Longer answer:
On immunes, you're currently looking at 52 resist against you (95 from sunder - your 43). Infinity would add another -17 to that, taking you to 35 res left. That's a relative increase of right around 35% more dmg which is more than just significant.
On non-resistants, you're currently looking at -43 res against you (0 - your 43). Infinity would add another -85 to that, taking you over the Cap to -100. That's a relative increase of nearly 40% more dmg which is even more significant than immunes.
On mobs with some resistances, the same as above happens (adding another -85) except your baseline is higher starting res and you lose less of the Infinity gain to the Cap. Because of that, the gain on these mobs is actually even higher. E.g. a 50% res mob would currently be at 7 res for you or -78 with Infinity, resulting in an over 90% relative damage boost. That number goes up higher and higher as their res increases, up until you hit an immune which drops it to the above ~35% due to the 1/5 penalty.
Fire sorcs don't typically get anywhere near enough -res to make Infinity not more than worth it.
Your -43 is still "enough" in that you can handle anything you come up against (assuming decent +skill at the same time). But even with that in mind, the difference between that and Infinity is more than just significant.
Added fun fact:
Your most extreme example is something like dclone who starts at a full 95% fire res. I.e. the worst you can come up against before it being immune.
In that case, you're looking at 52 res now and -33 with Infinity. That's a relative boost of nearly 180% or "nearly 2.8 times your current damage".
So...if you really want "instant" confirmation as to why Infinity is glorious for fire, go kill dclone as is in the next walk (if you haven't already), then build an Infinity and then go kill him again. The difference is kind of insane.
When sunders were introduced MrLlama explain it very well on youtube - I will try to explain it same.
You do fire, so basicly there are two type of monsters - ones are immune to fire and other arent (their fire res is different for each mob)
- for easier calculation use their fire resists = 0, and you do 10k dmg per Fireball).
vs not fire immunes
Without any -fire res you deal dmg u see on your screen = 10.000
with -43fire res you do 14.300dmg - they res is -43%
with Infinity its -120% => 22.000dmg
vs fire immunes
with sunder and no -res. You deal few % of your dmg.
with -43% fire res you do 5000dmg - their res is at +/- 50%
with Infinity (there are crazy rules when 1/5 of -res applies vs immunes) their resists drops below 50% so your dmg is closer to 10.000dmg
so yeah its worthy a lot. If u have runes go for it. Not fire immunes you will kill like nothing, and vs fire immunes you will need less shots.
Regarding Dclone, my Enchant sorc can kill him (it takes 350-400bolts) without any open wounds - dont have gore riders yet. I just deal more dmg than he is actually healing. I have only -18fire res. No Infinity for me
check my other trades: member/The%20Flash/
my free items: simple t4t is fine with me what you pay is up to you
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LF Ral, Nef, keys, pame, pruby, jewel
KennyMcLenny wrote: 1 year ago
Doesnt Warmth and a bunch of fire skills sort out the mana regen for you?
it wont cover it. On my sorc I have maxed Warmth (lvl 36 +450) for TPing it is almost self sufficient - because of TP I dont have to drink so its all good (but mana is slowly going down). My tp cost only 13mana. So to cast fireballs with meteors mana is an issue, especially if Warmth aint lvl 36. With ES? You drink mana like crazy. But Infinity is worthy.
check my other trades: member/The%20Flash/
my free items: simple t4t is fine with me what you pay is up to you
free anni to my WTS
LF Ral, Nef, keys, pame, pruby, jewel
KennyMcLenny wrote: 1 year ago
Doesnt Warmth and a bunch of fire skills sort out the mana regen for you?
It does once you hit sufficient gear.
The only exception of course is if you're still running an ES build in which case big hits to mana will hurt as you won't regen too much beyond what you use for attacking.
KennyMcLenny wrote: 1 year ago
Doesnt Warmth and a bunch of fire skills sort out the mana regen for you?
It does once you hit sufficient gear.
The only exception of course is if you're still running an ES build in which case big hits to mana will hurt as you won't regen too much beyond what you use for attacking.
Yeah I’ll never run es again, to easy to get sniped
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