I dropped my anni 19/20/10 by mistake, is not the guy who pick it up fault.
im just feel like shit rn
i play non ladder, i know, is not important.
shit, im a goddam asshole.
im just feel like shit rn
i play non ladder, i know, is not important.
shit, im a goddam asshole.
Can be used to make Runewords:
I dropped my anni 19/20/10 by mistake, is not the guy who pick it up fault.
im just feel like shit rn
i play non ladder, i know, is not important.
shit, im a goddam asshole.
im just feel like shit rn
i play non ladder, i know, is not important.
shit, im a goddam asshole.

why are you an asshole? oO
suxx to loose your anny that way for sure. feel u man.
suxx to loose your anny that way for sure. feel u man.
... sorry, but I don't agree with that. If I pick something up that someone dropped BY ACCIDENT and asks me to return it - I return it. This is a minimum of social behaviour and it scares me everytime again seeing what people turn into in a room without consequences for missbehaviour like what you just described.Tatoomba wrote: 2 years ago I dropped my anni 19/20/10 by mistake, is not the guy who pick it up fault.
yeah right? you would think that most people playing d2 in this age is atlest 30+ and have some morals...guess there always will be greedy peoples no matter what. sad stuffDeiphos wrote: 2 years ago... sorry, but I don't agree with that. If I pick something up that someone dropped BY ACCIDENT and asks me to return it - I return it. This is a minimum of social behaviour and it scares me everytime again seeing what people turn into in a room without consequences for missbehaviour like what you just described.Tatoomba wrote: 2 years ago I dropped my anni 19/20/10 by mistake, is not the guy who pick it up fault.
I had someone who dropped a Grief on floor next to me while I was not involved in the trade the other day. Told the guys to take it back quickly before temptation would come too high ! ^^
Mistakes suck, but thieves also.
Mistakes suck, but thieves also.

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
It also stinks if lets say someone dies close to a portal, you come out and accidentally click their dropped gold. I’ve had this happen to me where I accidentally clicked it and people go into a Frenzy, yelling at me. I always try to say “hey chill, it was an accident, I’m going to give you back your gold” and I’ll open a trade window with them and give them back that plus the little extra in my inventory because I feel bad 
On the flip side I’ve had this happen to me and people not only took my inventory gold BUT all my rejuv potions too. I’d ask for it back nicely and they’d basically tell me to go
myself lol. Gotta love people
I’m sorry this happened to you — if I had a spare anni close to those stats on NL I’d donate it to you
On the flip side I’ve had this happen to me and people not only took my inventory gold BUT all my rejuv potions too. I’d ask for it back nicely and they’d basically tell me to go
I’m sorry this happened to you — if I had a spare anni close to those stats on NL I’d donate it to you
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I have already got a backup anni that i had, no like the one i dropped, but it still works .
Thank you for your words, i wrote this to try to free most of my frustration.
Funny thing is that the guy give me hope for almost a couple of hour telling me "how did you drop it", "anni stats?" until he blocked me.
Most of us would give it back, but there are still people that wont, anyway, it was on the floor.
Thanks for reading my words.
Thank you for your words, i wrote this to try to free most of my frustration.
Funny thing is that the guy give me hope for almost a couple of hour telling me "how did you drop it", "anni stats?" until he blocked me.
Most of us would give it back, but there are still people that wont, anyway, it was on the floor.
Thanks for reading my words.

