh "like" & "subscribe" .

Or heck feel free to browse the nonsense i have on my profile..reasonable prices unlike

(also home to the #1 P AMY thread on this site.) *cough*

Anyway, the current S4 ladder ends this week. And all shall join the nitty gritty general populance of the NL season's past (1,2,3 & soon to be 4)

For those who do not already know..(if you are around from the start you already knew) - and if you started Ladder in S3 you would notice that in your stash is a CHECK box that enables you to see what you have from S3 ladder previously.

e.g if you don't have the check box - no need to panic - it just means you don't have any, or you already cleared / cleaned up.

If it is is the time to move , sell or get rid of those because once the current ladder resets, everything in that temporary space shall be replaced with the items from your current ladder season 4 shared tabs (all tabs 1 -3)

Second- that includes all the gold in the banking tab.s

Lastly, for discussion. what are some of the tips that can be shared prior to a ladder reset to tweak inventory mgmt ?

For me i like to move all consumables to the personal stash and leave slow moving stuff to the shared tab space so i can use the additional space to least until the next ladder reset comes and i need to clear em asap rocky!


Expect slower response as i'm moving on to POE2

āŠ• Join New Tristram Talk! āŠ•

While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.
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Schnorki 3866Moderator

Skaijuice wrote: 1 year ago
Lastly, for discussion. what are some of the tips that can be shared prior to a ladder reset to tweak inventory mgmt ?
If you collected a bunch of stuff on ladder to distribute to your NL characters as upgrades, move it from your potential mule(s) into the ladder shared stash before season ends. That way, you save a whole lot of character switching post-ladder as you can just grab it directly from there on your NL characters and don't have to deal with moving it through a possibly (for many likely) already overflowing NL stash that you need to somehow clean up first.
I guess i'm mostly just here to bump this because it is a good post.
If you have valuable items and are not interested in keeping them for non-ladder play, please don't just let them be deleted! Many non-ladder players (myself included) are happy to take them off your hands, or you can just as easily donate them in a free game!
New ladder, same as the old ladder!

So misunderstood, but what's a world without Enigma?
TerminusEst wrote: 1 year ago
New ladder, same as the old ladder!
wonder if they would add +4 char slots.

Expect slower response as i'm moving on to POE2

āŠ• Join New Tristram Talk! āŠ•

While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.
Skaijuice wrote: 1 year ago
TerminusEst wrote: 1 year ago
New ladder, same as the old ladder!
wonder if they would add +4 char slots.
My expectations are so low I'd take just about anything.

So misunderstood, but what's a world without Enigma?
Wow ! Has it been only 4 months? Felt like..FOH - EVER right?

So here's another PSA - as a Bump!

Hmm ...

Expect slower response as i'm moving on to POE2

āŠ• Join New Tristram Talk! āŠ•

While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.
Bump because ladder reset next week.

Expect slower response as i'm moving on to POE2

āŠ• Join New Tristram Talk! āŠ•

While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.
U got bots ingame now you have them finessing user posts too.

Expect slower response as i'm moving on to POE2

āŠ• Join New Tristram Talk! āŠ•

While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.
S7 ladder ends this week. So why not reuse this useful thread. @Skaijuice hope this bump is ok for you.

Timezone GMT +2

I buy your
runes and
Token of Absolution
. Check my WTB stash! Also have some free stuff available.
dejavue wrote: 4 months ago
S7 ladder ends this week. So why not reuse this useful thread. @Skaijuice hope this bump is ok for you.

First of all, this is a good reminder.

And also addresses the need to - or not need- making new threads and forum clutter.


Expect slower response as i'm moving on to POE2

āŠ• Join New Tristram Talk! āŠ•

While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.


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