If you have the resources, Matriarchal Spear only if you also focus on obtaining mana after each kill gear so you no longer need an Act 2 merc with Insight. That allows you to use a rogue with Faith to buff your attack speed. The extra +3 skills makes a significant difference if you can overcome the attack speed deficit to match the Mancatcher.
I have tested this offline and she makes a mockery of the game on p8 that I forget I'm playing on p8. What's annoying is that as a melee attacker, she's simply she's not as agile as a javazon, so you still have to attack mobs deliberately instead of blind-hurling a javelin, and you have to duck undead stygian dolls. Also, the gear for an optimized PvM build is more expensive than any other Amazon subclass, although still not as high as that for a PvP javazon.
Otherwise, if you can't afford to make Infinity more than once or obtain all the other Infinity spearazon BiS gear to bypass Insight, then build it in a Mancatcher.
PC | Softcore Non-Ladder | US Eastern Time (UTC-4)
Expansion Ladder Season 1 Level 99 (#115 Amazon, #584 Overall)
I just build my Infinity spearzon (currently lvl87) - ladder Infinity base is +3 Matriarchal Spear (I got worst roll -45%) - each +1skill = +/-300dmg, only +10skills so far. Charged Strike dmg 1-5282 9 Bolts @lvl30
I play with friends, and p3 is no problem in terms of dmg. Yeah melee without shield is kinda hard, but thats why we have potions with Lightning Strike you just attack monster who is out of pack and light will jump to other monsters. With this 190FRW its super easy and fast.
Vs dolls Spear range is higher than their explode radius - so if u go with Charged Strike and you one shot them first, then they will explode without damaging you. But if they Charge at you. well yeah, they do 1k dmg. Atm I have 1363life, so I can survive hit, but i need to respec after i get torch. So my life should be above 1500+.
@p1 - 14hits
@p2 - 26hits
IAS: 95 - 2,5hits per second
(yes I know i need only 75), but amu I have has req lvl89 so I am using temporarily cats eye)
All res: 62+
Kira with 15IAS jewel Hustle (I love that run speed)
3/20 gloves
Nat Boots 40frw + light res
soj (but that will change in the future) and random res ring
no torch, 2skillers only and kinda lot of res sc.
20/19 anni
off hand I have TP staff. still not decided what I want there. Wish I could have Harmony with cta with TP.
My dmg is currently worse than my Java's on NL with almost perfect gear.
My plan for future is:
- to get Hustle sword for merc so hopefully it can get me to 2,77attacks per second. But problem I see is that merc nor valk can keep up with me. I am afraid without Enigma, you would never get fana bonus from merc. And imho Enigma would slow everything down + you would just wear Enigma to be addicted on your merc. S2 I made bowa and fana from Faith is just terrible and you are always out of its radius when u need it. Thats why I wanna test it before I get Faith + griffon (honestly I think I dont wanna spend those bers to add insane dmg to already insane build)
- to wear andy with Cham + all res rings and amu - this should give me +4skills with maxed resists or possibly add soj instead of one ring.
If you wanna see it, add me and we can run any location.
PS.: with Hustle and Harmony my walk speed has same speed as my friends horker barb while he is running.
check my other trades: member/The%20Flash/
my free items: simple t4t is fine with me what you pay is up to you
free anni to my WTS
LF Ral, Nef, keys, pame, pruby, jewel
...but i've always hated playing javazons so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mancatcher needs 63IAS for 2,77
mat Spear needs 125IAS for same speed or 75 for 2,5
+3skills is huge especially how every X skill point into Charged Strike gives you +1bolt
28dura and repairs, thats annoying
check my other trades: member/The%20Flash/
my free items: simple t4t is fine with me what you pay is up to you
free anni to my WTS
LF Ral, Nef, keys, pame, pruby, jewel
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