Essentially, if you want A2 for their inherent aura (other than freeze, obv.) and you don't need them to wield a different aura stick (Insight, Infinity, ...) then Doom ends up a pretty solid choice, both for their damage and for adding on a solid defensive aura.
I used it along with Defiance on a Hammerdin build for maximum safety. It worked very well! Add a Fortitude and some LL/DR Helm and you end up with a VERY solid tank merc.
The problem with native Holy Freeze is that, it takes sometime for this aura to get activated. I often finish one run before native Holy Freeze would get activated. But Holy Freeze on the Doom will always be activated once I get into the game.
Prayer aura would be very benificial to my fire girl. for typically 3-5 runs, I would find myself need to drink a health potion, if she would have the Prayer aura, I dont think she will be needing any potion at all.
The problem with native Holy Freeze is that, it takes sometime for this aura to get activated. I often finish one run before native Holy Freeze would get activated. But Holy Freeze on the Doom will always be activated once I get into the game.
yes, so i'm thinking Doom + might for my bowazon's merc. Faith + 2 frame Strafe + Atma's Scarab = quick amp, so emilio does not need reaper's toll
krathkor wrote: 4 months ago
yes, so i'm thinking Doom + might for my bowazon's merc. Faith + 2 frame Strafe + Atma's Scarab = quick amp, so emilio does not need reaper's toll
anyway thanks for the feedback!
Sounds like a good plan to me.
For low items I also accept: Perfect Amys, Ral, Hel, Tokens, Keys. Please don't offer runes lower than Pul (with the named exceptions).
seansixsixsix wrote: 4 months ago
I think the only important roll on this one is minus cold resistance. luckly, I got -59%.
Since -res only applies to the wielder, it will only help the merc's own cold damage output, which will be negligible (an unsynergized level 12 Holy Freeze adds a measly 85-90 cold damage to attacks, and the pulses do 17-18 damage). In other words, the -res is pretty much meaningless on a merc.
The -res roll is important when you self-wield Doom (most likely in a one-handed Axe on a sorc), but for a merc Doom, only the ED% really matters. Your ED% was on lower end, but it's not going to make a huge difference (a max rolled one would have had 803 max damage instead of 774, whoopeedoo ).
EDIT: Also, the target's cold resistance does not affect the slow applied by Holy Freeze. The only thing that will impact Holy Freeze's slow effect is the target's chill effectiveness, which is not the same as cold resistance (you cannot affect a mob's chill effectiveness, it's hardcoded per monster type).
I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
ShadowHeart wrote: 4 months ago
EDIT: Also, the target's cold resistance does not affect the slow applied by Holy Freeze.
That's the important piece here.
If you want to confirm that for yourself, you can simply walk up to a cold immune and have the aura still slow it. That wouldn't work if res/-res mattered.
The only reason you'd see "now with -59% CR, I feel like mobs are super slowed" is because..
a) You were going after different mobs before and as such possibly facing very different chill effectiveness (which is actually unlikely in typical normal gameplay)
or b) You're comparing to a low-lvl merc with an aura level still <<12
Part of the beauty of Doom is that you really can't roll a bad one. The aura is always 12, meaning you always hit the target -50% with it. The -res roll really doesn't matter in any note-worthy way whatsoever. And even a minimum dmg roll is still a very solid amount of ED and far from bad.
Mind you, the -res does technically make a difference for the actual on hit freeze effect on Doom (adjusting the duration in your favor) but that, too is typically fairly irrelevant in normal gameplay and will make no actually visible difference.
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