I play single player, P8, a level 97 Fire sorc.
I wanted to get another SOJ for keep and use it. The first I found I sold it to Charsi for summoning DClone to get the Annihilus, which I got, a nice one 16, 20, 8.
So I started a campaign on Nightmare Andariel with my best MF gear, around 640. Chances to get one were 1:765.
Got a good map and if was nothing to loot, it took around 25 - 30 seconds per run.
The uniques rings started to pop-up and I was in hope for the "My precious..." but there were only Manald Heal and Nagelring, almost symmetrical numbers. Manald = 12 and Nagelring = 14.
So, 26 uniques and SOJ were not to be found... very disapointed.
The last one droped on run 595 and I thought: "This must be it! So close to the end and finally Andy gave up!" But no, it was another Nagelring

Maybe she thought that one SOJ that gave me earlier was enough.
I had a moment during one run when he screen was full of loot and saw a rune on the floor.
Moving the mouse through the pile of things, the labels were moving around due to the sheer number and I thought I saw a Jah. My hand freezed for a moment in hope for the almighty rune, but eventually were a Amn. I had a push of adrenaline then.
So... after 600 runs I left her in her Catacombs and walked away empty handed

Time to return to Hell for regular farming, targeting level 99 and some missing gear.
Also for keys 'cause I want to try Ubers with her or with my lvl 92 Zealer.
I put a picture of the list I kept track of runs.