While I use Treachery to pre-buff Fade when I run ubers (which I don't do very frequently...), because of Uber Mephisto;
I think that always depend on Treachery pre-buff to max your resistance and at same time using another armor (like Enigma / Fortitude) in your normal runs is not very pleasant (but already saw a few guides with that set-up + playstyle recommendation
On the other hand I have one character (a Fury Druid) that uses a swap for pre-buff (Obedience's Enchant) even on normal runs and I don't feel the game is "clunky" because of that (as use swap for pre-buff is way more smooth than have to switch armor
This make me think about the idea of using Last Wish (or Spirit Ward) to pre-buff Fade on a more smooth way
Did anyone already try that?