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Things you'd change about the game (which Blizzard might do)

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Description by Insomnia

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Slypnir wrote: 2 years ago

Best item ever for me, ruined by
. Would've been worth 50+
with 2 sockets, but with 1 socket, I'd be lucky to get 2-3
if I wanted to sell it. Painful to think how much of a difference that coin flip makes! Will be feeling that one for many months to come, especially considering it took me over a year to find it.
But that motivates to play further 😎
2sock gurantee this would not be 50Jah but 2.
On the contrary, it leaves me thinking he's just going to do it again, if I ever find another item that good. Takes away motivation, for myself. However, if they changed it (they obviously won't, but it's fun to Dream) so that it would guarantee 2 sockets, that would certainly motivate me to try and find another!

But as it is, magic socketing is way too unforgiving IMO. If I wanted that level of brutality, I'd play Hardcore mode. I mean, there are tons of things that I could've listed, but this is the one that matters most to me. To each their own. I can only hope for your sake, you don't ever feel that level of disappointment from a game. Would not wish it on my worst enemy.

When I'm not slaying demons, I'm usually out hiking mountains.
I have 3 priority levels for changes I want:

1) Chat functionality: still completely broken. why even have a lobby at this point

imbalance: I don't think nerfing
to balance is a viable fix. Don't make the game worse/slower to balance it. A
charges crafting recipe makes up some of the difference, but to really balance it we need a cheaper version of Enigma that lacks some of the luxury features of Enigma like the +2 skills and mf. Use TalElPul or TalPulOrt and give it 10-20fcr, a tiny bit of mana and +1
and call it a day. Make it buildable in shields so casters can stop having to allocate str for stupid
Spirit. Doesn't have to be a runeword, could just be a added to a lesser used legendary or set bonus.

3) Post sunder-charm gearing curve: Lightning and Cold early have a big advantage with
Crescent Moon
and Voice of Reason, fire is way behind. Just make Obedience buildable in 1-handers. It'll be pretty strong for melee characters, but they're so far behind it's not like it'll break anything. On the top-end, Doom and Infinity are really nice for Ice/lightning, fire is way behind with the very expensive Phoenix only giving -28. I guess you could argue double Phoenix is comparable to Infinity in price, but again, you have to allocate extra str for
to make that happen. Some fire-version of Doom would be nice here, maybe not quite as much -res as fire tends to outdo Ice in terms of raw dmg anyway. Again, doesn't have to be runeword, could be added to existing obsolete legendary or set.
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ShadowHeart 3340Moderator

Paladin Europe PC Playstation
@worstd2playerever, you know what, I don't buy that you're the worst D2 player ever :P Some reasonable points there!

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

Point to add, after having spent a few more games on my druid again:
- If a summon doesn't have an expiration timer (so golems, druid pets, .. vs. Faith skeletons or the like) make it persist across games, much like
Iron Golem
does already. Also fix the persistence so that they keep their original level/stats in new games, rather than it being another hidden resummon on join that drops them down to what happens to be the currently swapped to weapon set.

Spending what feels like an Eternity every run just getting your summons up again and again while others already clear everything is just dumb.
A lot of ideas but here's what I think about top of mind:
  • Reduce load times/eliminate intro screens
  • Fix broken lobbies/channels
  • Detect/block spam bots in lobbies
  • Rune/Gem stacking
  • Buff extremely rare unique items to a runeword like, viable state (
    Mang Song's Lesson
    for ex.)
Make is so that Spirit isnt the only go to Weapon you can Equip at level 25 for everything that Casts spells.
Add +2 Skills to new Runeswords in the Mid 20's region to add alternatives.

Add a medium Priced Recipe with Runes to Un-Etherealize Uniques. Tho I'm not sure about this one, somehow it's extremely tilting finding an Ethereal
but it's also kinda funny.

Stackable Gems + Runes... I have my 2nd Shared Stash just with Runes and 3rd just with Gems. It's hurtful to swap to bank char 1 and bank char 2 and bank char 3 to look for one Item I want.
More Shared Stash tabs or larger ones would also be a thing.
We all miss having 99 Stash tabs don't we? :D

Less Cold/ Lightning/ Fire Enchanted Mobs, and maybe adding Poison and Magic enchanted Mobs to even it out.
Magic damage just feels to busted compared to everything else atm.

Small tweaks to the still underused Skill trees like Summ Druid and Bone Necro.
The Enchantress, the Fohdin and the Brand new Marts Assasin were great additions to Diablo 2.

Having Ingame Itemlevels on Items, so its not Luckrolls to see if the Charm can roll skills or the
Crystal Sword
will give you 4 Sockets.

Buff 40+ of the useless Set items in the game.
Arctic Set, I Kings Weapon, Tancreds, Cathans, Cleglaws, Vidalas, ISENHARTS, Irathas
All basically not even worth picking up.

