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I am playing offline and one of my goals is to build each class with top items.
What are You using Your characters for as we are speaking only for PvM ?
I love to see how do You play areas in the game and why ?

This is my game:
-- note I have no Enigma so far ---

Sorc - trick
Lower Kurast
, pits, you can trick travs as well by standing in the corner. Great to gear up the rest of characters to some point. Even naked...

Paladin -
ubers...and hammerdin can clear everything but I still prefer sorc...I hate aiming with hammers...

Amazon - javazon, clear cows players8 with ease, even without griffins

And now Im building barb specific for trav mf hork runs

What is Your way to play ?
For 20+ years I didnt even play druid necro and assasin :D will have to start...but where to use them ?
Description by Muniek

Can be used to make Runewords:


I am playing offline and one of my goals is to build each class with top items.
What are You using Your characters for as we are speaking only for PvM ?
I love to see how do You play areas in the game and why ?

This is my game:
-- note I have no Enigma so far ---

Sorc - trick
Lower Kurast
, pits, you can trick travs as well by standing in the corner. Great to gear up the rest of characters to some point. Even naked...

Paladin -
ubers...and hammerdin can clear everything but I still prefer sorc...I hate aiming with hammers...

Amazon - javazon, clear cows players8 with ease, even without griffins

And now Im building barb specific for trav mf hork runs

What is Your way to play ?
For 20+ years I didnt even play druid necro and assasin :D will have to start...but where to use them ?
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Necrarch 2170Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
I am a really slow player who progresses in the game at his pace (no rush, all quests, kills every single mob in every area before moving to next one.

Was necro 20 years ago, I am necro now on D2R. Bonenecro with a spice of summons : he basically can do whatever he wants. Almost no magic immunes + summons and mercs to do the physical part and occasionnally a bit of
Poison Nova
in case I fall on a real annoyance. Not optimal but I love that guy. Currently level 92, goal is 93+.

Second is my sin. Traps mainly but
to do things myself when needed. She is at 60 now and progresses slowly (ended A3 NM).

Third is my Zon. Bow mainly but also can do javs. Ended Normal.

And that's all in one year and a half. I like swiss knives that can do anywhere, and having fun with this. Not optimal at all, but don't really need that. :)


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
[online only]
Arcane Sanctuary
,cows [no infinity].
ww barb-trav, cs, wsk,countess [few pi's]. but can go anywhere w. max

necro-merge my gear after ladder ends, = novamancer w. Enigma/sunder go anywhere i hope!
planned-got a
so strafer w. bonebreak + atmas...
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Nate 586

I’m offline too, here’s my character breakdown (in order that I made them)

Summoner necro - to get everything rolling
Meteorb sorc - initially to get runes from
Lower Kurast
, and keys, then used to mf
and farm sojs from nightmare andy
Uber smiter - cause torches are the single best item in the game
Barb - for trav running (this is where I got my runes to make Enigma)
Javazon - cows
Hammerdin - for more efficient mfing, now I started to really get going
Mules - runes, jewels, gems, bases, weapon bases, unique, unique weapons, sets, spare runewords
Physical bowazon - because I found an extra
so I made a Faith
Throwing barb - because I found an
Dedicated gold find barb - because gambling circlets is fun and crafted ammys are amazing
Fury Druid - for fun
Bone necro - for fun
Pioson necro - in preparation for finding deaths web (still missing it)
sorc - for cows and because I made an Infinity
Mf barb -to try out the build
Holy Fire
paladin - this is my dedicated
runner, he can go from zero to completing
quest in a couple hours (I’m no speed runner), cause you need to socket stuff

Now I’m transitioning all my mules to actual characters I can use in 2.6:
Trapsin - I didn’t make one before because I was like “let me get this straight, you cast a spell that then casts a spell… sorry I’ll just play sorc and cut out the middle man”. But it is kinda fun when you find good

Elemental bowazon
Tesladin (recently found d the runes needed for dual dreams)
Fire sorc

Hope this helps!
I began my offline journey with a blizzard sorc and slowly built up Wealth from there for characters. I eventually made Infinity and switched to lightning sorc. I eventually crafted an Enigma which I share across multiple characters. I use my pally for ubers as a smiter and hammerdin for MF. Hammerdin in my opinion is the best MF character with Enigma due to survivability and damage output with non-GG gear. Hammerdin easily clears 90% of the game since there are almost no magic immune monsters.

I have a bowazon with Faith and a Pride merc. I find bowazon a to be fun but mobility is an issue. I also have a javazon that easily clears p7 cows with Infinity. Despite this, most of my high runes other than 1
have come from other random areas.

My barb sticks to p3
runs which is how I’ve found various runes and good charms and facets.

I recently switched my necro from
Bone Spear
Poison Nova
when I found Death’s web. Poison necro can farm many areas but I don’t really use him much.

I also have a Wind druid and a trapsin that I don’t play much.
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rikus 145

Assassin Americas PC
basically my goal is to have at least one guy who is badass in p8 hell. the only one who is ok is my hammerdin. my javazon is second, and then there's all the rest i haven't finished:

-martial arts sin. reachend NM mid.- basically the build is for fun(but i got bored in it mid game), but it could be badass, according to some guides, where you spend your charges-kaboom.
- poison necro NM mid - goal: MF
- bowzon just normal : fun!
zerker barbarian with
Find Item
, basically a pitzerker but with a bit of WW. now on act 2NM: MF and fun(cause i can just switch the
/rune hunting)

I have plans for a:
throw barbarian- fun
cold/lightning sorc- bad ass if she'll have sunder or Infinity
barbarian- fun, i like how they look
fire sorc - bad ass if immunes are sundered
and maybe
summon druid - for fun, although i think he's very underwhelming

that's it. after that, it's just find the holy grail, and get them damn ubers...
too lazy to grind for keys. although i have 1set of 3.

goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.


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