My condolences. These kind of stories make me weary of playing in pub games.. I've dropped my perfect Grief before once or twice by accident, thankfully just solo games. Really wish Blizzard would give us the /players command so I could enjoy high EXP and drops without worrying about someone grabbing my gear!
I traded a guy an unid anni. He id'd it and tossed it on the Ground. I didn't pick it up, I just said, "wow, bad roll?" He picked it back up and told me that he was trying to share it in the chat buffer but accidentally dropped it. It was a really good roll that he was trying to show me but he hit ctrl instead of shift.
I have to say the vast majority of people I deal with these days are honorable but it certainly wasn't that way 20 years ago. D2 was a hive of scum and villainy back then.
I have to say the vast majority of people I deal with these days are honorable but it certainly wasn't that way 20 years ago. D2 was a hive of scum and villainy back then.
What shocks me the most is that people are completely incapable of separating an RPG from real life. Some people are actually completely blind to the possibility that a game can be a separate world where people can safely act differently than they do in real life and play a different character entirely as an escape.Onibasso wrote: 2 years ago yeah right? you would think that most people playing d2 in this age is atlest 30+ and have some morals...guess there always will be greedy peoples no matter what. sad stuff
You bring up morals like a character in an RPG stealing from your character is a crime in real life. In a game where your character can be murdered and all their gold taken from them is built in to the game as feature.
It honestly scares me to think about where we'll be in another 20 years.
What? Do game dev not punish this kind of behaviour? I feel like not being able to play the game you paid for because you get banned for some period of time or permanently is indication to a real life punishment. Now im aware you said crime and I'm not going to go out and look at the worlds laws but im willing to bet some places have laws that prevent inexcusable behaviours even in video games. Theft is theft doesn't matter if you're playing a game or real life most people know what they're doing when they make off with stuff irl or in game. I'd argue most people do it in game because it's different from how they CAN act in the real world.Bellum wrote: 2 years ago You bring up morals like a character in an RPG stealing from your character is a crime in real life.
Time i'm most active 03:00am - 06:00am UTC on occasions 02:00pm-07:00pm
Ignoring the perpetual discussion of "is it even stealing if you dropped it?" which will always have folks dying on either side of it, I'm inclined to say there's generally two scenarios here because it is indeed a game.
1) Some random sees an opportunity, grabs your stuff and takes off.
2) Someone is indeed living out the role-playing character of the game and for his character's role, thievery and opportunism are indeed fitting trades. Grabbing your stuff (or even ganking you in an effort to corpse-pop) then becomes an intended part of the game, much as it may annoy the person on the receiving end of it.
#1 is clearly just being a dick. End of story. And 99.9% of the time, this will be the applicable scenario. Mind you, in 20 years of playing this game I still do not understand how someone can "accidentally drop my perfect Grief" (srsly, how? you actively have to click it from your weapon slot..how does that happen on accident?!) and one may well argue (and I kind of would) that you should have some sort of punishment for that to actually make it a learning experience. But regardless of that, the person running off with it is still just a dick.
#2 on the other hand is an intended way to play many a game, especially in RPGs and plenty of games are specifically built around such ideas of "lawful vs. lawless". If someone has always played some lawless thieving opportunist, they should be taking your stuff. In fact, they kind of have to or they're "failing their character". And transcribing that one into assumptions about someone's real-life character is about as accurate as saying "everyone who plays ego shooters will commit mass shootings IRL". Though this scenario will be insanely rare, if ever applicable. In fact, since D2:R's release, I for one only ran into two actual role-players who really played out a character they conjured up. And even in all my time in the original, it wasn't all that many.
1) Some random sees an opportunity, grabs your stuff and takes off.
2) Someone is indeed living out the role-playing character of the game and for his character's role, thievery and opportunism are indeed fitting trades. Grabbing your stuff (or even ganking you in an effort to corpse-pop) then becomes an intended part of the game, much as it may annoy the person on the receiving end of it.
#1 is clearly just being a dick. End of story. And 99.9% of the time, this will be the applicable scenario. Mind you, in 20 years of playing this game I still do not understand how someone can "accidentally drop my perfect Grief" (srsly, how? you actively have to click it from your weapon slot..how does that happen on accident?!) and one may well argue (and I kind of would) that you should have some sort of punishment for that to actually make it a learning experience. But regardless of that, the person running off with it is still just a dick.
#2 on the other hand is an intended way to play many a game, especially in RPGs and plenty of games are specifically built around such ideas of "lawful vs. lawless". If someone has always played some lawless thieving opportunist, they should be taking your stuff. In fact, they kind of have to or they're "failing their character". And transcribing that one into assumptions about someone's real-life character is about as accurate as saying "everyone who plays ego shooters will commit mass shootings IRL". Though this scenario will be insanely rare, if ever applicable. In fact, since D2:R's release, I for one only ran into two actual role-players who really played out a character they conjured up. And even in all my time in the original, it wasn't all that many.
I quite often forget that D2 is an RP, given that like you've said they chances of seeing it are slim unless you're looking for it. That being said in a lot of cases talking to RPer's, in MY experience, a lot of the time people go these routes are generally motivated by the fact that it's an easy out to do more intrusive stuff without the non RP punishment factor. I had someone on teamspeak back in the day saying he didn't actually care about RP at all but getting all the stuff he wanted was satisfying on world of warcraft. Kind of gave me a jaded mindset to the whole RP as a thief or w/e you want to call it, so I find it harder personally for me to believe someone is doing it more for personal enjoyment vs strictly to better their character in less time / less effort. Still though very great point.Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago Someone is indeed living out the role-playing character of the game and for his character's role, thievery and opportunism are indeed fitting trades.

