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Hey y’all, primarily I’m a ssf offline player, and I’ve been watching the
zones and sunder charms hype, discussion and now I guess: nerfing?

I’d just like to offer why I like d2, and now d2r, especially after 2.5:

d2r is hard! But it’s also deep.

I guess more accurately I’d say I like it because the depth of play is just unparalleled - especially when you think about how easy the game is in concept. And then also how frustrating it is in reality. Frustration is a necessity of a good game btw.

The depth of play is almost infinite with all the possible classes, all the possible skills, all the possible gear and all the possible play styles. It’s really a marvel of creative design. I don’t play d&d, but I imagine this would be what’s it’s like with all the combat parts put together to play as fast as possible without losing any nuance.

I also appreciate the ‘frustration’ inherent to the game. Say if patch 2.6 came out and every 10th Chaos run You’d get a high rune, guaranteed. It’d be fun at first, but after a week when you had every rune word in the game what would you do? I’d probably only play for another week then move on to something else (which would probably also be healthier, but I digress).

Part of the fun is how hard everything is, and how much things change when you succeed. It’s like you unlock a new level, or reach a new plateau you feel only available to elite players. The game totally changed for me the following times: when my first high rune dropped (
), when I rolled Enigma, hoto, cta, Grief, Faith, fort (all of which are well documented in these forums). When a
Guardian Angel
drops, when an
Durrell’s shell drops, or a rare throwing weapon with 30ias, chance to cast amp damage and 275ed, or when a jewel with 15 ias and another mod drops - those moments feel crazy!

Circling back to my point, I think the game ins’t about making everything equally easy for every build. Yes paladins, sorcs, and barbs are the most useful for clear speed and mf. While other chars and builds are relegated to the ‘niche’ build status.

But I think that’s ok!

If it was easy to build a physical bowazon that can clear cow runs on p8 would it feel as special to play? If anyone could make a summoning barb, potion throwing paladin, bear sorc,
Poison Nova
necro, fire based anything ... would they be special anymore?

For me, the weird non-meta builds are fun. sure I have a hammerdin, meteorb sorc and zerker, but they are mainly to fund my other niche builds, which I actually enjoy playing!

So yea, I don’t want every single build to be able to solo p8 and the Ubers with budget gear, because if they could ... Designing, theory crafting, testing, playing and discussing new builds would be meaningless.

What do you think?

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Nate 592

Hey y’all, primarily I’m a ssf offline player, and I’ve been watching the
zones and sunder charms hype, discussion and now I guess: nerfing?

I’d just like to offer why I like d2, and now d2r, especially after 2.5:

d2r is hard! But it’s also deep.

I guess more accurately I’d say I like it because the depth of play is just unparalleled - especially when you think about how easy the game is in concept. And then also how frustrating it is in reality. Frustration is a necessity of a good game btw.

The depth of play is almost infinite with all the possible classes, all the possible skills, all the possible gear and all the possible play styles. It’s really a marvel of creative design. I don’t play d&d, but I imagine this would be what’s it’s like with all the combat parts put together to play as fast as possible without losing any nuance.

I also appreciate the ‘frustration’ inherent to the game. Say if patch 2.6 came out and every 10th Chaos run You’d get a high rune, guaranteed. It’d be fun at first, but after a week when you had every rune word in the game what would you do? I’d probably only play for another week then move on to something else (which would probably also be healthier, but I digress).

Part of the fun is how hard everything is, and how much things change when you succeed. It’s like you unlock a new level, or reach a new plateau you feel only available to elite players. The game totally changed for me the following times: when my first high rune dropped (
), when I rolled Enigma, hoto, cta, Grief, Faith, fort (all of which are well documented in these forums). When a
Guardian Angel
drops, when an
Durrell’s shell drops, or a rare throwing weapon with 30ias, chance to cast amp damage and 275ed, or when a jewel with 15 ias and another mod drops - those moments feel crazy!

Circling back to my point, I think the game ins’t about making everything equally easy for every build. Yes paladins, sorcs, and barbs are the most useful for clear speed and mf. While other chars and builds are relegated to the ‘niche’ build status.

But I think that’s ok!

If it was easy to build a physical bowazon that can clear cow runs on p8 would it feel as special to play? If anyone could make a summoning barb, potion throwing paladin, bear sorc,
Poison Nova
necro, fire based anything ... would they be special anymore?

For me, the weird non-meta builds are fun. sure I have a hammerdin, meteorb sorc and zerker, but they are mainly to fund my other niche builds, which I actually enjoy playing!

So yea, I don’t want every single build to be able to solo p8 and the Ubers with budget gear, because if they could ... Designing, theory crafting, testing, playing and discussing new builds would be meaningless.

What do you think?
I totally get you on what you're saying, and for me, I play the classes and builds that I want to, regardless of whether they are S Tier or not. For me, my minimum standard is that they are P3 viable in hell. Idc about getting the most OP build/class such as hammerdin, etc. I've usually gravitated towards Zon, Necro, Barb, and Sorc. My current definite not S-tier build is an enchantress duel spec in lightning, fun but have to be careful with the (lots) of fire immunes in hell. I really don't care whatever is "meta" or super OP, as long as a build is workable in P3 and is fun to play that's good enough for me.
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Necrarch 2390Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Completely agree.

But I never cared a lot about the meta as long as I have fun with what I do. :)

And as my buddies mains are sorc and pally, that actually made me NOT play those. First is my old love Bone necro, second will be a sin, third a zon, fourth... a summon necro. ^^

Only first is almost ready for now after a year, so I guess I still have 3 more years to play (actually no, 3 and 4 will probably never make it above 80... but with second little one on her way, it may actually take even more ^^) !


