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Bow Amazon also known as Bowa are some of the strongest characters that you can make at Level 49. They compete very well against most characters.
Budget Bow Amazon's can be difficult to play and build, but not impossible. With lots of practise and effort, deadly and effective.

Dexterity or Vitality

There are two types of MLD Bow Amazon's. Max Dexterity build or max Vitality build.
  • Dexterity build gives you more damage, but less hit points.
  • Vitality build gives you more hit points, but Less burst damage.
  • Vitality build increases the overall amount of damage you can deal and take over time.
  • Dexterity build is recommend for new players, as it has a faster learning curve.

Break Points

8 frames per animation:
7 frames per animation:

Stat Placement

Strength: Enough for gear
Dexterity: Enough for gear / Max if Dexterity build (~4k+ Damage
Guided Arrow
Energy: None
Vitality: None / Max if Vitality build (~1,1k max hit points)

Hell rushed. All stat / skill quests completed


of Speed 3 Passive and Magic Skills, 30% Faster Run / Walk, 2 Socket (Magic Jewels 15% IAS / 30% Enhanced Damage)

Dusk Shroud
of the Whale 4 Socket, 100 Life (Magic Jewels 15% IAS, 30% Enhanced Damage)

7 Frames Per Action Bow:
Matriarchal Bow
~400% Enhanced Damage, 20% IAS (Magic Jewel 15% IAS, 30% Enhanced Damage)

8 Frames Per Action Bow:
Shadow Bow
~420% Enhanced Damage (Rare Jewel 30% Enhanced Damage, 10-18 Damage)

Magic Amulet 3 Passive and Magic Skills, 100 Life

Rare Gloves 2 Passive and Magic Skills, 20% IAS, 9 Str, 15 Dex

Raven Frost
20 Dex
Rare Ring 15 Dex, 15 Str, 90 Mana

String of Ears
15 / 15

War Traveler

Titan's Revenge

Matriarchal Javelin
2 Skill, 2
Skills, 20 IAS, ~450% Enhanced Damage, Replenishes Quantity
Kite Shield
of Deflecting 3 Sockets, 30% Faster block rate and 20% Increase block chance (Rare Jewels 30% Enhanced Damage, 9 Dex, 9 Str)

Fine Small Charm of Inertia 3% FRW, 3 Max, 20 Ar or Sharp Large Charm of Inertia 5 Max / 35 Ar / 5% FRW. Enough to reach ~120 FRW (140 on switch).
Rest Fine Small Charm of Vita 3 Max, 20 Ar, 20 Life

Maxroll Character Planner

General PVP Tips

How-To: Increased screen size

Step 1: Press Escape
Step 2: Options
Step 3: Video Tab
Step 4: Screen Space Calibrate
Step 5: Press and Hold Down Arrow so that it looks like this image

How-To: Easier Name Lock Ability

Step 1: Press Escape
Step 2: Options
Step 3: Gameplay Tab
Step 4: Chat Font Size - Change to Extra Large

How-To: C/T

Step 1: Press Escape
Step 2: Options
Step 3: Controls Tab
Step 4: Change Character Screen to Q and Skill Tree to W
Step 5: Pull up either Character Screen or Skill Tree screen, while dueling, to fire further

How To: Name lock

It is recommend when dueling with close opponents, for example, other bow Amazon's, to try to catch a "name lock" while on
Lightning Fury
switch. The idea is to rush your opponent. Click and hold
Lightning Fury
on right click. Wait for your opponent to move (ideally away), switch from
Lightning Fury
using your hotkeys, to unsummon, then switch to bow setup, then switch to
Guided Arrow
. While your opponent may no longer be in your screen, you should still have a few seconds while your opponent is "name locked" to kill him. This works best in MLD where the life to damage ratio is the lowest out of all PvP Brackets (i.e. Opponents die faster then at any other dueling bracket in the game).


