Bdalfons wrote: 3 years ago
This isn’t a game you beat in a few days and then return. New players see nice expensive runewords like Enigma and say, “I should be able to get that with minimal effort” Like every other game they’ve played the past 10 years.
To be fair, almost every "guide" set unrealistic expectations by listing Enigma as the standard armor.
This leads new players to a rude awakening when no one wants to trade a Jah for their first unique drop.
Well I’m not sure what guides you’re referring to, but I’ve never seen a guide say “here’s all the best items, you’ll have them after a week”
But it’s correct a lot of people probably assume they will if they don’t read otherwise. Because like I said that’s what they’re used to, especially if they are able to spend the $$$ and get the best stuff faster. Sadly that’s why a lot of games are just pure pay to win/be the best.
Yeah but you can always tell who payed $$$ and who earned it. Couple of the guys I play with on xbox think I'm a wizard when I call out every drop before it's unid. mean while they got filled decked out sorcs, auradins, Faith mercs and I'm rocking a Mav Bowazo, IK barb etc. That and old tricks mess them up, Enchantress with Widowmaker slapping 20k guided Arrows from across Blood Moor.
I play sorc and I do think it's OP as hell. My suggestion to it would be. Just make Teleport INSANELY Mana costly and lvl 30 skill, drastically reducing mana cost for each lvl gained.
That would force sorc to invest more points into Teleport in early stages of the game making it not as efficient to farm at lower lvls, since you would not invest as much in other skills.
Pair that with lower repair costs for staves with +1/2 to Teleport (still mana expensive) and that would seriously level the paying field at nightmare and normal.
Another alternative would be to make a new runeword with Teleport easy to obtain at late Nightmare/early Hell.
I want to see the Paladin get nerfed across the board....
Blessed Hammer - hard nerf. It is simply way too overpowered, to the point where it marginalizes almost every other class.
Smite - VERY hard nerf, this skill has been total bullshit since D2's inception, and with the current game design, it needs to get nerfed into oblivion. It basically cheats every obstacle that melee contends with....just insanely unbalanced.
Zeal - this skill is probably fine, but the rest of the melee characters need to get buffed to match it's power.
Bone Necro - Should have benefits from Concentration aura that Blessed Hammer receives. This way you could equip a Pride on your A2 Merc, and have 12k dmg Bone Spear, but in PVP your merc dies super easy, so it would not change the meta there.
Physical Fighters -- The reason Grief is so cheap is that physical fighters needed to compete with casters. I think they could go further by removing the 50% physical resistance of monsters in hell mode when targeted by a player, and allowing leech to be at 100% effectiveness. That alone would balance things out in a huge way. Also, probably need to adjust the required attack rating for physical fighters on lower difficulties, such that they can hit things reliably before the difficulty really ramps up and they are just dying frequently when overrun by enemies. They take the most risk by being in melee range, but also have the most hindrances to actually landing attacks on enemies.
FngrUrBty wrote: 3 years ago
Yeah but you can always tell who payed $$$ and who earned it. Couple of the guys I play with on xbox think I'm a wizard when I call out every drop before it's unid. mean while they got filled decked out sorcs, auradins, Faith mercs and I'm rocking a Mav Bowazo, IK barb etc
I know a player with whom we played legacy D2, 3000 years ago. Always with BiS gear (Enigma, Heart of the Oak, Torch), surprisingly very shortly after ladder reset. At that time I was still wearing rags (mid runewords and uniques). When D2R was launched, he had his rude awakening: he was unable to build a nightmare viable sorc, both skill- and item-wise. When I tried to help, he didn't understand half of my words ("Lore"? "Peasant Crown"? "Lidless"? "MP/AP/Dusk"?), and was shocked that I know all those fine details by heart. He called me Deckard Cain for that.
Ironembraced wrote: 3 years agoSmite - VERY hard nerf, this skill has been total bullshit since D2's inception, and with the current game design, it needs to get nerfed into oblivion. It basically cheats every obstacle that melee contends with....just insanely unbalanced.