Something like the Christmas Event but over the whole Season, where there's modifiers for an entire week or something.
Like 20% Faster Run Walk but Enemys have 20% more HP. So that there's not only benefits.
Skaijuice wrote: 2 years ago
The Cube should only take up 1 inventory space...i always think of it as palm size. Like a jewellery box.
Like this one (actually used as a jewellery box)? :)
But how we are supposed to fit all those armors and weapon inside?
Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago
- If a summon doesn't have an expiration timer (so golems, druid pets, .. vs. Faith skeletons or the like) make it persist across games, much like
Iron Golem
does already. Also fix the persistence so that they keep their original level/stats in new games, rather than it being another hidden resummon on join that drops them down to what happens to be the currently swapped to weapon set.
I agree with summons persisting through games, but such snapshotting would mean summoners would "need" to keep an entire gear with as much +skills as possible (including skillers), only to summon the entire army and then swap to the usual, more balanced gear with
, FCR, resists and so on. Currently no one does it because it would be annoying do to such a full swap every game.
I'd like to have summoning skills summon all the minions at once (such as 5 wolves) on one cast, though. Possibly with cast delay, so we don't just keep re-summoning them until they kill everything in their path.
Trang Oul wrote: 2 years ago
Skaijuice wrote: 2 years ago
The Cube should only take up 1 inventory space...i always think of it as palm size. Like a jewellery box.
Like this one (actually used as a jewellery box)? :)
But how we are supposed to fit all those armors and weapon inside?
Yes that's a nice 3d printed version you got there!

Well we don't need to care how those fit inside...that's what makes the cube - Horadric !

Currently moving on to Path Of Exile 2 - Always looking for ORBS. PM if you wish to trade.

While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.
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ShadowHeart 3340Moderator

Paladin Europe PC Playstation
Skaijuice wrote: 2 years ago
Well we don't need to care how those fit inside...that's what makes the cube - Horadric !
Indeed - I mean, if you try to think of it as a physical object, then how the heck does one fit a 6-7 ft
or polearm inside it in the first place? It would have to be gigantic. Picture your character lugging around a massive cube, bigger than him/herself. So, some disbelief has to be suspended, and thus it may as well be palm sized ;)

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
Like a bag of holding...

As you insert an item ...size and physics distorts into another dimension!

Currently moving on to Path Of Exile 2 - Always looking for ORBS. PM if you wish to trade.

While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.
ShadowHeart wrote: 2 years ago
Indeed - I mean, if you try to think of it as a physical object, then how the heck does one fit a 6-7 ft
or polearm inside it in the first place? It would have to be gigantic. Picture your character lugging around a massive cube, bigger than him/herself. So, some disbelief has to be suspended, and thus it may as well be palm sized ;)
Skaijuice wrote: 2 years ago
Like a bag of holding...

As you insert an item ...size and physics distorts into another dimension!

I always imagined bags of holding as such, but with the restriction that the item must fit through the bag's hole. So a spear, being almost 1D, could fit if its blade was not too wide.
I wouldn't mind seeing Magical Quivers instead of having quantities that you hold onto only to have to fill. Most other classes have class specific weapons and while the Zon has "class specific bows" I find they struggle in some instances since they do not get any benefit from their offhand other than being able to shoot. If they choose not to do this maybe making bows a little more powerful would be an option.
and Faith are the overhwelming king or DPS and everything else just feels mediocre by comparison (when talking about physical builds)

Introducing a unique bottomless quiver could be cool but I think a quiver class of magical item and uniques could be cool.

I would like to see them find new and unique ways to change synergies/make new builds viable. I think the introduction of runewords like Mosaic and Metamorphosis are a good step but it would be interesting so see some other unique items/etc that would spur new build paths and ideas.

I do agree it would be nice to have just a "terrorized" difficulty where all locations are extra tough. I think this would be a cool edition that would make that mechanic better.

How would you guys feel about a rifting system or something like that? Not necessarily in the scope of D3 but maybe you get chances to piece together an item (similar to keys or essences for reroll tokens) that you can cube to create a randomly generated dungeon that may have some general affixes on it. Types of affixes could include:

- Extra elemental damage of a type
- Extra defense for enemies
- More gold from monster
- Physical damage increase (for those melee lovers out there like me)
- Etc

I don't think the "affixes" need to be like huge but something to vary up the gameplay. I really like doing ubers which I think is fun but I think adding some sort of longer dungeon-type portal system could be cool. It could be a place where higher level gear has the chance to drop. The only danger there is making is super farmable which may break the economics of the game. That is why something like this would need to be "harder" to achieve.

I love the idea of a rune shrine. However, would it work like a gem shrine. For example, if I have an
in my inventory would the shrine give me a
? That mechanic may need to be removed or have the shrine be SUPER rare to find. I think this could be a good way for peasants, like me, to have a way to get richer. Another option is to have it drop something random.

Lastly, I get annoyed when I am running through hell or TZ's in hell and I see "normal" legendaries drop. I think it would be interesting if only NM/Hell would drop in Hell difficulty. Another option is to still keep the "normal" items in the pool but have them fall at a reduced rate versus NM/Hell. I do enjoy the difficulty of finding items in this game so I wouldn't want to tarnish that aspect of it but I think this could work while still maintaining that balance.

