Right now I'm specced as classic trapsin level 90. I have all the cookie cutter gear (HotO, Shako, Spirit Monarch, 3xTrap GCs...), running 300% MF. I'm farming for my Enigma at the moment and I'm not having any problem doing Pit, Cows, Pindle+Eldritch+Shenk (that's my usual farm route). My dmg is 2600-3100 fireblast and ~5k LS trap dmg. The Merc is rocking Tal's Mask, Eth Treachery (~700def) and Eth Thresher Insight (~700dmg). If he has Fade and no decrep, he can push through anything practically.
My question is, can I create a faster build? I feel that the trapsin loses a lot of time on every pull to set down traps and once they're down they also take time to start shooting. In the Pit I mown the packs pretty fast and I've started to feel that it's not worth to set down traps because it wastes time and have started resorting to Fire Blast which also feels bad because it's supposed to be a backup ability for Light immunes... Should I maybe look into Kick+ Death Sentry? Riftsin? Hopefully these won't require a massive gear swap, I'd prefer to be able to reuse some/most of my stuff

Extra points for a mindless build! Right now on every pull I have to set down LS, DS and start aiming my Fire Blast skill. Ideally i'd like to play this with only one hand on the mouse!