Step 5: Press Escape
Step 6: Options
Step 7: Game play Tab
Step 8: Select Large Font Mode

General PVP Strategy

Leave town, find a spot, and fire at where you think your opponent is at, or will be going. Use C/T as referenced above, whenever possible. Its a useful trick. Best applied when you see your opponent on the mini map. It is therefore strongly recommend to have a friend help you practise your aim. Another useful trick name lock
Guided Arrow
's as outlined above. Another trick is the successful use of
to mislead or distract your opponent. It needs practice, but it does work. Wear damage reduction (
String of Ears
) against melee & resistances against elemental attacks. You should be wearing ~120 faster run / walk most duels. Be patient and just pick away at your opponent until he's dead.

Bow Amazon

Vitality build are better then Dexterity build in mirror contests. Always wear
String of Ears
. Use
as appropriate. Faster run / walk is not needed here. But some play styles use a lot of faster run / walk. When in doubt, walk with shield equipped. Try to always know where your opponent is. This helps to avoid being hit by arrow's. Some replenish life helps. damage, passives, life, and a lot of practice. Take your time, even when low on life. Switch to shield if a Amazon enters the screen. With rare
Matriarchal Javelin
's you can one hit most of them. C/T as appropriate. Name lock as appropriate. You won't get a lot of chances to name lock. Because entering your opponents screen will usually end the duel pretty fast. The trick is to name lock your opponent while he is moving away from you (applies vs Necromancer as well).

Far cast Amazon / Rabies Druid / Kick Assassin

Dexterity build is better then Vitality build against these builds. As the longer the match goes on the more chances they have to catch you. If they catch you, you will probably die. Things that help are: faster run / walk, high damage, resistances, poison length reduced and absorb. If they are faster then you (they usually are) don't try to tank them. Try
Lightning Fury
, move,
Lightning Fury
Guided Arrow
, move,
Guided Arrow
works to a lesser extent. Fury druids can't catch you, Pure
Wake of Fire
is not viable. Manual far cast is banned on Europe but not on other realms. Against a skilled Javelin Amazon you need very high damage.

Whirlwind barbarian

Dexterity build work best against
barbarian. Running with shield equipped and throwing
Lightning Fury
's and then switching to
Guided Arrow
after Barb attempts (and hopefully misses) to
on you, rinse and repeat. Practice alternating between
Guided Arrow
Lightning Fury
while moving around your opponents screen. If your about to get hit, switch to shield and walk. With practice you should get a lot better in these duels over time. Never try to tank a barb, even when he is 1 life and you are max life. Its suicide, trust me.
Lightning Fury
hurts barbarian's a lot. I found that a Plague / Bow Hybrid did best of all Amazon types against mid level duel Barbarian's.

Against name lock
Barbarian's (considered bad mannered, but may occur unintentionally). Due to issues in D2R it is much easier for Barbarian's to unintentionally name lock
on you (this is where they
until they hit you, uninterrupted). Switch to Shield, walk, wait for the block to occur then continue dueling.

Barbarian's (considered bad mannered). A good
barbarian will own you. Completely. As simple as that. He does not even need a shield. If he knows how to
properly you have no chance. You might beat inferior
Barbarian's, but not a good one. Best idea is to make him your friend, get someone else to kill him (few 49'ers will be able to) or save/exit.

Energy Shield Fire Ball Sorceress

Vitality build is better then Dexterity build here. This is one of the hardest contest's for a bow Amazon. To be successful against a good one you need +max fire resist (
Nokozan Relic
), over 1k life ideally, good damage and excellent movement. There are 2 types of Fire Ball Sorceress players. Those that constantly telestomp and those that fire from middle/long distance. There is no right or wrong way to play, but you need to be able to adapt to your opponent.

Against aggressive Teleportation, try to fire 2
, move, 2
, move. A little trick is to run in tiny semi circles when they are in your screen.
Against middle/Long distance Fire ball Sorcerers. Try to
the fire ball's while firing
Guided Arrow
. It's not as easy as it sounds.

's /
Fire Wall
used to be played by some 49's years ago. But the build has disappeared from Europe. So long as you are always moving you can't realistically lose (with practice).

Blizzard Sorceress

7 frames per action is better then 8 frames per action against Blizzard Sorceress. Vitality build is also ideal. Don't bother trying to name lock a good blizzard sorceress, just fire at where you think the sorceress will be. if you do not stack resist you will probably die in one hit. Blizzard sorceress have serious mana problems, and firing at a fast rate can really mess them up. This is a hard contest. And quite often it's best to have a stack of
outside town. Longest duel you will ever have is likely to be against a Blizzard Sorceress.

