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Charged Strike
Amazon are cheaper than most builds, yet extremely effective if played correctly. It's one of the builds that require a huge amount of skill and determination to prosper.
Not to mention they can get people to rage quickly if you can legit far cast.

Dodge / Avoid / Evade
  • Chance to
    / Avoid /
    attacks means a lot less damage taken

Break points

89% Increased Attack Speed (IAS) for 9 frames per attack
Lightning Fury

95% Increased Attack Speed (IAS) for 7 frames per attack
Charged Strike


1 To Amazon Skills, 30% Faster Run / Walk (Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist)
of Speed 3 To Passive and Magic Skills, 30% Faster Run / Walk (1 Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist 1
Rainbow Facet: Lightning Death
Valkyrie Wing
(Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist)
Peasant Crown
(Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist)

Rare Amulet 1 To Amazon skills, 15 Strenght / 15 Dexterity, 60 Life, 40% Resist
Athletic Amulet of the Whale 3 To Passive and Magic Skills, 100 Life
Telling of Beads

The Eye of Etlich

Dusk Shroud
of the Whale 4 Socket, 100 Life (1 Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist 3
Rainbow Facet: Lightning Death
(Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist)

Tower Shield
Dragon Shield
of Deflecting 3 Sockets, 30% Faster block rate and 20% Increase block chance (3 Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist)

Ceremonial Javelin
2 To Amazon Skill Levels, 2 To Javelin and Spear Skills, 30%+ IAS, 200%+ Enhanced Damage
Titan's Revenge

Raven Frost
20 Dexterity
Rare Ring 15 Dexterity / Strength, 30 Life, 90 Mana, 30% Cold Resist

Rare Gloves 2 To Javelin and Spear Skills, 20% IAS rares, 15 Dexterity / Strength, 30% Cold Resist
Magic Gloves 3 To Javelin and Spear Skills, 20% IAS

String of Ears

M'avina's Tenet

Aldur's Advance

Rare Boots 30% Faster Run / Walk, 40% Cold / Fire / Lightning Resist, 9 Dexterity / Strength

Hunter's Bow

10 Harpoonist's Grand Charm of Sustenance 1 To Javelin and Spear Skills, 30 Life
10 Shimmering Small Charm of Inertia 3% Faster Run / Walk

Maxroll Character Planner

Stat Placement

Strength: Enough to wear gear with Harmony
Dexterity: Enough for max block
Vitality: Rest

How To Legit Far Cast

This is a little tricky to explain.
Charged Strike
Lightning Fury
on a right click hotkey. Use X for
Charged Strike
and Z for
Lightning Fury
Now that you have done that there is 2 different types of far cast, remember to hold down shift for each type.

Click Method

For the click method method, you need to have your cursor over your opponents body so you can see their life. Have your right skill click on
Charged Strike
then switch to Fury and back to
Charged Strike
quickly. About a quarter to a half a second later (Not right after) you click. When you far cast you do not see the actual
Charged Strike
, but your enemy does. What you see is what you threw (
Lightning Fury
) and then the enemy getting hit by a little lightning thing. This method can be used while running or standing still. When you are running you should initiate a long run, go through with the far cast steps and then click as usual while running. This is mainly used for enemy's that are on the offense.

Name Lock method

This method is by using name lock. When you get a name lock you can far cast on your enemy as long as you have the name locked. To do this I hold down my
Charged Strike
on the enemy to have a name lock, then switch between
Charged Strike
Lightning Fury
quickly. Hard to explain exactly the right time to switch between keys, but once you find it you'll know. This is mainly used for enemy's that are running away.

Dueling Strategies


: Put on your
String of Ears
. Throw
Lightning Fury
's at them to weaken them while they run /
at you, the physical damage will actually do a lot of damage. Only tank and
Strike if you absolutely need to. If they
lock just run and trow
Lightning Fury
's. Finish them off with
Charged Strike
when their health is low enough. If they
you will need to
Charged Strike
a little bit more, but try not to take too much hits while doing so. The trick to beating a
barbarian is to run away between the time he
'd on you and the time he

: Either tank and
Strike if they have low resist or run,
Lightning Fury
and finish off with
Charged Strike


Trap: Put on your
M'avina's Tenet
. You are going to be playing defensively here. Throw
Lightning Fury
's at them to weaken them, and far cast using both methods depending on the situation if you know how. Use the click method to far cast if the Assassin is on the offensive running towards you, and the name lock method if they are running away from you. Never try to tank their traps.

Kick: Either tank and
Strike if they have low resist or run,
Lightning Fury
and finish off with
Charged Strike


Bow: This requires a lot of timing and name lock abilities. For the most part the bow Amazon will be running away from you, so you will need to use your Harmony when they are not shooting arrow's. Once they shoot an arrow that is going to hit you, switch to your shield and walk, then switch back after the arrow has passed. When you can achieve a name lock do so and far cast. Usually i can delete a bow Amazon in one name lock. If the bow Amazon uses
Lightning Fury
to try and take you down, you can either
Lightning Fury
back at them, walk up to them in a zigzag Pattern and
Strike them, or run around them and click far cast.

