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I play Single Player Fire sorceress, level 97 usually on P8, and yesterday I decided to take a shot at the Ubers and farmed for the remaining keys. In couple of hours I got 3 keys from
The Countess
and 2 from
The Summoner
(I think I was lucky to get 5 keys in one session).

Last night I had a shot at mini Ubers and went well.
I wasn't know what to expect and to not risk the whole keys I opened one portal at a time.

First one,
Matron's Den
Caution was the approach, killing every mob in the dungeon. All went smooth and cleared the whole level until I faced the Big Lady.
Then Emilio started to get one-two shotted and I was running like a scared chicken, teleporting through walls trying to escape from her.
My hydras not even scratched her and was unable to put some damage on becouse of her life regen.
At the moment I was afraid I can't do the job and have to give up.
Then I applied another tactic and equipped a pair of
to use he
Bone Prison
This went ok and after I applied three layers of bones he died from my meteors, hydras and fire balls.

The rest of the gang didn't make any problems.
Über Izual
Über Duriel
was piece of cake.

Now I want to give the
Uber Tristram
a go, although I'm pretty scared.

I have Flickering Flame, Chains of Honor, Heart of the Oak, Spirit
Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Arachnid Mesh
On swap I have Call To Arms and Spirit.
I don't know what to use as rings, double
Manald Heal
for mana regen or one Manald and one
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
for +1 skill.

My merc is using
The Reaper's Toll
Vampire Gaze
, and
Griswold's Heart
with some jewels on it.
Formerly he used Insight but tried Reaper's and works fine on P8 cows. I went after
and Emilio's life didn't lowered at all.

I'm a little scared to take the portal. If I screw things up I have to farm all nine keys again.
Maybe I should farm for a Phoenix shield. I need
. I'm ok also with a
to cube the
Description by Florian_G

Can be used to make Runewords:

I play Single Player Fire sorceress, level 97 usually on P8, and yesterday I decided to take a shot at the Ubers and farmed for the remaining keys. In couple of hours I got 3 keys from
The Countess
and 2 from
The Summoner
(I think I was lucky to get 5 keys in one session).

Last night I had a shot at mini Ubers and went well.
I wasn't know what to expect and to not risk the whole keys I opened one portal at a time.

First one,
Matron's Den
Caution was the approach, killing every mob in the dungeon. All went smooth and cleared the whole level until I faced the Big Lady.
Then Emilio started to get one-two shotted and I was running like a scared chicken, teleporting through walls trying to escape from her.
My hydras not even scratched her and was unable to put some damage on becouse of her life regen.
At the moment I was afraid I can't do the job and have to give up.
Then I applied another tactic and equipped a pair of
to use he
Bone Prison
This went ok and after I applied three layers of bones he died from my meteors, hydras and fire balls.

The rest of the gang didn't make any problems.
Über Izual
Über Duriel
was piece of cake.

Now I want to give the
Uber Tristram
a go, although I'm pretty scared.

I have Flickering Flame, Chains of Honor, Heart of the Oak, Spirit
Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Arachnid Mesh
On swap I have Call To Arms and Spirit.
I don't know what to use as rings, double
Manald Heal
for mana regen or one Manald and one
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
for +1 skill.

My merc is using
The Reaper's Toll
Vampire Gaze
, and
Griswold's Heart
with some jewels on it.
Formerly he used Insight but tried Reaper's and works fine on P8 cows. I went after
and Emilio's life didn't lowered at all.

I'm a little scared to take the portal. If I screw things up I have to farm all nine keys again.
Maybe I should farm for a Phoenix shield. I need
. I'm ok also with a
to cube the
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Schnorki 3749Moderator

is indeed usually the only mini that poses a bit of a challenge for a fire sorc (or most builds for that matter).

As a fire sorc, you shouldn't really run into mana issues so BK for skill = win.

Expect things to take quite a while to die though since you seem to not have access to Infinity and their regen is fairly high.
You do have a sunder at least though, right? If not, definitely farm that first, seeing how both diablo and
are fire immune.

Other than that, it is certainly doable. Worst case, just
-cheese it again or maybe farm up a lifetap
if need be so your merc can merrily tank most of it. Though that would work better with Insight, seeing how reaper's will override your lifetap again. Maybe even farm him up an Obedience first as you'd ideally want something to add real damage, what with missing Infinity, so the crushing blow would work wonders, even on a merc.
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Necrarch 2024Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Fire Sunder as said Schnorki is required... probably except for Meph.

