I introduce you to an Ultimate Auradin appropriately named Saint Vindictus, he is father of all Auradins not just put random stuff to get max auras and see-what-happens; or in other words I tried to min/max him as much as I could and yet maintain that original plan/idea of him having maximum different auras (or as much as theoretically possible). Yes, some sacrifices had to be done to achieve that sparkling aura effect when they all combine beneath your feet (even tho it makes him a bit less dangerous, he just looks awesome)! He is very fun to play on P1 (did try max P3 but didn't see any significant difference), a true complete menace I would have to say.

Idea for this build (this was at the time I didn't even know about "builds" in general, neither that there are meta builds, hybrids, off-meta etc.) was born on the very 1st day of D2R yet I had to create a new character recently to see how he feels at the current state (it's fabulous).

I know it's nothing special in comparison to some other builds out there but he still kills Hell Baal in just a bit shy of 11 seconds (more on link below).
Current state (prone to minor changes):
How does he look (had to put this in): Now let me put a little edit in here:
The major alternative to this build I ended up with was definitely this one:
That would have been in total on me 7 auras incl. Fanaticism [29] + Conviction [12] instead of 7 incl. Conviction [25] + Fanaticism [15]