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Astreon's Iron Ward

 Elite Unique

 1H damage: 125-167
 Base speed: -10
 Durability: 70
 Req Strength: 97
 Req Dexterity: 70
 Req level: 66
 Quality level: 68
 Treasure class: 87
+240-290% Enhanced Damage
Damage +40-85
+50% Damage To Undead
Adds 80-240 Magic Damage
33% Chance of Crushing Blow
Slows Target By 25%
Damage Reduced By 4-7
+2-4 To Combat Skills (Paladin Only)
+10% Increased Attack Speed
150-200% Bonus To Attack Rating



Astreon's Iron Ward
is a great item for Zealot Paladins for the + to Combat Skills, Crushing Blow and IAS. The attack rating bonus and damage reduction are also useful.
Description by Khegan

Ethereal Value(s)

If Ethereal:
1H Damage: 299-334
NB These are the perfect values possible for a level 99 character.

Can be used to make Runewords:


On the trade market

Active trades (latest 20, 3h cache):


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Sold for: (last 10, 3d lag, 1d cache)

1 Jah , 1 Ber    1 month ago
1 Gul  
 1 month ago
1 Ohm , -2 Ist , -1 Mal   Eth
 2 months ago
1 Gul   Eth
 2 months ago
1 Ber   Perf
 3 months ago
3 Perfect Amethyst    3 months ago
1 Ist  
 5 months ago
15 Perfect Gems    6 months ago
1 Mal  
 7 months ago
1 Vex    8 months ago

Sales volume (last 18m, 3d cache):

Astreon's Iron Ward
User avatar

Teebling Admin

Europe PC
Astreon's Iron Ward
is a great item for Zealot Paladins for the + to Combat Skills, Crushing Blow and IAS. The attack rating bonus and damage reduction are also useful.
I was happy to find this in the pits, it’s super rare. And despite what people say, it’s a damn good weapon for an Uber smiter, I added a sheal to it and it brought down the Ubers with ease. A good option if you don’t have a
for a Grief.

It is probably a good idea to repair it after the mini ubers, it’s got good durability, but no-one wants to head back to town right in the middle of fighting
to repair a weapon.

With the +4 to combat skills, it’s probably an option for basically any pally build
Pally holding an
Astreon's Iron Ward
. And also its ethereal version.
I like using an ethereal version of it on my
Paladin. And it is actually fantastic since it has all the required modifiers like flat damage, crushing blow, increased attack speed, + combat skills. The only problem is one needs absolutely an ethereal one to create enough damage output, and it requires
rune of course.


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