So it’s been almost 2 months since 2.6 came out and at least another 2 months before the next patch or ladder season starts. I’m sure everyone has some interesting thoughts, hopes and recommendations for future updates.
Post your recommendations here and hope the devs read and implement them! (Knowing d4 is coming out soon, and blizzard probably won’t want to distract anyone from that…)
Just remember what’s realistic: loot filters, stackable runes/gems, updated uniques would be amazing, but after years of asking and still nothing it’s time to face facts.
Some more skill balances, bug/oversight fixes (yes there’s still lots), new cube recipes, maybe even a couple new rune words would be nice.
So it’s been almost 2 months since 2.6 came out and at least another 2 months before the next patch or ladder season starts. I’m sure everyone has some interesting thoughts, hopes and recommendations for future updates.
Post your recommendations here and hope the devs read and implement them! (Knowing d4 is coming out soon, and blizzard probably won’t want to distract anyone from that…)
Just remember what’s realistic: loot filters, stackable runes/gems, updated uniques would be amazing, but after years of asking and still nothing it’s time to face facts.
Some more skill balances, bug/oversight fixes (yes there’s still lots), new cube recipes, maybe even a couple new rune words would be nice.
That having been said..just add online /players 8.
Given the fact that they have done absolutely nothing to fix the plethora of chat bugs that have been around since day 1, they obviously couldn't care less about this being a viable multiplayer experience anyways so might as well go all the way at that point and add /p8 online.
Yeah, the other thread is already in.
My top 3:
- improve sets:
- two more shared stash tabs - 2 seems a good trade-off between more space and not too big consumption
- improved cube (4×4, direct buying / selling / putting in, with a cube hotkey+click)
Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
I don't think this will ever happen but it would be nice if Blizzard would make cross-platform play possible. It would provide for more trade and multiplayer game options.
"Cross-network play on Windows devices and Xbox consoles
Some multiplayer games offer cross-network play (or cross play), which enables gamers on Windows 10/11 devices and Xbox consoles to play with gamers on PCs, Nintendo consoles, Playstation consoles, and more. " From Microsoft
Please post offer in item trade before adding me on Bnet, I'm in EST time zone (E Coast U.S)
if only ther was a way to know if the stat u get in a rare is good or not ... i know some will say we are suppose to know that rare ring can go up to 40 life 90 mana 15 dext 20 strength etc but honestly if we could press one button to know fast if its Charsi food or not it woudl be appreciated ...
mhlg wrote: 1 year ago
I don't think this will ever happen but it would be nice if Blizzard would make cross-platform play possible. It would provide for more trade and multiplayer game options.
"Cross-network play on Windows devices and Xbox consoles
Some multiplayer games offer cross-network play (or cross play), which enables gamers on Windows 10/11 devices and Xbox consoles to play with gamers on PCs, Nintendo consoles, Playstation consoles, and more. " From Microsoft
I'm pretty sure they're doing this on D4 even, so like why isn't it here already? The downsides of cross-platform play is not as bad as the up-sides are good in my opinion. Sure, when I'm on Xbox I can't Teleport to a specific location and rather a predetermined distance, but that is hardly an issue compared to being only available to play with like <10% of player base. I only play on pc now and use a controller bEcAuSe I lIKe It over M&K just so I can actually trade... Plus the game looks better, not going to lie.
Also, more shared stashes, and I mean a ton. Not even a question. #KillTheMules
guetali wrote: 1 year ago
if only ther was a way to know if the stat u get in a rare is good or not ... i know some will say we are suppose to know that rare ring can go up to 40 life 90 mana 15 dext 20 strength etc but honestly if we could press one button to know fast if its Charsi food or not it woudl be appreciated ...
It'd certainly be nice to see roll ranges on items, and iLvl. It is something that is hard baked into diehard fans heads though, nonetheless, a nice QoL update I'd like also.
1) Ppl8 is all I want, really.
The rest I don't give a damn much, except for one thing:
2) Some control option to the game creator - like the ability to see where everyone is (no hiding), and to kick out any fukkwit if necessary. I got no tolerance for parasites jumpin into my trade game to fast-farm my trav/tz/dclone, for example.
guetali wrote: 1 year ago
if only ther was a way to know if the stat u get in a rare is good or not ... i know some will say we are suppose to know that rare ring can go up to 40 life 90 mana 15 dext 20 strength etc but honestly if we could press one button to know fast if its Charsi food or not it woudl be appreciated ...
New cube recipe(s):
1 x Standard of Heroes (soh) + 1 x essence of hatred/pain/etc + 1 x Perfect Skull = +5% exp gained, or +25%mf, or +5% increased rune drops, or +20% increased merc damage (including iron wolves). Each would depend on which essence used.
These would be flat bonuses given to your character independent of gear and be permanent, but overwritable. So you could change it if you wanted, but only 1 could be “active” at a time.
I was thinking of somehow tieing this to your character being the one that killed the Ubers, but I don’t know if that’s possible… maybe only if the soh was also personalized?
did you know that 6 gems and a sword would create a rare sword?
fix the damn red portals click on act5 outdoors! you have to get close everytime to get the portal to work. the same for the goo doors in the cockroach tunnel in act 2, forgot it's name.
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