Easy fix: make Smite require AR. But this is not the only skill which hits automatically. Its OPness comes from crushing blow, which scales with monster health. Give it a fixed amount of damage instead. Scaling is often the root cause of OPness (as with Static Field (fortunately limited to 1/2 health) or Corpse Explosion).
Deleted User 6320
Trang Oul wrote: 3 years ago
Easy fix: make Smite require AR. But this is not the only skill which hits automatically. Its OPness comes from crushing blow, which scales with monster health. Give it a fixed amount of damage instead. Scaling is often the root cause of OPness (as with Static Field (fortunately limited to 1/2 health) or Corpse Explosion).
that sounds like a bad fix. since crushing blow doesn't come from Smite. it comes from gear and if you nerf it then you nerf all other skills using this stat. maybe just remove or reduce crushing blows effect from Smite. or maybe reduce the damage synergy Smite receive from Holy Shield. in my opinion non of the skills should require attack rating, but if people like to keep this stat, then sure, make Smite require attack rating.
Static Field isn't just one target like crushing blow it's all targets in range. and 25% vs Crushing blows 12.5% vs. Champions, Uniques, Bosses.
On top of the area effect and high % from Static Field it also has a much bigger range at higher skill levels. and it doesn't even miss.
Speaking of Teleport I think that getting a CD on it would be a nice idea. You won't be stupidly teleporting around, you would think your blinks, you would use it to pass through an obstacle but not the whole game. So it really will be nice for everybody.
Chasodey wrote: 3 years ago
Speaking of Teleport I think that getting a CD on it would be a nice idea. You won't be stupidly teleporting around, you would think your blinks, you would use it to pass through an obstacle but not the whole game. So it really will be nice for everybody.
anyone that wants to experience this can re-install Diablo III
Chasodey wrote: 3 years ago
Speaking of Teleport I think that getting a CD on it would be a nice idea. You won't be stupidly teleporting around, you would think your blinks, you would use it to pass through an obstacle but not the whole game. So it really will be nice for everybody.
anyone that wants to experience this can re-install Diablo III
Chasodey wrote: 3 years ago
Speaking of Teleport I think that getting a CD on it would be a nice idea. You won't be stupidly teleporting around, you would think your blinks, you would use it to pass through an obstacle but not the whole game. So it really will be nice for everybody.
anyone that wants to experience this can re-install Diablo III
Tp to enemy in Grim Dawn and TP arrow in PoE were just fine and balanced for me.
Coming from a very old-school view point. When you compare D2 to D1, for example, D2 for better and worse, is so much more about farming. In D1 unique items weren't such a thing, You could just play through, etc. In D2, however, Hell is so difficult, and there are so many items with such low drop rates and some that are almost required to really make some character playable, its kind of ridiculous. But, ironically, that torture and absurdity is a part of the game's success.
The funny thing is original D2. Hell was almost impossible. The game was always absurd, because you had almost no capacity to store anything, yet at the same time, storing items was totally necessary! How many times when playing original D2 did you sell an item because you didn't have room to store it, only to regret it later?
The really bad thing about D2, though, IMO, is that you almost can't prepare for Hell on most chars without first getting to points in Hell that you can't access. Its like you need to be able to farm level 80+ Hell in order to make many chars able to survive The Den of Evil! It makes no sense! This is why almost the only way to legit solo through Hell is with a Necro. And you have to get your Necro through Hell and then use him to get gear to get any other chars into Hell. Either that or be hugely lucky in Nightmare to get some of the best possible drops.
I think very few people beat Hell in the original D2, I know I didn't. Like many, it was a rude awakening getting you Barbarian or Sorceress into Hell only to hit a brick wall.
But anyway, as for Sorceress and Teleport. Sorceress has to have Teleport. You can't survive without it. Putting it on a cooldown might be a thing though. A cooldown to Teleport would be game changing for sure, put a stop to Teleport "abuse" but still have it there for the way its needed for survivability. But you wouldn't be able to travel with it any more.
But part of the problem is that D2 was designed to be a multiplayer game. They gave the chars weaknesses to force you to team up. But many people want to play it solo. Its intended so a Sorc needs to partner with a Paly or Barb, etc. and vice verse. But the way they did it was with hard barriers, not scaling. But then they later introduced gear to kind of "fix" things to make it more soloable, but the problem is that getting that gear becomes an absurd quest and its almost impossible to do legitimately.
