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Hello, the topic regards my 80 clvl java.

My build is partly completed:
The rest of items are:
  • rare
    with 20def and +20 to all res and some not important stats
  • Magic +40 fire res/+29mf and other Magic + 19 to all res as Amulet
  • Rare ring with +38 ar/+2 strength/+23 to health/+21 to mana/28 light res as Ring #2

Currently I'm mainly farming over and over Countress (I'm block at Act3/Hell due to light res mobs) and I gathered some value items such as:



- 2

- 4

- 5
Key of Terror

From selling pgms, jewels, and a lot of runes which I farmed (
etc.) I think I can get around 3-4

What would you suggest I should focus at for next items?

For replacing Stealth in Body Armor (which I love! for moving speed and I will keep it for farming anyway) I am thinking about Stone - mainly for the resistances. (I know I should go for Chains of Honor but
is above my current possibilites).
I hardly need need
Griffon's Eye
but this is 2/3 leagues above Chains of Honor and I cannot afford it at the moment. Don't know what should I get. Current
I get from gambling over 5 milions of gold and I'm gambling every time I get some cash. (btw is
with + 2 to all brb skills/+15 to all res worth anything?).
For amulet
Mara's Kaleidoscope
would be nice but far from budget. Currently cubing all rings/amulets to look for any interesting.
For the rings I should definitely buy
Raven Frost
- and will do as it's very cheap, totaly forgot about it. What should be my second ring?

My res (with all talismans I have) are at the moment:
fire +28
light +46
cold -2
poison +66

I am willing to take any criticism and pieces of advice.

Thank you
Description by BillyMaysed

Can be used to make Runewords:

Hello, the topic regards my 80 clvl java.

My build is partly completed:
The rest of items are:
  • rare
    with 20def and +20 to all res and some not important stats
  • Magic +40 fire res/+29mf and other Magic + 19 to all res as Amulet
  • Rare ring with +38 ar/+2 strength/+23 to health/+21 to mana/28 light res as Ring #2

Currently I'm mainly farming over and over Countress (I'm block at Act3/Hell due to light res mobs) and I gathered some value items such as:



- 2

- 4

- 5
Key of Terror

From selling pgms, jewels, and a lot of runes which I farmed (
etc.) I think I can get around 3-4

What would you suggest I should focus at for next items?

For replacing Stealth in Body Armor (which I love! for moving speed and I will keep it for farming anyway) I am thinking about Stone - mainly for the resistances. (I know I should go for Chains of Honor but
is above my current possibilites).
I hardly need need
Griffon's Eye
but this is 2/3 leagues above Chains of Honor and I cannot afford it at the moment. Don't know what should I get. Current
I get from gambling over 5 milions of gold and I'm gambling every time I get some cash. (btw is
with + 2 to all brb skills/+15 to all res worth anything?).
For amulet
Mara's Kaleidoscope
would be nice but far from budget. Currently cubing all rings/amulets to look for any interesting.
For the rings I should definitely buy
Raven Frost
- and will do as it's very cheap, totaly forgot about it. What should be my second ring?

My res (with all talismans I have) are at the moment:
fire +28
light +46
cold -2
poison +66

I am willing to take any criticism and pieces of advice.

Thank you
Not sure if you're allowed to post offers on this forum, but I have a +30 all res magic amulet you might like for your build. Same res as a perfect mara's, just without the plus skills and attributes.

Add me on BNET to trade.

For your body armor I suggest getting a
Skin of the Vipermagi
, you can usually get them for a
. The FCR won't benefit your javazon much, but the +1 all skills and the nice boost to res will be an upgrade from your Stealth.

Many people also prefer a
to a
Thundergod's Vigor
because of the

You can also consider buying a +2-3 to
skills, + increased attack speed gloves. This will help boost the damage of your javelins.

If you haven't already, you should make sure your mercenary's gear is good too. Your mercenary should have a Level 15+
Insight in a
Giant Thresher
Great Poleaxe
. This should cost a
or less. A Treachery in an elite base armor. And a
Vampire Gaze
Crown of Thieves
. These can usually cost you a

If you offer what I am asking, add me on for a quicker trade. I'll see the notification instantly if I'm available.
What helped me with HI lightning res mobs besides Infinity us look at
for a necro
with lower res charges even lol 1 reduces res by like 50% I believe. Just have it on second hand cast with
then jav them S.O.Bs

Xbox GT: Cinomed541 add me if you need someone to play with.
Cinomed541 wrote: 3 years ago
What helped me with HI lightning res mobs besides Infinity us look at
for a necro
with lower res charges even lol 1 reduces res by like 50% I believe. Just have it on second hand cast with
then jav them S.O.Bs
Thank you for this post!

