So, what is the optimal way to trade El runes? Well, to state the obvious; No one is buying El runes. Literally not one WTB trade. And you'll have thousands to trade, so trading El isn't going to be viable.
Which means you're going to have to do at least SOME cubing.
The first rune that has some decent trade value is Nef. Now, Tir also has some value, but it's extremely rare to find someone buying those outside of a package with other runes, and you can't afford to craft those other runes.
So Nef is probably your best bet.
You can buy a Zod for around 7-8 Ist I think, so you'd need to convert the Nef into Ist.
You can do that for about 110 Nef per Ist, which means you'll need about 880 Nef to get a Zod.
880 Nef is 2640 Tir, so 7920 Eld, or 23760 El.
So, how long does it take to get 23760 El?
I think the most efficient way to farm those would be Normal Countess. A quick google search didn't tell me the rune odds of normal countess, so I'm gonna ballpark it at 1 El rune per 3 runs.
Normal countess runs should take roughly 1 minute, perhaps less, but let's say 1 minute, including load time and all that.
So it would take you 3 minutes for 1 El rune (of course you're gonna ignore all other runes, only El runes count).
To find 23760 El at 1 El per 3 minutes, it'll take you 1188 hours. Perhaps farming high density areas (like Tal Rasha tombs) would be better, but I have no idea what El/minute you'd get, so I'll go with this.
Now that you got your El runes, you'll need 7920 cubing to turn them into Eld, 2640 cubing to turn them into Tir, and 880 cubing to turn them into Nef, for a total of 11440 cubing.
At 5 seconds per cubing (let's say this includes all the muling), this will take you another 57200 seconds, or a little less than 16 hours. Negligible compared to the farming, but this brings the total to 1204 hours, or approximately 50 days.
Now, you can't play 24 hours a day for 50 days straight (believe me, I tried) so let's say you play 8 hours a day, every day. You will need 150 days, or 5 months.
Conclusion: If you farm normal countess for El runes (and ONLY El runes) for 5 months at 8 hours a day, you'll get enough El runes to cube them into Nef, and trade the Nef for a Zod rune.
Can be used to make Runewords:
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