Apart from that, have you already seen the other topic with the best path to lure
first - the hardest to deal with for most builds ?

Also be sure to get tons of light res for him (the 300 bar being optimal to negate his
) through your charms - you can reswap to usual stuff after he is dead.

- fire facets in it to lower enemy res ?

Second worst is probably
- tons of hp, TP to you and blood mana curse will require you to drink blue pots most likely.

Also check on how to distinguish him from his Clone when he uses it.

Diablo should be easiest, even if his immune megademons are a pain in the *ss. focus on big D.

Good luck, it will probably be a long fight, get tons of full rejuvs (in cube + on floor on right side of
Uber Tristram
) and burn them all !


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
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Schnorki 3749Moderator

Worthwhile addition I suppose:
If all else fails, it is possible (not very straight forward but possible) to lure ubers into the buildings in a way that gets them stuck in the building and may have them stop spawning further adds. At that point, all you do is re-cast hydras through the door and wait. Sort of like dclone in palace except that you need to get your positioning correct to keep them in there.

Usually needs your merc to be dead though at that point as he'll otherwise keep running in and luring the uber back out/restarting his add spawning.
Hi there!
Schnorki wrote: 10 months ago
You do have a sunder at least though, right?
Yes, I have a perfect Sunder.
Schnorki wrote: 10 months ago
farm him up an Obedience first
I have the runes and a Giant tresher base for that. I'll give it a try.
I read about this RW and looks very promising. Have cold damage for 3 seconds and also, very important, -25% to fire resistance.
This is like about Phoenix if it's taken into account and adds to my FF - res.
Necrarch wrote: 10 months ago
have you already seen the other topic with the best path to lure
first - the hardest to deal with for most builds ?
I saw that are guides that tell to take a certain path to the Big Ones but I'm kinda want to find that myself. But Is just to risky not studying them.
Necrarch wrote: 10 months ago
Also be sure to get tons of light res for him (the 300 bar being optimal to negate his
) through your charms - you can reswap to usual stuff after he is dead.

- fire facets in it to lower enemy res ?
Light res can be achieved through SC.
No Fire Facets for merc. I haven't found one yet. He have some mediocre jewels, not to shiny IAS, ED and add flat damage.
Necrarch wrote: 10 months ago
Also check on how to distinguish him from his Clone when he uses it.
I have to research that. When I do regular
, I take down both of them if he clone himself.
Schnorki wrote: 10 months ago
Worthwhile addition I suppose:
If all else fails, it is possible (not very straight forward but possible) to lure ubers into the buildings in a way that gets them stuck in the building and may have them stop spawning further adds. At that point, all you do is re-cast hydras through the door and wait. Sort of like dclone in palace except that you need to get your positioning correct to keep them in there.

Usually needs your merc to be dead though at that point as he'll otherwise keep running in and luring the uber back out/restarting his add spawning.
Good to know. Sound safe enough.
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Schnorki 3749Moderator

Florian_G wrote: 10 months ago
Schnorki wrote: 10 months ago
farm him up an Obedience first
I have the runes and a Giant tresher base for that. I'll give it a try.
I read about this RW and looks very promising. Have cold damage for 3 seconds and also, very important, -25% to fire resistance.
This is like about Phoenix if it's taken into account and adds to my FF - res.
The -res on Obedience doesn't help you as it'll only work for your merc. The cold also doesn't do much vs. ubers. The idea behind Obedience is mainly to get your merc some crushing blow as it is a comparatively cheap/easy-to-self-find solution as opposed to the ideal Infinity (which would have both, crushing blow and -res for you via the aura). Though the bonus stats (FHR, res, ..) certainly aren't bad for the merc himself, especially vs. ubers.

Hone Sundan
Steel Pillar
would theoretically work for CB as well if you happen to have either of those. Albeit otherwise worse than Obedience.

Mind you, all of that is assuming you're sticking with your A2 merc.
As good as they are though, so long as you don't have Infinity, you'd actually be better off with A5 vs. ubers, having your merc use a Kingslayer (slightly harder but still relatively easy to self-find) in one hand. That way, not only would you get crushing blow on him but you'd also get open wounds to stop the ubers' regen. Could dual wield those for even more CB/OW procs or if you have it use an
or better yet Lawbringer in the other hand as the sanc aura is actually pretty good for dealing with the adds. Or Plague to add lower res -> up your damage quite a bit but that'd be much harder to self-find again.