Frozen Orb
Sorceress are not common anymore. The trick against this build is to keep moving and never eat a full
Frozen Orb
. 7 frames per action is ideal again here.

Light Sorceress

Always have a
out to take the
Thunder Storm
hit. And at the start of the duel have a
out as well. Never Tank. Move, then shoot, and repeat. These duels are usually pretty fast. Running along a wall to reduce the avenues of attack is recommended.

Bone Necromancer

Dexterity builds are better then Vitality builds against a Necromancer. Since the necromancer recasts
Bone Armor
. This is one of the few contests where you will see a noticeable big difference in win / loss ratio's between Dexterity and Vitality setups.

Dexterity setup: Approach, fire
Guided Arrow
, approach, name lock, delete.
Vitality setup: Be more careful, but the same principal applies. Don't tank, the Necromancer can
you, you can't

Name lock is the fastest way to end these duels, but Necromancer's will try their best to stop you from getting the name lock. A good Necromancer will have a lot of faster run / walk, regular recast of
Bone Armor
, great damage, replenish life, use walls to great effect and

Light Assassin

Faster run / walk is important, replenish life helps and always use
Titan's Revenge
. Try to ensure the assassin does not name lock and


All paladin builds are hard for a bow Amazon. Vitality setup is ideal here. If it's Fist of heaven you need a lot of hit points. If it's a
Blessed Hammer
Paladin you need to learn where to run / walk to avoid
and hammer's. If it's a
Paladin, you will probably die.
does 14K+ critical strikes usually. At the end of the day a level 49 Paladin just has to
you to kill you. Ways to have a better chance at winning these duels include :
  • Use the terrain. Get them stuck on a puddle and name lock them.
  • Walk, don't run. Or learn to run / walk safely.
  • Switch between weapons. Try to get 2
    out and then switch to
    Lightning Fury
    . try to lure your opponent into giving you a free hit.

Can be used to make Runewords:


 Deleted User 632 0


Bow Amazon also known as Bowa are some of the strongest characters that you can make at Level 49. They compete very well against most characters.
Budget Bow Amazon's can be difficult to play and build, but not impossible. With lots of practise and effort, deadly and effective.

Dexterity or Vitality

There are two types of MLD Bow Amazon's. Max Dexterity build or max Vitality build.
  • Dexterity build gives you more damage, but less hit points.
  • Vitality build gives you more hit points, but Less burst damage.
  • Vitality build increases the overall amount of damage you can deal and take over time.
  • Dexterity build is recommend for new players, as it has a faster learning curve.

Break Points

8 frames per animation:
7 frames per animation:

Stat Placement

Strength: Enough for gear
Dexterity: Enough for gear / Max if Dexterity build (~4k+ Damage
Guided Arrow
Energy: None
Vitality: None / Max if Vitality build (~1,1k max hit points)

Hell rushed. All stat / skill quests completed


of Speed 3 Passive and Magic Skills, 30% Faster Run / Walk, 2 Socket (Magic Jewels 15% IAS / 30% Enhanced Damage)

Dusk Shroud
of the Whale 4 Socket, 100 Life (Magic Jewels 15% IAS, 30% Enhanced Damage)

7 Frames Per Action Bow:
Matriarchal Bow
~400% Enhanced Damage, 20% IAS (Magic Jewel 15% IAS, 30% Enhanced Damage)

8 Frames Per Action Bow:
Shadow Bow
~420% Enhanced Damage (Rare Jewel 30% Enhanced Damage, 10-18 Damage)

Magic Amulet 3 Passive and Magic Skills, 100 Life

Rare Gloves 2 Passive and Magic Skills, 20% IAS, 9 Str, 15 Dex

Raven Frost
20 Dex
Rare Ring 15 Dex, 15 Str, 90 Mana

String of Ears
15 / 15

War Traveler

Titan's Revenge

Matriarchal Javelin
2 Skill, 2
Skills, 20 IAS, ~450% Enhanced Damage, Replenishes Quantity
Kite Shield
of Deflecting 3 Sockets, 30% Faster block rate and 20% Increase block chance (Rare Jewels 30% Enhanced Damage, 9 Dex, 9 Str)