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It's a balance, of course. It's incredibly fun to rip through Chaos in 2 minutes and murder screenfulls of demons, and considerably less fun to spend an hour grinding through it whilst drinking like a fish.

That being said, I totally dig your point that it's far more rewarding and satisfying to smash through the toughest areas of the game with a non S tier build that you have slowly geared over time to become a Beast.

I am not a standard sorc or hammer fan, give me anything else. I'd love a melee sorc at some point though!

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rikus 150

Assassin Americas PC
how long did it take for you to get high level runes to build Enigma/Infinity etc?
on ssf as you said. or was that 20 years ago characters?

goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.
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Schnorki 3934Moderator

Nate wrote: 2 years ago
d2r is hard!
Sadly, that kinda goes away entirely once you get geared. You eventually (sometimes very quickly) reach a point where the game is pretty damn easy for basically every build you can come up with, unless you artificially hinder yourself by not actually using the gear you have.

I do fully agree in that I'm a big fan of variety and playing what you enjoy though that's not necessarily mutually exclusive with top end performance. The one thing I'd say though is that in the current game design, I do believe they should all perform about the same when using BiS endgame gear for each build.

That wasn't always the case because ages ago, in the good ol' days, this game actually was significantly harder (mainly because today's top-end gear didn't exist). Back then, you wanted a barb for BO. You wanted a pally for aura-switching. Support builds actually had a valid and desired role to play. In a setting like that, where you actually want/need support builds in group play, those support builds are exactly that:
supporting elements for group play. But they shouldn't be equally as performant in terms of "solo Destruction".

Today however, when every class has at least one build able to solo P8 decently fast and when every higher tier build doesn't even remember what support is because they just mindlessly
in and blow up the entire screen in an instant, the entire concept of support builds kinda falls apart and becomes a non-factor. As a result, support classes are effectively useless and it all becomes solely about dps performance. That's made even more obvious with sunder charms as it effectively removes immunities as the one last kind of (small) reason to want to bring someone else to plow through things. If your ideal party setup is 8
sorcs or the like and not a single support either want to make the game significantly harder so that support becomes a necessity again (my personal preferred solution) or you want to bring other builds up to par in terms of dmg performance balancing to at least even things out.

I remember the olden days of barbs actually going for ridiculous lvls of BO because folks actually cared about squeezing the max life and mana out of it. Now...anyone with a +1 CTA overrides their group's barb and noone cares because noone has to care either way. :/
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Nate 592

rikus wrote: 2 years ago
how long did it take for you to get high level runes to build Enigma/Infinity etc?
on ssf as you said. or was that 20 years ago characters?
It basically took me 3 months before a

But my rule of thumb is about one high rune per week of play, maybe 10 hours or so. If I was really pushing hard in trav or
Lower Kurast
, it might drop down a few hours.

I always need to remind myself All those vids of people dropping runes every 5 mins is actually hours compressed
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rikus 150

Assassin Americas PC
Lower Kurast
you mean the chests near the campfire? i only have 1 campfire in LK, is that normal?
and do you just rush for the chests and reload after no HR?
also, does it matter if its locked or not? none of them are sparkling also.
Nate wrote: 2 years ago
If I was really pushing hard in trav or
Lower Kurast
, it might drop down a few hours.

goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.
My answer is written from a bnet perspektive. In Single Player, its important to roll the best map possbile first (2 Campfires near WP) before starting runs.
I did a lot of LK runs and they gave me
, 2x
so far.
The number of players in game also matters, but i found most of the said runes just doing solo runs.
rikus wrote: 2 years ago
Lower Kurast
you mean the chests near the campfire? i only have 1 campfire in LK, is that normal?
Yes. LK may have up to 2. I usualy go for 1 and only if the map revealed so far lets me assume there might be another, i keep on looking
rikus wrote: 2 years ago
and do you just rush for the chests and reload after no HR?
Yes. I also do every Armor Stand and Weapon Rack in the way, because i made good experiences with their drops (42 Allres
Sacred Targe
for example)
rikus wrote: 2 years ago
also, does it matter if its locked or not? none of them are sparkling also.
Yes it matters. So keep two Keypacks with you and pick up keys that drop. Locked LK Chests have a bigger chance of dropping HRs afaik.

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rikus 150

Assassin Americas PC
ok then I'm doing it right. and have you found any HR in your XP? this is like 1/8 or tenth of the chance i get from players 8 on single.

goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.
All of the runes i mentioned i found on bnet. Most of them with me being the only player in the game. But please mind, that it takes a long time to get them. 10 hours of runs without even an upper Midrune are nothing special. But LK-Chests also drop Charms, Jewels and Gems in considerable numbers so its no wasted time.

It's hard not to get bored, though... i use to weave them in other runs i do, like
Ruined Temple

Post ur offer before adding me. No PM. Only add me if u offer bin/lf. No reply after 3 days=offer rejected
No socketing service. If u get item otherwise, retract ur pending offer. Edit ur post or post "retracted" to do so.

About the game being hard and Schnorki saying it becomes too easy once geared I agree with both points, and I love it for that. When I'm making a new character I tend to have them be SSF until near the end of hell because it makes the game fun trying to see how far I can get with my crap gear before I say ok time to grind out some gear. Nothing like getting 2 shot by
before going okay, now I know I've hit the limit of this gear haha

I've just been levelling my pally on the new ladder and I'm having a blast seeing how long the stuff I made in normal act 1 and 2 can get me into nightmare before I give in and gear up again in nightmare

I am available for trading every other week, limited trading on my off week.
Thanks for understanding.

Bouncing back and forth between D2 and D4
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rikus 150

Assassin Americas PC
Blubbalutsch wrote: 2 years ago
It's hard not to get bored
yeah the trick is to meld it with other runs to maintain the fun factor. otherwise what's the point.

goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.


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