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Just saw this message pop up
"A certain level"? Anyone know more info? I will be looking around..

UPDATE: ... iday-event
Description by Zero187

Can be used to make Runewords:

A certain level is just Moo Moo farm. So I guess next 24 hours is the TZ only there?

Not sure about the holiday buff for all players part though.
"A certain level" means "a non-existent level", that is, the Cow Level.

However, I still don't understand the message in the Bnet launcher ... a new rule every 24h ?

Does that means we're starting the holiday season with 24h of Terrorized Cow Level ?

See my profile for my trades.
See my forum post for free items.

NL want-list : a Sorceress
Hellfire Torch
(low stats ok), skiller charms (Sorc:any, Necro:P&N+Summon, Amazon:Jav, Assa:trap),
Perfect Gems
(all, incl. Amethysts and Rubies).
It's the moo moo farm.

But what are the "festive buffs"?
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Ravoc 131

RegisBull wrote: 2 years ago
"A certain level" means "a non-existent level", that is, the Cow Level.

However, I still don't understand the message in the Bnet launcher ... a new rule every 24h ?

Does that means we're starting the holiday season with 24h of Terrorized Cow Level ?
yep, 24h of bovine slaughtering :)
Awesome, thanks guys. Just saw this as well:

"The air stirs with whimsey, perhaps even magic, adventurer.

However subtle, a joyous invocation permeates Sanctuary, casting a ray of holiday celebration upon its inhabitants. . . or is this demonic trickery? This magic from beyond is not cause for a ceasefire in the unremitting conflict between demon and mortal, but its nuances can still be felt, disturbances are surely lurking about. Seeing this holiday miracle through to the end relies on you—sleigh your way through 22 Nights of
during the Diablo II: Resurrected holiday event.

The magic constantly shifts day by day but remains pervasive in nature—even Sanctuary’s most esteemed scribes are unable to predict what abnormalities the future might hold.

From December 13, 11:00 a.m.–January 4, 11:00 a.m. PST the fabric of Sanctuary will be altered every 24 hours, revealing a new gameplay modifier via the in-game Message of the Day that will last for the next 24 hours. The 22 Nights of
holiday event can be enjoyed in all online game modes except for Classic Diablo II.

Powerful loot, a dash of
, and a new surprise to experience each day awaits you in Sanctuary this holiday season. Go forth in glory!" ... iday-event

When I'm not slaying demons, I'm usually out hiking mountains.
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Schnorki 3932Moderator

Sounds like it'll actually be something entirely different each day, rather than just "a different zone TZ for a day".

Be that as it actual holiday event?! Did not see that coming. Guess they're wanting to get some brownie points before D4.
So looks like MooMoo all day long for today.

Please post a trade offer before sending me a friend request.
I'm in the PST time zone, typically available anywhere from 7am to 10pm
I checked my sheet. I can't see any "festive buff."

All prices negotiable. BIN always wins. Americas (Pacific), but int'l trade times can be arranged.
I'm going to be seeing cows in my dreams tonight, if I manage to log off to get any sleep that is...

But I couldn't see the holiday buff anywhere, wonder what it could be.

Please do not add me on BNet without a comment on a trade posting.

Trade: PC | Softcore, Ladder & Non-Ladder | UTC-6
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Schnorki 3932Moderator

Fairly certain the festive buffs is referring to the same "new gameplay modifier" noted in the actual news item:
Not (necessarily) a character buff to look for but simply "something different from the norm" that changes every 24 hrs for the next 22 days. Today, that "something different" is simply the fact that cows and only cows are terrorized. Tomorrow...who knows.
But they're two separate statements in the MOTD? If they mean the same thing, that's misleading.

Maybe it's more like an explanation? The first MOTD explains what's going on, and the second statement should be read "[This is] a festive buff for all online characters," or whatever.

All prices negotiable. BIN always wins. Americas (Pacific), but int'l trade times can be arranged.


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