Fine Small Charm of Inertia 3% FRW, 3 Max, 20 Ar or Sharp Large Charm of Inertia 5 Max / 35 Ar / 5% FRW. Enough to reach ~120 FRW (140 on switch).
Rest Fine Small Charm of Vita 3 Max, 20 Ar, 20 Life

Maxroll Character Planner

General PVP Tips

How-To: Increased screen size

Step 1: Press Escape
Step 2: Options
Step 3: Video Tab
Step 4: Screen Space Calibrate
Step 5: Press and Hold Down Arrow so that it looks like this image

How-To: Easier Name Lock Ability

Step 1: Press Escape
Step 2: Options
Step 3: Gameplay Tab
Step 4: Chat Font Size - Change to Extra Large

How-To: C/T

Step 1: Press Escape
Step 2: Options
Step 3: Controls Tab
Step 4: Change Character Screen to Q and Skill Tree to W
Step 5: Pull up either Character Screen or Skill Tree screen, while dueling, to fire further

How To: Name lock

It is recommend when dueling with close opponents, for example, other bow Amazon's, to try to catch a "name lock" while on
Lightning Fury
switch. The idea is to rush your opponent. Click and hold
Lightning Fury
on right click. Wait for your opponent to move (ideally away), switch from
Lightning Fury
using your hotkeys, to unsummon, then switch to bow setup, then switch to
Guided Arrow
. While your opponent may no longer be in your screen, you should still have a few seconds while your opponent is "name locked" to kill him. This works best in MLD where the life to damage ratio is the lowest out of all PvP Brackets (i.e. Opponents die faster then at any other dueling bracket in the game).


Step 5: Press Escape
Step 6: Options
Step 7: Game play Tab
Step 8: Select Large Font Mode

General PVP Strategy

Leave town, find a spot, and fire at where you think your opponent is at, or will be going. Use C/T as referenced above, whenever possible. Its a useful trick. Best applied when you see your opponent on the mini map. It is therefore strongly recommend to have a friend help you practise your aim. Another useful trick name lock
Guided Arrow
's as outlined above. Another trick is the successful use of
to mislead or distract your opponent. It needs practice, but it does work. Wear damage reduction (
String of Ears
) against melee & resistances against elemental attacks. You should be wearing ~120 faster run / walk most duels. Be patient and just pick away at your opponent until he's dead.

Bow Amazon

Vitality build are better then Dexterity build in mirror contests. Always wear
String of Ears
. Use
as appropriate. Faster run / walk is not needed here. But some play styles use a lot of faster run / walk. When in doubt, walk with shield equipped. Try to always know where your opponent is. This helps to avoid being hit by arrow's. Some replenish life helps. damage, passives, life, and a lot of practice. Take your time, even when low on life. Switch to shield if a Amazon enters the screen. With rare
Matriarchal Javelin
's you can one hit most of them. C/T as appropriate. Name lock as appropriate. You won't get a lot of chances to name lock. Because entering your opponents screen will usually end the duel pretty fast. The trick is to name lock your opponent while he is moving away from you (applies vs Necromancer as well).

Far cast Amazon / Rabies Druid / Kick Assassin

Dexterity build is better then Vitality build against these builds. As the longer the match goes on the more chances they have to catch you. If they catch you, you will probably die. Things that help are: faster run / walk, high damage, resistances, poison length reduced and absorb. If they are faster then you (they usually are) don't try to tank them. Try
Lightning Fury
, move,
Lightning Fury
Guided Arrow
, move,
Guided Arrow
works to a lesser extent. Fury druids can't catch you, Pure
Wake of Fire
is not viable. Manual far cast is banned on Europe but not on other realms. Against a skilled Javelin Amazon you need very high damage.