Charged Strike
: Run away from them if they chase you while throwing
Lightning Fury
at them. Once they have minimal health run in for the kill with
Charged Strike
. If you are throwing
Lightning Fury
at them and they run back to
Lightning Fury
you as well use far cast. Depending on how they are playing, you can use either method of far cast.


For all paladin's whenever possible, when they are charging away use the name lock method of far cast.
Also for all paladin's when they
at you,
Lightning Fury
them, walk away, then Fury again and walk. Because they are charging they have a very low chance of blocking your physical damage.

Blessed Hammer
: Easy match unless they absorb. Predict where they are and use your
Lightning Fury
on them, name lock and far cast. Be conscious of
Blessed Hammer
fields. If they
on you
Charged Strike

: Either tank and
Charged Strike
if they have low resist. Or run,
Lightning Fury
and finish off with
Charged Strike
. And use the strategies listed for all Paladin's.

Fist of the Heavens
: Hard match. You have to name lock far cast them as quickly as you can, or consider yourself dead.


Bone: Avoid
Bone Spear
's and
Bone Spirit
's while getting in range to do a quick click far cast. If they run, use the name lock method.

Poison: Put on your
M'avina's Tenet
. You are going to be playing defensively here. Throw Fury's at them to weaken, and far cast using both methods depending on the situation if you know how. Use the click method to far cast if the Necromancer is on the offensive running towards you, and the name lock method if they are running away from you. Never try and tank their
Poison Nova


Windy: If they don't
it is an easy win.
Lightning Fury
far cast until deleted.
If they do
it is a whole lot harder. When they
on you run away from
range and
Lightning Fury
far cast.

: Stand still and delete with name lock far cast, easy win.


Hard match. If all they do is
the Blizzard / Lightning / Fire Ball until you are in range for a name lock, and name lock far cast. If they
stomp then you can either try and tank them and
Charged Strike
them at point blank, or run away
Lightning Fury
quick far cast.

General PVP Tips

How-To: Increased screen size

Step 1: Press Escape
Step 2: Options
Step 3: Video Tab
Step 4: Screen Space Calibrate
Step 5: Press and Hold Down Arrow so that it looks like this image

How-To: Easier Name Lock Ability

Step 1: Press Escape
Step 2: Options
Step 3: Gameplay Tab
Step 4: Chat Font Size - Change to Extra Large


Step 5: Press Escape
Step 6: Options
Step 7: Game play Tab
Step 8: Select Large Font Mode

Can be used to make Runewords:


 Deleted User 632 0


Charged Strike
Amazon are cheaper than most builds, yet extremely effective if played correctly. It's one of the builds that require a huge amount of skill and determination to prosper.
Not to mention they can get people to rage quickly if you can legit far cast.

Dodge / Avoid / Evade
  • Chance to
    / Avoid /
    attacks means a lot less damage taken

Break points

89% Increased Attack Speed (IAS) for 9 frames per attack
Lightning Fury

95% Increased Attack Speed (IAS) for 7 frames per attack
Charged Strike


1 To Amazon Skills, 30% Faster Run / Walk (Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist)
of Speed 3 To Passive and Magic Skills, 30% Faster Run / Walk (1 Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist 1
Rainbow Facet: Lightning Death
Valkyrie Wing
(Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist)
Peasant Crown
(Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist)

Rare Amulet 1 To Amazon skills, 15 Strenght / 15 Dexterity, 60 Life, 40% Resist
Athletic Amulet of the Whale 3 To Passive and Magic Skills, 100 Life
Telling of Beads

The Eye of Etlich

Dusk Shroud
of the Whale 4 Socket, 100 Life (1 Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist 3
Rainbow Facet: Lightning Death
(Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist)

Tower Shield
Dragon Shield
of Deflecting 3 Sockets, 30% Faster block rate and 20% Increase block chance (3 Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15% IAS, 15% All Resist)

Ceremonial Javelin
2 To Amazon Skill Levels, 2 To Javelin and Spear Skills, 30%+ IAS, 200%+ Enhanced Damage
Titan's Revenge

Raven Frost
20 Dexterity
Rare Ring 15 Dexterity / Strength, 30 Life, 90 Mana, 30% Cold Resist

Rare Gloves 2 To Javelin and Spear Skills, 20% IAS rares, 15 Dexterity / Strength, 30% Cold Resist
Magic Gloves 3 To Javelin and Spear Skills, 20% IAS

String of Ears

M'avina's Tenet

Aldur's Advance

Rare Boots 30% Faster Run / Walk, 40% Cold / Fire / Lightning Resist, 9 Dexterity / Strength

Hunter's Bow

10 Harpoonist's Grand Charm of Sustenance 1 To Javelin and Spear Skills, 30 Life
10 Shimmering Small Charm of Inertia 3% Faster Run / Walk

Maxroll Character Planner

Stat Placement

Strength: Enough to wear gear with Harmony
Dexterity: Enough for max block
Vitality: Rest

How To Legit Far Cast

This is a little tricky to explain.
Charged Strike
Lightning Fury
on a right click hotkey. Use X for
Charged Strike
and Z for
Lightning Fury
Now that you have done that there is 2 different types of far cast, remember to hold down shift for each type.