The only way you can beat Hell with a Sorc is literally by skipping like 75% of the content with Teleport. Otherwise, immunities will destroy you unless you team with someone or get that one specific rune weapon we all know on one specific mercenary. And good luck legitimately making Infinity on a play through, lol, it will never happen. The Sorc is made viable by an end game item that you will never be able to make until you've defeated the game and replayed it multiple times.
So yeah, the game is a mess really, but its kind of like S&M. Its really a game for masochists, but that torture is apart of what has made it endearing. There is a reason few other games are like D2, because its actually horribly designed and doesn't really flow at all. But as others have said, the brokenness is the Key to its success. If you fixed everything that's broken it would lose its appeal IMO.
rgp151 wrote: 3 years ago
But part of the problem is that D2 was designed to be a multiplayer game. They gave the chars weaknesses to force you to team up. But many people want to play it solo. Its intended so a Sorc needs to partner with a Paly or Barb, etc. and vice verse. But the way they did it was with hard barriers, not scaling. But then they later introduced gear to kind of "fix" things to make it more soloable, but the problem is that getting that gear becomes an absurd quest and its almost impossible to do legitimately.
I disagree. I have always believed that Diablo 2 (and D3) has been designed to be soloable. There are some "anti-SP" (or rather "pro-MP") features, such as buffs affecting the entire party, or immunes, which encourage grouping up with different builds, but the elephant in the room is /players scaling.
The scaling boosts both monster power (HP, damage, AR) and rewards (loot, exp). The problem is that it is inefficient.
For guaranteed drop (Torch) there is no point in bumping it - just stay in /players 1 easy mode. I remember a situation when I was in a party which was struggling with Ubers. We invited a smiter to kill them. He couldn't. Then he told us to GTFO of the game and soloed the Ubers - specifically because of /players scaling.
For the rest of the gameplay monster power is too low - 4.5× HP and 1.4375× (dmg+AR) vs 8× players' dmg and HP (in practice much more, due to interactions between them, such as curses, auras...), and we have leechers standing idle behind a column during Baalruns. A well geared character can handle /players 8. Not a good MP design...
I wish Diablo was more like an MMORPG - there were some soloable areas, but for endgame content you had to team up. As a side effect, there would be an incentive for devs to balance the classes.
rgp151 wrote: 3 years ago
The only way you can beat Hell with a Sorc is literally by skipping like 75% of the content with Teleport. Otherwise, immunities will destroy you unless you team with someone or get that one specific rune weapon we all know on one specific mercenary. And good luck legitimately making Infinity on a play through, lol, it will never happen. The Sorc is made viable by an end game item that you will never be able to make until you've defeated the game and replayed it multiple times.
Ok, want to add some perspective on the matter. First, I am not a gamer, for the past 20 or so years I played some games, but most of them strategic, just when have some time, and I don't like rushing and it is a problem if I cannot cease my game whenever I want (have other work, kids, etc.) I was playing Diablo 2 back in the days, when I have no idea of builds, runes, ... I played D1 and it was incredible and D2 was the normal continuation of this experience and actually I enjoyed it a lot.
November last year I heard from a friend that D2R is launched and I was exited, since this is a great flashback from the past. Started playing solo (as I always did) and I chose Sorceress not because of Teleport (I like to kill every mob in the game, so actually almost didn't use it) or Hell farming (at this time didn't know what is that) etc. but because it was my favorite char back in the days.
At this point I still didn't have knowledge for class builds, best items, etc. So I started building the char on my own, pumping points to different skills which I wanted to try, pumped a lot of mana, and so on. Somewhere between the end of Normal and start of Nightmare I started having difficulties and of course began to search info in the net. Because I want to be able to kill every monster in the game, and I had no great gear I decided to have more than one damage type output, so selected to build Meteorb Sorceress. Farmed Nightmare Andariel also, because I needed some better gear and in fact I went through Nightmare and Hell and didn't have much trouble completing the game without high end gear (I had a luck Hell Andariel to drop Shako, and I had 2 spirits and that's all). So yeah, I didn't have super mega dmg output, but had decent Frozen Orb and decent Meteor and was able to kill every monster in hell (except one extra fast, Stone skin Dark Lord(or something) in WSK Lvl2 which I evaded with a lot of Teleport and if it was with CD I wouldn't have a chance).