Whirlwind barbarian

Dexterity build work best against
barbarian. Running with shield equipped and throwing
Lightning Fury
's and then switching to
Guided Arrow
after Barb attempts (and hopefully misses) to
on you, rinse and repeat. Practice alternating between
Guided Arrow
Lightning Fury
while moving around your opponents screen. If your about to get hit, switch to shield and walk. With practice you should get a lot better in these duels over time. Never try to tank a barb, even when he is 1 life and you are max life. Its suicide, trust me.
Lightning Fury
hurts barbarian's a lot. I found that a Plague / Bow Hybrid did best of all Amazon types against mid level duel Barbarian's.

Against name lock
Barbarian's (considered bad mannered, but may occur unintentionally). Due to issues in D2R it is much easier for Barbarian's to unintentionally name lock
on you (this is where they
until they hit you, uninterrupted). Switch to Shield, walk, wait for the block to occur then continue dueling.

Barbarian's (considered bad mannered). A good
barbarian will own you. Completely. As simple as that. He does not even need a shield. If he knows how to
properly you have no chance. You might beat inferior
Barbarian's, but not a good one. Best idea is to make him your friend, get someone else to kill him (few 49'ers will be able to) or save/exit.

Energy Shield Fire Ball Sorceress

Vitality build is better then Dexterity build here. This is one of the hardest contest's for a bow Amazon. To be successful against a good one you need +max fire resist (
Nokozan Relic
), over 1k life ideally, good damage and excellent movement. There are 2 types of Fire Ball Sorceress players. Those that constantly telestomp and those that fire from middle/long distance. There is no right or wrong way to play, but you need to be able to adapt to your opponent.

Against aggressive Teleportation, try to fire 2
, move, 2
, move. A little trick is to run in tiny semi circles when they are in your screen.
Against middle/Long distance Fire ball Sorcerers. Try to
the fire ball's while firing
Guided Arrow
. It's not as easy as it sounds.

's /
Fire Wall
used to be played by some 49's years ago. But the build has disappeared from Europe. So long as you are always moving you can't realistically lose (with practice).

Blizzard Sorceress

7 frames per action is better then 8 frames per action against Blizzard Sorceress. Vitality build is also ideal. Don't bother trying to name lock a good blizzard sorceress, just fire at where you think the sorceress will be. if you do not stack resist you will probably die in one hit. Blizzard sorceress have serious mana problems, and firing at a fast rate can really mess them up. This is a hard contest. And quite often it's best to have a stack of
outside town. Longest duel you will ever have is likely to be against a Blizzard Sorceress.

Frozen Orb
Sorceress are not common anymore. The trick against this build is to keep moving and never eat a full
Frozen Orb
. 7 frames per action is ideal again here.

Light Sorceress

Always have a
out to take the
Thunder Storm
hit. And at the start of the duel have a
out as well. Never Tank. Move, then shoot, and repeat. These duels are usually pretty fast. Running along a wall to reduce the avenues of attack is recommended.

Bone Necromancer

Dexterity builds are better then Vitality builds against a Necromancer. Since the necromancer recasts
Bone Armor
. This is one of the few contests where you will see a noticeable big difference in win / loss ratio's between Dexterity and Vitality setups.

Dexterity setup: Approach, fire
Guided Arrow
, approach, name lock, delete.
Vitality setup: Be more careful, but the same principal applies. Don't tank, the Necromancer can
you, you can't

Name lock is the fastest way to end these duels, but Necromancer's will try their best to stop you from getting the name lock. A good Necromancer will have a lot of faster run / walk, regular recast of
Bone Armor
, great damage, replenish life, use walls to great effect and

Light Assassin

Faster run / walk is important, replenish life helps and always use
Titan's Revenge
. Try to ensure the assassin does not name lock and


All paladin builds are hard for a bow Amazon. Vitality setup is ideal here. If it's Fist of heaven you need a lot of hit points. If it's a
Blessed Hammer
Paladin you need to learn where to run / walk to avoid
and hammer's. If it's a
Paladin, you will probably die.
does 14K+ critical strikes usually. At the end of the day a level 49 Paladin just has to
you to kill you. Ways to have a better chance at winning these duels include :
  • Use the terrain. Get them stuck on a puddle and name lock them.
  • Walk, don't run. Or learn to run / walk safely.
  • Switch between weapons. Try to get 2
    out and then switch to
    Lightning Fury
    . try to lure your opponent into giving you a free hit.


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