I totally forgot to mention, I already have this
but without the
and it couldn't help me. Maybe I am not skilled enough. Could you explain how this work? Also I play with controller, and by the time I switch the Weapons they kill me.
Cause you need one with charges. Because a normal
only applies to necromancer. But anything with "charges" allow any character to use that skill as many times as they have charges. So if you find a
with +1 to resist all it will only add to your skills if you're a necro, but you must buy one with
Lower Resist
charges. And I play on Xbox mostly and clicking in the right joystick switches to your second set of items. Not sure if it's the same on PC w controller though

Xbox GT: Cinomed541 add me if you need someone to play with.
tatatat wrote: 3 years ago
Not sure if you're allowed to post offers on this forum, but I have a +30 all res magic amulet you might like for your build. Same res as a perfect mara's, just without the plus skills and attributes.

Add me on BNET to trade.

For your body armor I suggest getting a
Skin of the Vipermagi
, you can usually get them for a
. The FCR won't benefit your javazon much, but the +1 all skills and the nice boost to res will be an upgrade from your Stealth.

Many people also prefer a
to a
Thundergod's Vigor
because of the

You can also consider buying a +2-3 to
skills, + increased attack speed gloves. This will help boost the damage of your javelins.

If you haven't already, you should make sure your mercenary's gear is good too. Your mercenary should have a Level 15+
Insight in a
Giant Thresher
Great Poleaxe
. This should cost a
or less. A Treachery in an elite base armor. And a
Vampire Gaze
Crown of Thieves
. These can usually cost you a
Thank you! This body armor looks very nice and is very cheap aroud 15 pgms. I can also upgrade it with (
) for more defence.

The gloves are also missing part, and they are not so expensive. I already posted some offers but forgot to buy them due to Holiday break. Thanks for reminding me.

About helmet are the skills trigerred by Delirium strong? Does it beat the
Harlequin Crest

Yes the merch equipment is very important currently I have:
  • Black Hades
    w/ some resists and +53% to damage in socketed jewels
Cinomed541 wrote: 3 years ago
Cause you need one with charges. Because a normal
only applies to necromancer. But anything with "charges" allow any character to use that skill as many times as they have charges. So if you find a
with +1 to resist all it will only add to your skills if you're a necro, but you must buy one with
Lower Resist
charges. And I play on Xbox mostly and clicking in the right joystick switches to your second set of items. Not sure if it's the same on PC w controller though
:D :D :D

You typed "with cha.rge" and paladin skill
appeared which caused my misunderstaing.

Yes I have the
with charges (found it in NPC). But still I used it w/out success. Maybe I should try again this tactics.
It really helps, cause even my new characters use the
Lower Resist
wands when leveling cause it makes everything die faster.

Xbox GT: Cinomed541 add me if you need someone to play with.
Cinomed541 wrote: 3 years ago
It really helps, cause even my new characters use the
Lower Resist
wands when leveling cause it makes everything die faster.
Well, I just checked it in Act2 in Maggot Lair where I can block Merc and with
Lower Resist
level 2 in my Knife it does literally zero to their resists.
Go for runeword Peace in your armor, Treachery in merc armor.
I went on my Java with a 2 socket exceptional
Bone Shield
and Rhyme rw.
This gives you "cannot be frozen"

Java is pretty much all about +skills.

You could try to find an amulet with +3 Java skill tree and resistances perhaps. Don't know out of my head if this works with prefix and suffix on magic ones.
Try to find small charms with single + resistances on your weak parts.
You can also check the informative video of MrLlamaSC talking about budget Java on YouTube. I found it very informative.
Go and look also for your merc for Obedience weapon?
KanePortnoy wrote: 3 years ago
Go for runeword Peace in your armor, Treachery in merc armor.
I went on my Java with a 2 socket exceptional
Bone Shield
and Rhyme rw.
This gives you "cannot be frozen"

Java is pretty much all about +skills.