Was it fast - no, it is slow and hard to constantly switch between cold and fire.
Was it fun - yeah, a lot, and was able to complete the game without any major problems without any great gear (I was also playing offline, so trading was not an option).
So, if you rush trough the game fast, yeah, definitely you will struggle without GG in Hell, but I don't play like that and for me this is OK.
dilbert383 wrote: 3 years ago
While I kinda agree with yall, making any changes that are too drastic will piss off a lot of people and cause them to quit playing.
I'm pretty sure there'd be an influx of new (or old) players if the meta was shifted drastically. Those who cling on to the current meta are either botters who profit from exploiting the current meta, or old players, who are actually bored of playing the same way for almost 2 decades, but refuse to admit that.
Pardon me... speak for yourself.
I am an old player and I'm fairly content with the way things are... and I don't have a subconscious issue with it...
The game can be changed without much fuss from me but come on now... a bit of an overgeneralization dont ya think?
Oh, and forgot to mention about playing Solo vs playing Multiplayer.
For me personally, the main problem playing multiplayer is the shared loot. I don't want to rush to grab it first. In my day to day activities I am constantly rushing in work, family, kids... In the game I want to relax, take a sip of beer, enjoy So if the loot is individual, I will enjoy playing multiplayer, just to combine forces and kill the forces of evil, and everyone doing it with his own pace. But for now, I enjoy playing solo most of the time...
Esurka wrote: 3 years ago
just remove Teleport completely and then this game is ok balanaced. hammers without tele isnt as great and the only way to skip terrean is now barb jump or walk and finally it makes sense to play barb! u have NO AOE but u got movement!
I think if you remove Teleport this game is completely boring as hell. I think there's a overall plot in terms of meta playing that leads you to that path. Why Enigma it's such an expensive item? Because of Teleport. And why you would want it? Because to extend the areas you can farm with other chars/builds that a sorc can't.
Why is sorc the char that can stack the most MF with a not so expensive gear?. Because the game leads you to play as sorc in order to farm a couple of bosses that can put you in the path of getting nice items to get and trade to get Enigma.
If you remove Teleport at least for me you cannot iterate quickly enough over the bosses to get the items you need. This game is all about repetition and luck. The odds and conditions of getting the most expensive items are just ridiculous.
I love this game but you get to a point when you are bored about repeating 1000 times the same processes and not getting something valuable. So if you add more time to this boring and frustrating as hell process, people maybe would play for a month and then quit.
Esurka wrote: 3 years ago
just remove Teleport completely and then this game is ok balanaced. hammers without tele isnt as great and the only way to skip terrean is now barb jump or walk and finally it makes sense to play barb! u have NO AOE but u got movement!
I think if you remove Teleport this game is completely boring as hell. I think there's a overall plot in terms of meta playing that leads you to that path. Why Enigma it's such an expensive item? Because of Teleport. And why you would want it? Because to extend the areas you can farm with other chars/builds that a sorc can't.
Why is sorc the char that can stack the most MF with a not so expensive gear?. Because the game leads you to play as sorc in order to farm a couple of bosses that can put you in the path of getting nice items to get and trade to get Enigma.
If you remove Teleport at least for me you cannot iterate quickly enough over the bosses to get the items you need. This game is all about repetition and luck. The odds and conditions of getting the most expensive items are just ridiculous.
I love this game but you get to a point when you are bored about repeating 1000 times the same processes and not getting something valuable. So if you add more time to this boring and frustrating as hell process, people maybe would play for a month and then quit.
nobody wants to romove it, just nerf it and put it on a short cd. And I disagree that the game is boring without a Teleport. I never had a sorc and I'm good with it. I think it would be good to all Hell areas would be lvl 85 after you get matriarch or patriarch title. Ezy solution and would help to see a lot more character diversity not only sorc pala and javazon.
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