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so im kinda confused about the price of SOJ's i know they are used for Dclones and getting anni's and all that, and that is why they tend to be pricey, but it seems to me the price of anni's right now are quite low. i just bought a 20/16/10 for a pair of sand storm treks, and not even that good of ones. I know soj's are decent rings in and of them selves, but are they that good to command the price they do? i really dont get it? is there something im missing?

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Banjo 138

Sorceress Americas PC
so im kinda confused about the price of SOJ's i know they are used for Dclones and getting anni's and all that, and that is why they tend to be pricey, but it seems to me the price of anni's right now are quite low. i just bought a 20/16/10 for a pair of sand storm treks, and not even that good of ones. I know soj's are decent rings in and of them selves, but are they that good to command the price they do? i really dont get it? is there something im missing?
DClone spawns on every server on the realm (asia, na, europe)

So there are waaaay more anni on the market.

And there are Dclone announcements almost every day. Minimum 2 times a week. So stay in game, wait for dc and get an anni.

Take this potion of LUCK

You play in a different language and want to trade an item with the name "Brennender Riesenzauber der Verstümmelung"?
Use the Baaltor tool to translate it into "Burning Grand Charm of Maiming"
I understand there are big communities behind dclone spawn. But this amount of soj found. I begin to think they are using bots on some farms. I have been playing a like hundreds of hours and I found 1soj since D2r was released.

I know I know, best way to get soj is nightmare
and thats not what I was doing.

The only anni which has some value is 20/20/10 everything else has no value to players who use any trading website. Ofc there are tons of players who doesnt trade so when u create a game "o anni n
" those guys will gladly give you their

There are two walks on Asia tomorrow. SCNL at noon and SCL 1pm (both CET time zones)

check my other trades: member/The%20Flash/
my free items: simple t4t is fine with me :) what you pay is up to you
free anni to my WTS
, keys, pame, pruby, jewel
i played 2 yrs classic. and been playing D2R since March. have not found a soj ever.

yes, +1 all skills ring is that good in and of itself. as far as I can remember, its the only +1 skills ring.

with amulets there are a few +1 and +2 all skills and +2 to class skills available.

b/c they're so rare, the self found soj's are valuable to the player, hence the
rune price. the ones sold for DClone walks are majority bot found.

and as others have said, 1 dclone walk (about 125 SOJ) turns in to hundreds (maybe thousands) of annis. i've already started giving away low annis this season.

come to think of it, after lvling up i no longer use SOJ. my pally is just for killing DClone and wears
Dwarf Star
and Ravenfrost. My sorc is MFing, wears Nagel x2.

Houston, TX Central Time. join D2R Dclone Hunters Discord
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Elvir 29

Sorceress Europe PC
NightsAnonymous wrote: 2 years ago
i played 2 yrs classic. and been playing D2R since March. have not found a soj ever.

yes, +1 all skills ring is that good in and of itself. as far as I can remember, its the only +1 skills ring.
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
has also +1 skills attr. I use them as cheap alt to Soj for my trapsin,
sorc, foh/hammer.
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

SoJ beats Bul's for certain builds but not by enough to justify that sort of a price differential.

That having been said, "walk value" isn't about the annis. If it were, you'd still see the same ton of private quick-walks at offtimes that we had before S1 but that have damn near stopped entirely since mid S1. If annis aren't worth anything (on RM sites), farmers don't waste their time (and SoJs) on private walks.

The true value of a walk and by extension an SoJ lies in very real money. Streamers buy them off farmers/item sites, host a walk stream and pull in enough of an audience to pay for their SoJs and then some. Over and over and over again. I wouldn't be surprised if SoJs are the single best selling item on those sites by a clear margin by now, both in sheer number and in absolute profit. In some cases, the streamers also get their SoJs donated by those same item sites instead and turn the whole stream into a giant commercial for them, live purchases and all. Basically an advertising expense at that point.

Even with all of that driving up the price of SoJs though, if you actually want one, don't buy it here. Much as I love this site, the pricing for certain things is just way off, compared to in-game pricing and in this particular case that includes both, overpriced SoJs and underpriced annis.
Walks are now public.
After each walk that cost 80-120 sojs there are maybe X00,000 more Annis.

Myself I got +200 annis during season 1 while I found 1 or 0 Soj.
For people who have time and multiple accounts, they could got +1000 annis that season :D

pm me here (d2.
) for trade
mockingbirdreal wrote: 2 years ago
Walks are now public.
After each walk that cost 80-120 sojs there are maybe X00,000 more Annis.

Myself I got +200 annis during season 1 while I found 1 or 0 Soj.
For people who have time and multiple accounts, they could got +1000 annis that season :D
Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but were there really that many Dclone walks in Season 1, or do you also have multiple accounts?

Just can't wrap my mind around getting 200+ annis in a few months with a single account.
acehunter wrote: 2 years ago
Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but were there really that many Dclone walks in Season 1, or do you also have multiple accounts?

Just can't wrap my mind around getting 200+ annis in a few months with a single account.
I have only a single account and did not catch all public walks (I was at work or it happened too late at night in Europe).
Yes, there was many walks during the last season.

pm me here (d2.
) for trade
mockingbirdreal wrote: 2 years ago
I have only a single account and did not catch all public walks (I was at work or it happened too late at night in Europe).
Yes, there was many walks during the last season.
Ahh gotcha. I only started playing towards the end of S1 Ladder; saw a few Dclones spawn but could never kill him solo back then.

Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago
Even with all of that driving up the price of SoJs though, if you actually want one, don't buy it here. Much as I love this site, the pricing for certain things is just way off, compared to in-game pricing and in this particular case that includes both, overpriced SoJs and underpriced annis.
I checked the other major sites, seems like the going price of an SoJ is
or equivalent (similar to here). Is in-game that much cheaper?
no, he was comparing the price of SOJ to anni.

mid season 1 i traded
runes for anni. so its the price has been comparable so far.

about 2-3 weeks ago i traded
for 1 anni

Houston, TX Central Time. join D2R Dclone Hunters Discord
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

acehunter wrote: 2 years ago
Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but were there really that many Dclone walks in Season 1, or do you also have multiple accounts?

Just can't wrap my mind around getting 200+ annis in a few months with a single account.
You can still get multiple annis out of each walk with a single account. I ended last season with something like 160-170 annis still left for sale, after having sold hundreds (no idea how many exactly) throughout the season. Hell, we had individual days with 5+ was just silly. (And we seem to be going back to that)

acehunter wrote: 2 years ago
I checked the other major sites, seems like the going price of an SoJ is
or equivalent (similar to here). Is in-game that much cheaper?
NightsAnonymous wrote: 2 years ago
no, he was comparing the price of SOJ to anni.
I wasn't actually. I was comparing SoJ here to SoJ in-game. No idea what other sites are like (I'd assume similar to here) since I don't use any of those but in-game SoJs are obtainable far, FAR cheaper than the asking prices here. And not because one random person doesn't know what they simply has a completely different economy in some regards.

And it makes sense, given the target audience.
Farmers don't bother selling in-game because they want real money out of it.
Streamers largely don't bother buying in-game because they need massive amounts as easily as possible and have a far simpler time just getting bulk deals from the above farmers or at least scooping up site-trades on the side. After all, if they spent their game-time just streaming themselves afk in trade games..their audience would be gone in no time.

Both of those significantly impact the supply and demand of SoJs, resulting in a completely different economy.

The same Principle holds for annis but for different reasons. People who regularly visit this site tend to know when walks are coming because it is broadcast here. Those same people know that even if they can't kill dclone, there's others here who will do it for them. They hence largely have no reason to ever pay for an anni because if you know when and where to make a game, they're all over the place. People who don't bother with all of these sites and just play the game for the sake of playing the game and stop at that don't know when walks are and will completely miss most or in many cases all of them. As a result, if they want an anni, they need to trade for it. Hence significantly higher anni pricing in-game than here. Unless of course you're one of those 209402940 silly people who make their "O ANNI!!8!!$@($*#(@!" trade game right after a walk like everyone else.
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Banjo 138

Sorceress Americas PC
Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago
SoJ beats Bul's for certain builds but not by enough to justify that sort of a price differential.

The true value of a walk and by extension an SoJ lies in very real money. Streamers buy them off farmers/item sites, host a walk stream and pull in enough of an audience to pay for their SoJs and then some. Over and over and over again. I wouldn't be surprised if SoJs are the single best selling item on those sites by a clear margin by now, both in sheer number and in absolute profit. In some cases, the streamers also get their SoJs donated by those same item sites instead and turn the whole stream into a giant commercial for them, live purchases and all. Basically an advertising expense at that point.
ok this makes sense to me. i can wrap my head around that. i just couldn't fathom why the price is so out of whack compared to they are typically used for. in my head if SOJ's are used to get anni's and anni's are cheap then SOJ's should be cheap, but i hadn't thought about other ways they might be used and whom might be using them. Thank you for the answer.
Just curious, were the sandstorms
? those can be pretty rare/valuable.. if not, then you got one heck of a deal for that 20/16/10, IMO.

When I'm not slaying demons, I'm usually out hiking mountains.
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Banjo 138

Sorceress Americas PC
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
Just curious, were the sandstorms
? those can be pretty rare/valuable.. if not, then you got one heck of a deal for that 20/16/10, IMO.
no they were not they were 12/13 and i cant remember what the resist was.
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
Just curious, were the sandstorms
? those can be pretty rare/valuable.. if not, then you got one heck of a deal for that 20/16/10, IMO.
I've been wondering but why are ethereal armors so valuable in some cases? I'm talking about non-merc items like
Sandstorm Trek
in this case, considering they can only be "repaired" once per game.
acehunter wrote: 2 years ago
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
Just curious, were the sandstorms
? those can be pretty rare/valuable.. if not, then you got one heck of a deal for that 20/16/10, IMO.
I've been wondering but why are ethereal armors so valuable in some cases? I'm talking about non-merc items like
Sandstorm Trek
in this case, considering they can only be "repaired" once per game.
Any item with this stat:

Repairs 1 Durability In 20 Seconds

Will self repair, so it counters the
property. Couple other popular
items are Exile and
Titan's Revenge

When I'm not slaying demons, I'm usually out hiking mountains.
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Necrarch 2408Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
acehunter wrote: 2 years ago
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
Just curious, were the sandstorms
? those can be pretty rare/valuable.. if not, then you got one heck of a deal for that 20/16/10, IMO.
I've been wondering but why are ethereal armors so valuable in some cases? I'm talking about non-merc items like
Sandstorm Trek
in this case, considering they can only be "repaired" once per game.
Sandstorm are valuable because they have an auto-repair mod (repairs one durability in X seconds), practically meaning they will never break.
stuff that are valuable have either auto-repair OR auto-replenish (
Titan's Revenge
) OR indestructible (e.g. Death or BotD runewords) OR they are never used in a way to lose vulnerability (e.g.
Caster Weapon

That way
adds more defense or offense (+50% defense or damage).

But also notice that they need -10 strength to be used when
. In my case, that is critical, as my necro has a grand total of 0 point invested in strength : I am not able to wear non
sandstorms if I don't have my Enigma on (and typically to do Uber Meph I'll switch to Vipermagi for extra res) :)


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
Ah, that makes total sense. Thanks for clearing that up both of you!


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