Curious to hear what other thoughts come out of this thread, some interesting ideas ladies and gentlemen!
I would like both genders for each class.
Riftshaper wrote: 2 years ago
I wouldn't mind seeing Magical Quivers instead of having quantities that you hold onto only to have to fill. Most other classes have class specific weapons and while the Zon has "class specific bows"
To be fair amazons also have class specific javelins, spears and can get +skills from gloves (along with assasin)
What is kind of unfair to bowazons and spearzons (If they ever become viable in meta) imo is a massive lack of resistances while the class has no way to compensate for that.
So making quivers spawn with paladin shield like automods would be nice. They could also receive block chance (if necros can block with a shrunken head a quiver full of sticks is at least as robust as that), though they don't need it as desperate because of passives.

Class specific items in general could get some extra runewords. Sorcs could get orb runewords and there could be runewords that work on any class specific item.
Trouble wrote: 2 years ago
I would like both genders for each class.
I don't think that's something in the realm of the possible. It would require adding character meshes. Besides that the D2 Lore is for better or worse highly gender specific.
In Principle blizz could take certain npcs as a starting point for instance
as a barb,
as a sorc,
as a pala we don't see instances of all combinations in the game already.
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

I'd rather argue the opposite route. Tone down some of the top-end meta builds.

As is, bowzon performance is in a place where I would say that should be the top-end for meta performance. And maybe it is too good already. A decently built, well rounded (yes, including enough life and full res) bowzon utterly annihilates entire screens and beyond (i.e. anything in arrow range) on P1 and can still very easily solo-clear on P8.

Compared to java 1-shotting on P8 that is of course a bit lackluster but at least in my mind that's not because bowzons are too weak but because javas (and some others) are too damn strong.

Alternatively one could of course bring everything in line with those top-end builds and then just buff mobs across the board/add a new difficulty which would be the more preferred approach I dare say. Though I'm not holding my breath for either.

But yeah, (easier) quiver-refilling should be a bare minimum. Be that auto-replenish or at least via the damn repair button. Or both.

Added easy win for the actual topic:
Allow for all self-buffs to be used in town. BC, BO, thunderstorm, all that jazz.
I'd love a new item (smallcharm) that let you pick what you really really want to find (Tschako, Stone of Jordan,
,...). Once picked an item you have 10 minutes of "+ 1000 % extra find" on just that item. After 10 minutes that charm looses that
and is

Second change, I think it would be pretty pretty funny if you get an extra MF/RuneFind bonus when you are wearing rare items only.

So you want a
? Go to
dressed in rare items only. Hard but that way you can test your real might! You will hear: I NEED MANA all the time

Take this potion of LUCK

You play in a different language and want to trade an item with the name "Brennender Riesenzauber der Verstümmelung"?
Use the Baaltor tool to translate it into "Burning Grand Charm of Maiming"
All this talk going about quivers:

Dev if you are reading this...

- Auto fill (like how gold is auto pick up) for chars with
in their equipped inventory.

- auto fill
if the first row is already assigned. (this includes whatever that can be placed . eg - scrolls / antidotes..etc)

- auto fill tomes if you run over respective ID/TP scrolls

- drinking purples will get rid of whatever curse affecting you !!

Currently moving on to Path Of Exile 2 - Always looking for ORBS. PM if you wish to trade.

While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.
Does any of you have an idea on how to make the level 90+ ladder grind less boring?
I sort of was hoping we'd get that with
Zones but you still need to solo farm player8 games to get any actual progress.
Now on ladder we have the situation of having to create a "I TZ you X" game and hope people stay till you're finished, etc.
Adding the /players X command for online play was one suggestion I have seen come up, but I don't really think that's something blizzard would actually do and it doesn't seem the most fun anyway.
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

Insomnia wrote: 2 years ago
Does any of you have an idea on how to make the level 90+ ladder grind less boring?
I sort of was hoping we'd get that with
Zones but you still need to solo farm player8 games to get any actual progress.
Now on ladder we have the situation of having to create a "I TZ you X" game and hope people stay till you're finished, etc.
Adding the /players X command for online play was one suggestion I have seen come up, but I don't really think that's something blizzard would actually do and it doesn't seem the most fun anyway.
Up to at least 95 is still relatively quick just in baalruns and super quick if you get lucky and pull a CS TZ or two, without having to solo it.
Tombs as well I guess though I have a personal dislike for that one, thanks to the constant "zone loading too slow for clear speed" BS resulting in you teleporting blindly into non-rendered rooms and whatnot.

For the more repetitive pieces (i.e. baals) I just put up a podcast or a series or something on the other screen and there ya go. Not like you need more than 1 hand and half an eye for baalruns anyways. ^^
Two things: First, make full sets more powerful than individual legendary items. Second: no more empty treasure chests! If I find one I want to find great stuff in it!


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