Or you socket hone/Steel with an
. Or use Bone flesh. Or...well, I guess there's plenty of options all in all, some better, some worse. Either way, if you can get both, CB and open wounds on your merc, that'd be a massive help.
Florian_G wrote: 10 months ago
- fire facets in it to lower enemy res ?
Same as above. Since your merc is using the gris, adding -res in there won't help you at all as it only works for your merc.
Wow lvl 97! Impressive!

I just checked my lvl 92 fire sorc to compare gear, she’s purely a
sorc - i play on console so 1-2 attack skills is preferable to me.

My gal does have a Phoenix shield and it’s pretty sweet, but that necessitates fcr on the rings and ammy. Also was lucky enough to find a good fire eschutas and a facet to stick in it - every little bit helps! But then your res is a tad lower.

If you have a way to farm trav for a bit you should be able to find something to help. And if terrorized Andy shows up that’s money in the bank!

For your merc’s armour i would consider Duress, res, crushing blow and open wounds!

Don’t forget to pre-buff with a Treachery!

Sorry it might sound silly but just want to confirm you’ve got a point in
Static Field

Yea the Infinity is a pain to get, but it makes such a difference.

Other than that you sound like you’re fairly well equipped, pre-placing potions is very important, id probably spend a good 5 mins pre-placing potions and would likely have a Full(ish) stash tab of rejuvs.

Remember you can’t use a town portal in
! It’s critical to keep it clear of monsters so you dont come into to a Death screen.

Might not be a bad idea to mentally prepare yourself for a bad outcome - I remember my first time going in overconfidently with a decently geared smiter and still got wrecked and was devastated - and i get it, farming keys is blah.

Other than that good luck !
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Necrarch 2024Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
> Sorry for the confusion for the facets, misread on phone and thought
was on you. Facets on merc are useless, as Schnorki said.

> Path finding : it's better to know how to position yourself because if you don't manage to deal with the brothers one by one anyhow, you're in trouble. The most annoying is Meph due to its
aura, but you can technically do them in any order as long as you don't fight two at a time.
Be sure to TP around the corners of the map if you have two on your back, but never close to your red portal not to end up with that one blocked.

> Trying to find back the thread for the buildings and path, I wouldn't have done my own solo necro run without that.

> Have you done it already in multiplayer at least once ? I assume not.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
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Necrarch 2024Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Aaaah, found it back.

Feel free not to look at all the stuff, but I'd advice you to look at the Schnorki plan end of page 1 as well on what path to take.

forums/i-think-i-m-ready-for-my-first-u ... 11646.html


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
Schnorki wrote: 10 months ago
Mind you, all of that is assuming you're sticking with your A2 merc.
As good as they are though, so long as you don't have Infinity, you'd actually be better off with A5 vs. ubers, having your merc use a Kingslayer (slightly harder but still relatively easy to self-find) in one hand. That way, not only would you get crushing blow on him but you'd also get open wounds to stop the ubers' regen. Could dual wield those for even more CB/OW procs or if you have it use an
or better yet Lawbringer in the other hand as the sanc aura is actually pretty good for dealing with the adds.
I was taking into account switching to A5 merc.
I have the runes for both Kingslayer and Lawbringer, but not for Plague.
A little expensive Kingslayer but if you want a Torch, you have to put your hand in the wallet.
Nate2.0 wrote: 10 months ago
Wow lvl 97! Impressive!

... Also was lucky enough to find a good fire eschutas and a facet to stick in it - every little bit helps! But then your res is a tad lower...

... For your merc’s armour i would consider Duress, res, crushing blow and open wounds!...

Don’t forget to pre-buff with a Treachery!

Sorry it might sound silly but just want to confirm you’ve got a point in
Static Field

... pre-placing potions is very important, id probably spend a good 5 mins pre-placing potions and would likely have a Full(ish) stash tab of rejuvs.

Might not be a bad idea to mentally prepare yourself for a bad outcome - I remember my first time going in overconfidently with a decently geared smiter and still got wrecked and was devastated - and i get it, farming keys is blah.

