I have an Amazon that is below level 30. Very slowly it turns out to raise her level - you have to constantly return to the city to restore her darts. At the same time, it does little damage. As a result, I have left this one for now - the pumping is practically in one place and I do not know how to do it faster. It feels more like torment. I need to raise it by about 5 levels, then reset the glasses and put the glasses back on the manual (I'm not a professional at all and can only work from the experience of other players).
How can I effectively raise her level?
And the second question is - is it worth pumping Amazon at all? Will it be effective for clearing locations? I have never played this character, but I would like to try.
I have an Amazon that is below level 30. Very slowly it turns out to raise her level - you have to constantly return to the city to restore her darts. At the same time, it does little damage. As a result, I have left this one for now - the pumping is practically in one place and I do not know how to do it faster. It feels more like torment. I need to raise it by about 5 levels, then reset the glasses and put the glasses back on the manual (I'm not a professional at all and can only work from the experience of other players).
How can I effectively raise her level?
And the second question is - is it worth pumping Amazon at all? Will it be effective for clearing locations? I have never played this character, but I would like to try.
Its been a little while but think when i did my Java did not use throwing weapons much till level 40+. Just used Charged Strike with a Javelin or Spear. I think i had full sigons set so in normal had good enough defence.
Then once you can get circa level 10 Lightning Fury at level 40 you can just cream through nightmare throwing javelins and destroying mobs super quick.
Then when you get to hell it gets
Harder again due to lightning immunes but thats not your issue right now...
Oh and yes its worth it. I think javazon is by far the fastest cows clearer in the game- once you get Enigma and Infinity...
Btw if you are just after quickest leveling your best bet is to glitch rush to hell- then follow people around in public Chaos games, at p8 you'll get 3-4 levels per run.
I've done this once for a barb but it felt kinda hollow and definitely regretted it. Will definitely play through my characters from now on...
RMac85 wrote: 3 years ago
Its been a little while but think when i did my Java did not use throwing weapons much till level 40+. Just used Charged Strike with a Javelin or Spear. I think i had full sigons set so in normal had good enough defence.
Then once you can get circa level 10 Lightning Fury at level 40 you can just cream through nightmare throwing javelins and destroying mobs super quick.
Then when you get to hell it gets
Harder again due to lightning immunes but thats not your issue right now...
Oh and yes its worth it. I think javazon is by far the fastest cows clearer in the game- once you get Enigma and Infinity...
I am currently leveling Amazon (45 lvl at the moment on NM Act 2) and from the beginning I started building her as Multi-arrow + Guided Arrow and up until this moment have no problems progressing fairly easy. I have some previously farmed gear though (Buriza for example, which definitely helps) but it can be bought cheap if this is the problem.
I have some things for Amazon on my mule. When I get back from work I can watch it. I was sure I should go with darts. Why? I do not know the answer, but probably it was in the Amazon pumping build.
Yesterday I managed to climb Amazon to level 29. I think to continue now Baal runs on normal difficulty - to raise a few more levels. And I still don't know which build will be my goal.
Given that the XP penalty for killing monsters with greater lvl than yours is rather small up until character level 70, you can stick around and do normal Baal very quickly and efficiently well into the 50s.
Crushnasty wrote: 3 years ago
I have a titans revenge I can donate
Thank you very much for the offer. But, I have 2 pieces of "revenge of the Titans" - while I was playing with other characters, I tried to collect some things for the future Amazon. Anyway, it's nice to see how responsive the community is in Diablo 2.
Crushnasty wrote: 3 years ago
I have a titans revenge I can donate
Thank you very much for the offer. But, I have 2 pieces of "revenge of the Titans" - while I was playing with other characters, I tried to collect some things for the future Amazon. Anyway, it's nice to see how responsive the community is in Diablo 2.
Crushnasty wrote: 3 years ago
I have a titans revenge I can donate
Thank you very much for the offer. But, I have 2 pieces of "revenge of the Titans" - while I was playing with other characters, I tried to collect some things for the future Amazon. Anyway, it's nice to see how responsive the community is in Diablo 2.
Thank you very much for the offer. But, I have 2 pieces of "revenge of the Titans" - while I was playing with other characters, I tried to collect some things for the future Amazon. Anyway, it's nice to see how responsive the community is in Diablo 2.
So the chart shared is indicative at best. Someone with some excel skills and time to kill should make an updated one with the mLvls of the 2.4 zones.
From what I understand about how exp works in the game(unless d2r changed it for some reason) is at +5/-5 of mlvl you get 100% exp gain, then it drops off slowly in both directions. The chart averages the act monster levels and gives the exp% you should receive. I would also assume it doesn't take into consideration bonus dungeons like the pit or Ancient Tunnels and so on that happens to be much higher level than the rest of the act, could be mistaken tho.
In general havn't really notice any major discrepancies, then again I use it mostly as a guideline to aim me in the right direction.
Gives me a good idea when i'm leveling up and start feeling my exp gain are too low, i give the chart a quick glance, and check where the optimal act/difficulty would be.
The big thing that I can confirm is quite accurate and very damaging to leveling is getting to get to act 5 before level 25. 95% act 4 /10% act 5, I assume its an old rushing prevention that stayed around.
pinkeh-_- wrote: 3 years ago
From what I understand about how exp works in the game(unless d2r changed it for some reason) is at +5/-5 of mlvl you get 100% exp gain, then it drops off slowly in both directions. The chart averages the act monster levels and gives the exp% you should receive. I would also assume it doesn't take into consideration bonus dungeons like the pit or Ancient Tunnels and so on that happens to be much higher level than the rest of the act, could be mistaken tho.
In general havn't really notice any major discrepancies, then again I use it mostly as a guideline to aim me in the right direction.
Gives me a good idea when i'm leveling up and start feeling my exp gain are too low, i give the chart a quick glance, and check where the optimal act/difficulty would be.
The big thing that I can confirm is quite accurate and very damaging to leveling is getting to get to act 5 before level 25. 95% act 4 /10% act 5, I assume its an old rushing prevention that stayed around.
I think you understand it correctly and I don't disagree. The chart gives and indication of where to be in general, but there can be a lot of variance of mLvl within an act, especially in Hell difficulty. So, I think it's best for people who care about min-maxing their experience gains to look at the actual ways in which exp is calculated, cLvl, mLvL and the rate at which they can kill things to get ahead.
Another thing that can be a little misleading is that the % shown only show the %of the total available exp a monster gives that your character receives without actually factoring in the absolute value. So looking at it, a new level 26 player might think that grouping up with friends in Act 4 normal rather than Act 4 hell (provided the friends kill stuff at equal rates in both areas). Yes, in normal the % of potential experience is 95%, a big slice. But it's a big slice of a cupcake when they could be getting one third of a wedding cake in hell.
But again, for a new player going through the game for the first few times, the chart works well enough.
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