I already was suspicious about the thousands of SoJ being generated in a span of mere days at times, fueling all the walks in previous months. Even bots would have a hard time pulling such yields.
Then I came across this earlier today:
I don't play on ladder myself, but I'm assuming non-ladder is just as vulnerable.
Quite concerning to see your gear go poof, just like in the old days.
To quote Ginger: Protect yourself from bad trades until they patch the exploit.
Are there people who have experienced items disappearing already?
I already was suspicious about the thousands of SoJ being generated in a span of mere days at times, fueling all the walks in previous months. Even bots would have a hard time pulling such yields.
Then I came across this earlier today:
I don't play on ladder myself, but I'm assuming non-ladder is just as vulnerable.
Quite concerning to see your gear go poof, just like in the old days.
To quote Ginger: Protect yourself from bad trades until they patch the exploit.
Are there people who have experienced items disappearing already?
Not gonna claim duping doesn't exist anymore since..well, 20 years of experience tells me otherwise..but some actual evidence with the claim would be nice, rather than an extended video selling a disappearing armor in some random video as supposed proof. Even more so since he clearly seems to not know the source or background/context, seeing how he is merely speculating as to what that armor even was, assuming a random archon along the way before later going into mage plates being the (only?) known example.
Assuming for a second the video was in fact legit, there have been more reasons for poofing items than merely duping. Among others, it happened due to blizz f***ing up the save file limits, leading to (too many of) certain items basically overinflating saves to the point where some stuff was simply cut and as a result went poof. Knowing that..and knowing that they introduced a whole new set of items with whole new affixes that may well be somehow designed in such a convoluted way that they result in the same save-file breaking you used to need multiple multi-affix rares for..I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if the mere existence of sunder charms and the hoarding of them in your stash makes things go down the drain.
I'd be equally unsurprised if there is rampant duping (though I would then be surprised by the very few walks happening lately) but again, some sort of actual, real evidence for the claim would be nice if one throws it out. Not just a video that may or may not be legit that is equally explainable through known bugs since d2:r launch that have nothing to do with duping.
That having been said..my ladder char is currently using 2 SoJs traded for from someone who I am fairly certain did not find them himself... so... we'll see how long they last me.
@Schnorki Did some google-fu and from what I can read on d2jsp there's apparently a certain seller who sold 5 Enigma with the same + def and all, reportedly, disappeared. Another person buying unid annis, identifying them to have them turn out with the same stats and poofing later.
Ignoring the video altogether now, that was 5-10 minutes of skipping through I'm never getting back.
If you get a PM offer, post it in the trade. Promote healthy competition instead of settling for less.
I've lost a few self-found items to the save-file limit bug (or maybe another unidentified bug). Mostly random small charms, nothing too valuable luckily.
I do think your SoJs will need to be the canary to let us know when stuff goes down.
For those wondering, d2jsp had about 11 million trade volume in the first 6 months of D2R. Here we had barely 2 million listings go through in the same time period. Yes, people use d2jsp. I don't have numbers on Traderie but I would expect that figure to be at least 6-8 million based on what I've heard from the admin and similarweb analytics.
For those wondering, d2jsp had about 11 million trade volume in the first 6 months of D2R. Here we had barely 2 million listings go through in the same time period. Yes, people use d2jsp. I don't have numbers on Traderie but I would expect that figure to be at least 6-8 million based on what I've heard from the admin and similarweb analytics.
A player adviced me to join that site to sell my unid items faster,I told him I have no time and I didin't like the site and I don't like the dsjsomething.
Stand and fight
Live by your heart
Always one more try
I'm not afraid to die
Stand and fight
Say what you feel
Born with a heart of Steel
For those wondering, d2jsp had about 11 million trade volume in the first 6 months of D2R. Here we had barely 2 million listings go through in the same time period. Yes, people use d2jsp. I don't have numbers on Traderie but I would expect that figure to be at least 6-8 million based on what I've heard from the admin and similarweb analytics.
A player adviced me to join that site to sell my unid items faster,I told him I have no time and I didin't like the site and I don't like the dsjsomething.
you just hurt yourself by not expanding what markets your listing reaches.
For those wondering, d2jsp had about 11 million trade volume in the first 6 months of D2R. Here we had barely 2 million listings go through in the same time period. Yes, people use d2jsp. I don't have numbers on Traderie but I would expect that figure to be at least 6-8 million based on what I've heard from the admin and similarweb analytics.
A player adviced me to join that site to sell my unid items faster,I told him I have no time and I didin't like the site and I don't like the dsjsomething.
you just hurt yourself by not expanding what markets your listing reaches.
Maybe u r right,but I don't care whether can sell or not and I don't like the site.
Stand and fight
Live by your heart
Always one more try
I'm not afraid to die
Stand and fight
Say what you feel
Born with a heart of Steel
So far 6 Enigma have been confirmed poofed, all of them were apparently traded by the same person on JSP. All of them were 761 defense Enigmas identical stats.
There is also reports of Unidentified Anni's that are being traded that all identify to the same stats. They Are also disappearing
So..Blizz's same old "save the duper, screw the innocent customer" approach. Lovely.
Kind glad all my NL chars are done. Though the idea of having to self-find 70s of all of the backup sunders to be certain...ugh...might end up with a ladder 99 after all then, lol
Duped items are boring, we need dem hacked items back!!
On a more serious note, getting duped runes for cheap is cool for the people who wouldn't be able to afford them otherwise. Get your duped Lo, craft your Grief, profit
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