I have an
Eschuta's Temper
with +3 skills and only 11 to fire damage but not a Fire Facet yet (I have one Cold, Light and Poison :( )
Duress is on the list with Treachery pre-buff.
I have +1 one
Static Field
, sure.
I'll lay down some potions, is a good tactic. I used it on DClone.
Yes, being prepared to accept a failure is a great thing.
Necrarch wrote: 10 months ago
> Path finding : it's better to know how to position yourself because if you don't manage to deal with the brothers one by one anyhow, you're in trouble. The most annoying is Meph due to its
aura, but you can technically do them in any order as long as you don't fight two at a time.
Be sure to TP around the corners of the map if you have two on your back, but never close to your red portal not to end up with that one blocked.

> Trying to find back the thread for the buildings and path, I wouldn't have done my own solo necro run without that.

> Have you done it already in multiplayer at least once ? I assume not.
Thanks! I saw that you revived the post with your first Ubers run.

No, I haven't done in multiplayer. This will be my first try.
In MP I'm level 89 and don't have any keys, also I have way bad gear there.

I'll grind a little more to reach 98. I don't want to lose xp, I'm at 97 and 40% right now.
Meanwhile maybe I get some bonuses. Maybe a Fire Facet, SOJ or an extra skiller or two (I have only one right now).
Florian_G wrote: 10 months ago
Meanwhile maybe I get some bonuses. Maybe a Fire Facet, SOJ or an extra skiller or two (I have only one right now).
Got a
Pretty awesome for one day.
Today was another solid day.
I played all day, maybe 12 - 13 hours :) or :(
I got 2 x
, 1 x
Kira's Guardian
Infinity is getting closer, just one
Also Phoenix, missing
But keep grinding.
The three brothers are down !!!

I just beat them 5 minutes ago. I only died 3 times at Meph but I managed to take him down with
Bone Prison
I used the map from the other post mentioned here to know where to go and all went smooth, they came one by one. And one by one went down :)

Got my
Hellfire Torch
but is for Amazon. The stats are good, 20/18.

I lost a set of organs by a stupid mistake. I opened the
Portal to Uber Tristram
and went for some business to my stash and then, because I didn't have any more room in my stash I decided to save and exit to move some stuff. Stupid me, I lost the portal.
I used the second set I had but now I have to go for another set of keys to go again and say hello to the brothers, maybe I get a torch for Sorc from them.

Now I have to get one more level to reach 99.

Thank you all for your input and good words.
And another run, this time I got a Pally torch with 20/18.
Never been in danger.
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Necrarch 2024Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Wow, great rolls ! Congrats !


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
Congrats dude. Ubers were a lot more fun than I thought, totally going for them again at some point. I want to try using my Mosaic Assassin and see how she fares.
vectorViridian wrote: 10 months ago
I want to try using my Mosaic Assassin and see how she fares.
Ha! I wish you bad luck! (The only way it’d be a challenge with a Mosaic Assisin!)

I really wish you good luck luck, but the Mosaic assassin is sooo op it’s crazy
Nate2.0 wrote: 10 months ago
vectorViridian wrote: 10 months ago
I want to try using my Mosaic Assassin and see how she fares.
Ha! I wish you bad luck! (The only way it’d be a challenge with a Mosaic Assisin!)

I really wish you good luck luck, but the Mosaic assassin is sooo op it’s crazy
Yeah, Mosaic Assassin is probably the most OP PvE thing ever, once you get all your charges. The struggle for mine would be just surviving, she does not have nearly the defense and res/etc my pally does. I found it interesting that although many have had trouble with
Über Baal
, he wasn't too bad on my run. Meph was definitely the toughest of them and the most damaging.
vectorViridian wrote: 10 months ago
Nate2.0 wrote: 10 months ago
vectorViridian wrote: 10 months ago
I want to try using my Mosaic Assassin and see how she fares.
Ha! I wish you bad luck! (The only way it’d be a challenge with a Mosaic Assisin!)

I really wish you good luck luck, but the Mosaic assassin is sooo op it’s crazy
Yeah, Mosaic Assassin is probably the most OP PvE thing ever, once you get all your charges. The struggle for mine would be just surviving, she does not have nearly the defense and res/etc my pally does. I found it interesting that although many have had trouble with
Über Baal
, he wasn't too bad on my run. Meph was definitely the toughest of them and the most damaging.
If you have Enigma on your Asassin, 1p in
(or from
like me) compensates resistance problem.
rune on GFace makes it far better. Other than that, the only risk is Meph and
together. Separate then and takes 5-10 seconds each of them.

* I trade both ladder and non-ladder, please check before asking.
* All my trades are for runes, keys (especially KoT and KoH) and essences!


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