i keep all the El runes i find for good luck, always have at least one in stash. it's my lucky rune, i know it doesn't help with anything but it's something i like to do, just made up this superstition when i started playing d2r, and am very happy when an El drops ))
I’ve found a disproportionally high percentage of my high runes when playing at unconventional times. The game rarely rewards me during evening runs, but if I play from 4-530 AM before work I almost expect nice finds.
R3venant wrote: 2 years ago
i keep all the El runes i find for good luck, always have at least one in stash. it's my lucky rune, i know it doesn't help with anything but it's something i like to do, just made up this superstition when i started playing d2r, and am very happy when an El drops ))
When I first read this, I thought this was a bit silly. To be honest though, I'm always happy when a part of Trang-Oul's Avatar drops. The Necromancer was my first ever character, and the set was the first set I wanted to complete. Even if I'm getting nothing else, a Trang-Oul's Avatar drop just feels like a good run.
Well - weirdest thing I'm keep doin, and for long already, is farmin trav with my 2nd horker already. Stopped expecting to find anything useful from councils just bc whatever mf I got, no matter how many runs, I'll just never find anythig useful there. If there was at least a miserable chance - I would find something useful long ago. Several thousand runs - and never even a fkkin Mal or an Um. Not to mention charms/jewels/whatever could cost something.
And still, I'm keep butcherin em again n again. It's not a pleasure from game anymore, but a malicious habit now.
Another stupid thing I keep doin is rolling a 99lv gc with pgems. You know what was the best I ever rolled? Hexing 40 gold.
The only reasonable way to get something is to trade online alot. At least I stacked more than enough cash to outfit all my current chars, hardly even need anything else.
And there's the superstition: I believe the damn game isn't givin me any notable loot I like to see just bc it knows I got enough Wealth already. Sayin like: "fk u, get ur ass to trades if u want something - bc I'll never drop you anything delightful. Suffer with ur gestalts forever"
Drinking a well-made dry martini while farming helps a lot
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I somewhat believe in 'hot-streaks' where you find nice items in very quick succession (even though that's a statistical fallacy). Suppose same could be said for 'dry-spells', also inaccurate.
I guess I'm a little skeptical that the devs would build a system of perfect randomness and not try to 'sway' things a little bit in order to keep up user engagement. I also 'feel' there's better loot during work hours, lol. Maybe that's to help give streamers a bit of luck?
And on a separate note, I sometimes get a few of the same item type falling within 1min of each other. Recently on bnet I had 3 giant conches fall within 60 seconds and then a pack of cows all dropped 3 grand charms at once. Makes me wonder if I somehow seeded the game accidentally lol.
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