The main interest of the Tal set is to get enough FCR quite easily and tons of MF.
So the answer is in your question: if you want more damage, HotO, Death Fathom, Oculus, Eschuta's are better choices than the TalWand, and the full set bonus are not huge enough to compensate for damage if you have nice stuff elsewhere.
However, saying that you want pure damage AND don't care about FCR makes no sense : if you have 0 FCR, your damage per second will be terribly low, because you don't hit fast enough with your sorc (and your TP will suck too so you'll lose time moving sloooow).
What kind of sorc do you play ? Cold, light, fire ? For cold or fire, you should aim at 105 minimum to be efficient. For lightning, 117. The upper breakpoints (200 / 194) are way harder to reac.
Side note : one great thing in Shako is also the MF (+life + mana +2 skills) so if you don't care, same.
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HotO on a sorc has always been an allrounder choice for adding defensive stats (regen/res) by sacrificing dmg optimization (dmg/-res/..).
The same is true for Chains of Honor.
Combining both is complete overkill imo as even with one of them (or often with neither for that matter, as always depending on build) a sorc tends to have an easy enough time getting resistances up anyways.
Tal's has never been an ideal endgame choice but shines as a comparatively easy to get exceptionally well rounded intro to late game as the stats are quite solid (albeit certainly not the best), both offensively and defensively, while adding a good bit of MF at the same time to aid in farming for the true endgame solutions.
But yeah, looking solely at per-cast damage numbers makes fairly little sense as your FCR has a large impact on damage output/clear speed, both directly (dmg cast speed) and indirectly (movement speed). That is even more true if you only consider the raw dmg number and ignore -res as another factor (not saying you are, just pointing it out). Hell, even FHR at 0 tends to have a significant impact on speed as getting hit slows you down too much along the way - though that is easily solved by a Spirit.
The best gear choice obviously depends on what build you really play but not knowing that and looking only at the options provided, I feel relatively save in saying "none of them". If you're looking beyond normal PvM then HotO and CoH get a whole new meaning. But for PvM and especially for dmg optimization, they tend to be fairly lackluster, as is Shako.
Thanks for a good advice. Yes, I did some gear related experiments and a combination of HOTO, Flickering Flame and Skullder's Ire (plus Spirit off course) gives me a better damage than full Tals set.
FCR I get from HOTO and Spirit is pleny for me, I need to get 1 Ber to make Coh then.
Also I have to be careful about Mana (at this moment 2.3K) because my life depends of Energy Shield.
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