You could try to find an amulet with +3 Java skill tree and resistances perhaps. Don't know out of my head if this works with prefix and suffix on magic ones.
Try to find small charms with single + resistances on your weak parts.
Thanks, this Peace is very interesting.

Why Rhyme over Spirit? Especially when you say:
[/quote]Java is pretty much all about +skills.[/quote]
Cannot be frozen can be get in a ring and also it is not a problem for me at the moment that's why I don't bother it.

Also, what are your tips for Light Resists Mobs?
bombek wrote: 3 years ago
Currently I'm mainly farming over and over Countress (I'm block at Act3/Hell due to light res mobs)
Lemme give you the most important advice you'll get on this matter and which is NOT gear related:

Skip it. Just skip it. Seriously, just run past all of the lightning immunes or
over them if you have some item with

Act 3 Hell is the worst place for any lightning build.

- MrLlamaSC's Amazon Let's Play Hell Difficulty video
- My Matriarch Javazon 😝
PS: Amazon casting frames are crap so you will want Faster Caster Rate. An Amulet with
charges + Spirit works great for ex. If using staff look for FCR in other slots.
bombek wrote: 3 years ago
KanePortnoy wrote: 3 years ago
Go for runeword Peace in your armor, Treachery in merc armor.
I went on my Java with a 2 socket exceptional
Bone Shield
and Rhyme rw.
This gives you "cannot be frozen"

Java is pretty much all about +skills.

You could try to find an amulet with +3 Java skill tree and resistances perhaps. Don't know out of my head if this works with prefix and suffix on magic ones.
Try to find small charms with single + resistances on your weak parts.
Thanks, this Peace is very interesting.

Why Rhyme over Spirit? Especially when you say:
Java is pretty much all about +skills.[/quote]
Cannot be frozen can be get in a ring and also it is not a problem for me at the moment that's why I don't bother it.

Also, what are your tips for Light Resists Mobs?

My bad. Did not read that your Spirit is already equipped. I did not go there yet as I did not yet want to invest all the strength required.
But as you have that already, think about upping your Titan Javelins to elite. This will help you also with the immune better.
Ofc it is then better to go with Spirit shield and ravenfrost ring
Do you already have a
Hellfire Torch
This will definitely up your game a lot.
Look for a low one, that should be affordable.
You already have many suggestions here, I'll just add how I level up my amazon when I was at your point.

Harlequin Crest
or Valkirie's wing
- shield: Spirit
- amulet:
The Cat's Eye
(for 20 ias and 30 frw)
- armor: Peace
- glove: + java skill, 20ias, +other rest
- rings:
forst; a yellow one with + resistance (bul-kathos if you can find one cheap)
- torch --> the most important items imho, it really made the difference in my case
: some yellow
can have +res, +frw and + fhr. identify all rare
you find, they can be better than set/unique one.
- on the switch weapon:
Naj's Puzzler
for tp or low resistance

- use the charms in the inventory for more life, res and frw

PS: I don't use anymore my Peace armor and a +1java+20ias+res gloves, if you want them I can give them for free. just add me on bnet

I can kill ubers (cheap price), sell unid Torches or provide hell rush (price hellforge quest) . bnet account: Ale#1244
Sorry for spamming, mates.
But it also came to my mind that with the Peace armor you can summon occasionally a
as a second meat shield.
I personally like it, but to use it you need one hard point in the skill. Otherwise the summoned Valk will disappear again straight after being summoned.
KanePortnoy wrote: 3 years ago
Sorry for spamming, mates.
But it also came to my mind that with the Peace armor you can summon occasionally a
as a second meat shield.
I personally like it, but to use it you need one hard point in the skill. Otherwise the summoned Valk will disappear again straight after being summoned.
Nah, it just has a 2% chance of summoning when you get hit. And a lvl 15 is weak on anything but normal. That's probably why it dies instantly.

Xbox GT: Cinomed541 add me if you need someone to play with.

 Deleted User 632 0

Cinomed541 wrote: 3 years ago
Nah, it just has a 2% chance of summoning when you get hit. And a lvl 15 is weak on anything but normal. That's probably why it dies instantly.
it's on striking and it is very strong even in hell.


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