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.......................................................why is it so hard for people to accurately update the Dclone tracker? Every other time I refresh one of the regions is at 5/6, I rush to sign on, and it turns out to be a lie.

Not sure if certain people in the community are trolling or can't read
Description by Teebling

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.......................................................why is it so hard for people to accurately update the Dclone tracker? Every other time I refresh one of the regions is at 5/6, I rush to sign on, and it turns out to be a lie.

Not sure if certain people in the community are trolling or can't read

PC #Spateezus1673
PSN SpatCat
XBOX SpatCat
Switch SW-7207-9846-5006
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Schnorki 3932Moderator

See post2393836.html#p2393833

Give it a bit of time. Hard as it is to show patience with trolls..

In the meantime, we do have a lot (like..a surprisingly high amount) of people updating it accurately so if you see it set to like stage 5 "3 seconds ago", just refresh again a couple times. More often than not, it is corrected to what it should be within a couple refreshes.
Saves you from panic-logging at least.

The odds are also very high that you won't risk missing it by doing that, simply because stage 5 tends to last a little while longer even with a sole organizer as SoJs are being sold one by one by whomever does it to avoid accidentally selling way too many (thanks to the variable total needed).
I'm not sure how the tracker works, but maybe adding a blacklist to editors or requiring multiple confirmations for an update, before it's pushed would make it more reliable.
And now they all say 5/6, i wonder if they think setting it 5/6 will get people to sell sojs and make it spawn.
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Schnorki 3932Moderator

Yeah..the trolls are strong tonight. :/
Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago
Yeah..the trolls are strong tonight. :/
I'm done trying to fix it. I've reset it so many times, wasting time hopping back and forth to confirm.
Frustrating legitimate users is probably the end goal by the original Ip farmers who see their price from selling annis drop because they bought 8 copies of d2r to multibox.
Here's another zany but workable solution for the tracker (been thinking about this like a digital ledger problem): Instead of everyone updating a central table of record, the updates/status could be per user profile, and the tracker itself assimilates the truth across profiles. So, e.g., if I went into a game and wanted to log /uberdiablo status, I'd only be updating that in my profile.

That would be more complicated in terms of code and also remove ability for guests to participate, but would probably be highly reliable and a crucial draw to the site.

All prices negotiable. BIN always wins. Americas (Pacific), but int'l trade times can be arranged.
You could also require several updaters for a status to progress. Like take the most reported status in the last 10 minutes and distinct the reports by IP address...
Not foolproof, but a way of easing the manipulation
I love the system and how well it works...but de-incentivizing trolling would be a good idea.

My thought would be a "last updated by AccountName" indicator so when its clearly the same person doing it, the mods can address it.

Or perhaps the actual status doesnt change until a certain number of people confirm it. The Waze driving app has a similar feature for reporting road hazards.

ManInTheCanoe wrote: 2 years ago
I love the system and how well it works...but de-incentivizing trolling would be a good idea.

My thought would be a "last updated by AccountName" indicator so when its clearly the same person doing it, the mods can address it.

Or perhaps the actual status doesnt change until a certain number of people confirm it. The Waze driving app has a similar feature for reporting road hazards.
That's a good idea, it's a shame that people are trolling because this tool is great.
Yeah I think an update signature with account name, along with a report button or option to report in the menu, would be the best way to deal with this

PC #Spateezus1673
PSN SpatCat
XBOX SpatCat
Switch SW-7207-9846-5006
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Teebling 7171Admin

Europe PC
Hey guys,

Just chiming in on this - when Schnork and I thought about the tool we had maximum participation in mind and eliminating friction to try and get as many people using the tool as possible. So we decided not to gate the tool to registered users only. We anticipated trolls but assumed that it would self-moderate if enough people participated. Bear in mind that this was a last-minute addition to v1.37...

It's clear now that I'll need to change it to only allow registered users to make progress reports, so that I can deal with the losers. I am on holiday though and don't have access to a computer, so this won't happen for a week or so. In the meantime you guys will just have to be vigilant!


Im also supporting the idea of making it visible who has reported and option to report them for trolling, so admin can disable their access to use "update progress" function. 2nd and probably easier option would be allowing only like 50+positive feedback users to use that progress function, maybe(?) it will reduce false reports.
I know its easier to say than implament such things. But i seriously hope it will be done, as this is first and probably will stay only tracker for us, sooner its "fixed" more users will come on this site = potentially more $ also. Those are my first ideas. Cheers!

Update: Didnt see that Teebling already replied. Thanks!
Didnt know that also not registered users can use it, ouch!
Happy holiday Teebling!
Thanks Teebling!

The true GOAT

PC #Spateezus1673
PSN SpatCat
XBOX SpatCat
Switch SW-7207-9846-5006
SpatCat wrote: 2 years ago

The true GOAT
Oh come on, he's not that baaaaaaaaa-d.

Wait, you mean Greatest Of All Time. Now I feel sheepish.

Oh, I just leveled up my Dad Joke skills!
Maybe make a minimum trust requirement to change it instead of just making an account. Making an account is really easy.
This is maybe side related but, how hard would it be to show status of Uber spawns for the day. For exmple lets say i worked all day came home to play and was able to see that uber diablo spawn ed on X server at X time today. i don't know how useful that is to some people but to me it would be really cool to know. Considering its doubtful he would spawn on a daily basis

Online mostly between the hours of 7pm to 12am EST ( US)
The registered users option plus some additional code logic likely will sort out the issues more or less without introducing complex controls like trust level checking, reporting users which requires admins to investigate, etc.

For example...

Almost never would the state go from 2/6 to 5/6 instantly, so only allowing it to change up 1 level at a time is likely an easy coding change.
Add a bit of additional logic on if the state is 6/6, it can be set to 1/6 only allowing for the state to be reset

I'm sure Teebling has already thought out most of these ideas already, but if not, feel free to steal the above, lol.
actually about to be unleashed upon Sanctuary, ya'll

PC #Spateezus1673
PSN SpatCat
XBOX SpatCat
Switch SW-7207-9846-5006
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Schnorki 3932Moderator

Aye, Americas is close to walking.


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