This all being said I've seen personally some RPers do that in ways that is more so intrusive to AI, if you will, and not to the playerbase. I guess it's a personal middle Ground battle with where you want to stand.
Time i'm most active 03:00am - 06:00am UTC on occasions 02:00pm-07:00pm
I have clicked on something and closed my inventory and had a split second of lag for whatever reason on separate occasions on my ps5... and it picked up & dropped whatever item happened to register as being under the cursor at the time.
Gheeds, Chance Guards, Magefist, hoto, dropped my Grief twice!!
All in public or trade games, luckily didn't lose anything.
So I DO know first hand it that happens.
I won't go into the whole living out the role play whatever... People are dicks because they are, they aren't purposely going against their own honest & kind nature to actively pretend to be a thief/scammer/etc, it is likely just how they are and simply choose to justify it by saying "I'm a good guy, I'm only role playing a pedophile online, I'm not REALLY a sexual Predator, it's all pretend so it's OK! "
Get what I mean?
Gheeds, Chance Guards, Magefist, hoto, dropped my Grief twice!!
All in public or trade games, luckily didn't lose anything.
So I DO know first hand it that happens.
I won't go into the whole living out the role play whatever... People are dicks because they are, they aren't purposely going against their own honest & kind nature to actively pretend to be a thief/scammer/etc, it is likely just how they are and simply choose to justify it by saying "I'm a good guy, I'm only role playing a pedophile online, I'm not REALLY a sexual Predator, it's all pretend so it's OK! "
Get what I mean?
Well, if they're just pretending as a Smoke screen to jack your stuff and don't follow through when noone's watching, then they're not really RPing, are they? They're just being dicks again. :pTheoutrank wrote: 2 years agoI quite often forget that D2 is an RP, given that like you've said they chances of seeing it are slim unless you're looking for it. That being said in a lot of cases talking to RPer's, in MY experience, a lot of the time people go these routes are generally motivated by the fact that it's an easy out to do more intrusive stuff without the non RP punishment factor. I had someone on teamspeak back in the day saying he didn't actually care about RP at all but getting all the stuff he wanted was satisfying on world of warcraft. Kind of gave me a jaded mindset to the whole RP as a thief or w/e you want to call it, so I find it harder personally for me to believe someone is doing it more for personal enjoyment vs strictly to better their character in less time / less effort. Still though very great point.Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago Someone is indeed living out the role-playing character of the game and for his character's role, thievery and opportunism are indeed fitting trades.
This all being said I've seen personally some RPers do that in ways that is more so intrusive to AI, if you will, and not to the playerbase. I guess it's a personal middle Ground battle with where you want to stand.
I've met plenty a real RPer (mainly in other games) throughout the years though and for many of them, their in-game char behavior has little to nothing to do with who and how they are outside of it.
How you actually act upon everything really depends on the game though I guess. I mean..if you're RPing in D2, there isn't much you can do to AI in terms of thievery. It's not like the game allows you to pickpocket Charsi or anything. So you're kind of forced to do more to/with actual players. Other games offer a lot more options and variety in that regard.
Sure, I guess it's how the RP is played out much like RP with other players and taking their items you could kill diablo and pretend like you went to his place to murder and steal any valuables he has. The main difference here is diablo can't choose not to die or say he accidently dropped this or idc my good stuff was in my stash. there's obviously the other party factor that plays a role in RP. So I kind of disagree with not being able to RP against AI it's more down to the persons perspective. I will say that RPing with just AI is a lot less fun than with actual people. Also RP is kind of about challenging yourself and finding creative ways to RP against AI through story could be huge RP potential. Maybe diablo stole your Arachnid Mesh from Tristram before burning it and you bought that from wirt. Now you go on an adventure to claim your Belt back from him.

Time i'm most active 03:00am - 06:00am UTC on occasions 02:00pm-07:00pm
Well, yeah. I was thinking more in factions there. As in "the only AI you can actively go against is bad people in this game so if you wanna be opportunistic against all factions, that only leaves players to even it out".
Then again, I'm far from an expert in RPing by any means.
I just always appreciated the fact that in those games that do truly support it, there are folks who - regardless of how nice they may be IRL - choose to go down the thief or pirate or whatever path and make your game more of a challenge for you as you now have to watch out for them. Naturally, in D2 though, that is (sadly) extremely limited by design.
Then again, I'm far from an expert in RPing by any means.

I just always appreciated the fact that in those games that do truly support it, there are folks who - regardless of how nice they may be IRL - choose to go down the thief or pirate or whatever path and make your game more of a challenge for you as you now have to watch out for them. Naturally, in D2 though, that is (sadly) extremely limited by design.
That is fair,thank you for an insightful conversation was very delightful.

Time i'm most active 03:00am - 06:00am UTC on occasions 02:00pm-07:00pm
As much as this is true, in virtually every case in computer game* it is actually 1) with RP being used as an excuse. The fact that opportunism is treated as just being a dick and frowned upon (see posts above) make players resort to justify it by claiming it is RP.Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago 2) Someone is indeed living out the role-playing character of the game and for his character's role, thievery and opportunism are indeed fitting trades. Grabbing your stuff (or even ganking you in an effort to corpse-pop) then becomes an intended part of the game, much as it may annoy the person on the receiving end of it.
*and to a lesser extent in paper RPG setting, due to much deeper player interaction, although not unheard of
Delayed actions resulting of an item dropping is not common but do happen.
It did one or twice for me, in this last 6 months, playing on PC.
Weapon and gloves slots are the most common, due to being closer to the center of the screen, when most clicks happen.
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