Click Method

For the click method method, you need to have your cursor over your opponents body so you can see their life. Have your right skill click on
Charged Strike
then switch to Fury and back to
Charged Strike
quickly. About a quarter to a half a second later (Not right after) you click. When you far cast you do not see the actual
Charged Strike
, but your enemy does. What you see is what you threw (
Lightning Fury
) and then the enemy getting hit by a little lightning thing. This method can be used while running or standing still. When you are running you should initiate a long run, go through with the far cast steps and then click as usual while running. This is mainly used for enemy's that are on the offense.

Name Lock method

This method is by using name lock. When you get a name lock you can far cast on your enemy as long as you have the name locked. To do this I hold down my
Charged Strike
on the enemy to have a name lock, then switch between
Charged Strike
Lightning Fury
quickly. Hard to explain exactly the right time to switch between keys, but once you find it you'll know. This is mainly used for enemy's that are running away.

Dueling Strategies


: Put on your
String of Ears
. Throw
Lightning Fury
's at them to weaken them while they run /
at you, the physical damage will actually do a lot of damage. Only tank and
Strike if you absolutely need to. If they
lock just run and trow
Lightning Fury
's. Finish them off with
Charged Strike
when their health is low enough. If they
you will need to
Charged Strike
a little bit more, but try not to take too much hits while doing so. The trick to beating a
barbarian is to run away between the time he
'd on you and the time he

: Either tank and
Strike if they have low resist or run,
Lightning Fury
and finish off with
Charged Strike


Trap: Put on your
M'avina's Tenet
. You are going to be playing defensively here. Throw
Lightning Fury
's at them to weaken them, and far cast using both methods depending on the situation if you know how. Use the click method to far cast if the Assassin is on the offensive running towards you, and the name lock method if they are running away from you. Never try to tank their traps.

Kick: Either tank and
Strike if they have low resist or run,
Lightning Fury
and finish off with
Charged Strike


Bow: This requires a lot of timing and name lock abilities. For the most part the bow Amazon will be running away from you, so you will need to use your Harmony when they are not shooting arrow's. Once they shoot an arrow that is going to hit you, switch to your shield and walk, then switch back after the arrow has passed. When you can achieve a name lock do so and far cast. Usually i can delete a bow Amazon in one name lock. If the bow Amazon uses
Lightning Fury
to try and take you down, you can either
Lightning Fury
back at them, walk up to them in a zigzag Pattern and
Strike them, or run around them and click far cast.

Charged Strike
: Run away from them if they chase you while throwing
Lightning Fury
at them. Once they have minimal health run in for the kill with
Charged Strike
. If you are throwing
Lightning Fury
at them and they run back to
Lightning Fury
you as well use far cast. Depending on how they are playing, you can use either method of far cast.


For all paladin's whenever possible, when they are charging away use the name lock method of far cast.
Also for all paladin's when they
at you,
Lightning Fury
them, walk away, then Fury again and walk. Because they are charging they have a very low chance of blocking your physical damage.

Blessed Hammer
: Easy match unless they absorb. Predict where they are and use your
Lightning Fury
on them, name lock and far cast. Be conscious of
Blessed Hammer
fields. If they
on you
Charged Strike

: Either tank and
Charged Strike
if they have low resist. Or run,
Lightning Fury
and finish off with
Charged Strike
. And use the strategies listed for all Paladin's.

Fist of the Heavens
: Hard match. You have to name lock far cast them as quickly as you can, or consider yourself dead.


Bone: Avoid
Bone Spear
's and
Bone Spirit
's while getting in range to do a quick click far cast. If they run, use the name lock method.

Poison: Put on your
M'avina's Tenet
. You are going to be playing defensively here. Throw Fury's at them to weaken, and far cast using both methods depending on the situation if you know how. Use the click method to far cast if the Necromancer is on the offensive running towards you, and the name lock method if they are running away from you. Never try and tank their
Poison Nova


Windy: If they don't
it is an easy win.
Lightning Fury
far cast until deleted.
If they do
it is a whole lot harder. When they
on you run away from
range and
Lightning Fury
far cast.

: Stand still and delete with name lock far cast, easy win.


Hard match. If all they do is
the Blizzard / Lightning / Fire Ball until you are in range for a name lock, and name lock far cast. If they
stomp then you can either try and tank them and
Charged Strike
them at point blank, or run away
Lightning Fury
quick far cast.

General PVP Tips

How-To: Increased screen size

Step 1: Press Escape
Step 2: Options
Step 3: Video Tab
Step 4: Screen Space Calibrate
Step 5: Press and Hold Down Arrow so that it looks like this image

How-To: Easier Name Lock Ability

Step 1: Press Escape
Step 2: Options
Step 3: Gameplay Tab
Step 4: Chat Font Size - Change to Extra Large


Step 5: Press Escape
Step 6: Options
Step 7: Game play Tab
Step 8: Select Large Font Mode


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