Let me tell you my little old (and ongoing) story.
I had the best bowazon (for me) in 2017, but unfortunately I forgot / couldn’t login to battlenet for about one month. (work, travel, network issues etc…) – So my account was deleted.
Please check her gear, she was a monster, the nightmare of all the creatures in hell.
Just on right click, and Arrows flew across everywhere, no one could react. Amplify kicked in (or not) and everybody was dead in one second.
RIP Krisztina, Your deeds of valor will be remembered. (BTW she was SC

My current goal is to “get her back” in D2R.
My current progress:
She is lvl 89.
She can easily solo hell, but not so fast. (I skip Baal because of the pesky Lightning guys who are enjoying sniping lightnings from faaaaar away.)
My run progress is:
Act I Pit, Cow level, Countess, Andariel.
Act 2 clear Lost City then Ancient Tunnels
Act 3 Travincial, Lower Kurast chests (Found my first Vex rune 2 days ago YAY!)
Act 4 River of Flame -> Diablo
Act 5 Pindleskin, Frigid Highlands (the 2 elites.)
My current gear:
Tal Rasha’s Helm (10% life/mana steal, all res – really helpful, keeps HP and Mana full with Strafe / Freezing Arrow)
I got a Valkyrie Wing too, but I need the all res and mp/hp steals yet…
My goal is to get a Diadem/ Coronet with skills, mp/hp leech and maybe all resists. (if those are exist)
Atmas scarab amulet (that amplify man…) (traded for an Um (or Mal) rune, don’t remember exactly
Chest armor is Skin of the vipermage (good resists) – I already got my 4 socketed perfect Archon Plate (traded for an Um rune) but as you guessed it, I didn’t find a Lo rune
Lay on hands gloves
Gore Rider Boots (traded for a Vampire Gaze) - Thanks diablo2.io
Raven Frost ring (from Andariel hell)
All res life steal ring (trying to craft a mana/ hp leech ring with all res…)
The bow…
Lycander's Aim upgraded to Grand Matron Bow. (maybe I socket it (Lazruk?) and put a Shael?)
BUT I already got my +3 skills Grand Matron Bow with 4 sockets (Thanks diablo2.io ! )
And you don’t believe it, yesterday I got a Jah rune(!!) From a tomb before Nihatlak. (my heart just skipped a beat when I saw that on the Ground)
So basically I need an Ohm and a Lo rune to complete my Fortitude armor and Faith bow.
And a better(?) helmet and a ring.
Resists are not bad, poison maxed, fire like 60%, lightning also 60%+ a cold a little bit lower like 40% but as nobody can't reach her I'm happy with these.
Mercenary is Act 2 Nightmare Might aura with reapers toll Duriel shell and also a Tal Rasha Helm

I keep on grinding farming shooting looting to “ Revive” my old loved Bowazon ♥