I have some doubts about Ubers, so want to receive some advice on how to approach them.
My char is a Frenzy Barb 91 level with Dual Griefs, Lionheart, Arreat Face, LoH (Have Dracs also), Gore Riders, Verdungo (Thundergod), Mara Amulet (because of Resistances), Raven Frost and Dual Leach + Res Rare Ring. My Merc is with Andariel's, Reapers Toll and Treachery. Have ~4000 Life with the buffs
So I already fought the Ubers one time with the above setup (Dracs gloves for Life Tap and Thundergod for Light absorb) and here are my observations:
- Duriel - no problem, it took some time, but it was easy
- Izual - the easiest, no problems at all in the whole level
- Lilith - I had some problems with isolating her from her minions (one with Conviction), after that my merc died pretty fast, but I had no problems with Life Tap (She hits really hard but with so much Life and Life Tap it was bearable)
Before entering Tristram, I buffed myself with Fade (from Treachery) and my res was set at ~300 (So with Hell -100 and Conviction -125 to be ~75).
- Mephisto - with so much res, I had no problems at all killing him pretty fast (my merc died really fast)
- Baal (I thought he would be the easiest from the primes) - this was actually the toughest one, with his Physical res minions, I had problems lowering his life. I had no problems with the survivability, but he was constantly healing while I was Berserking minions to get to him and it was a pain to succeed with killing him (once he healed from half life to full very fast, also spawned clone). Probably here I am missing CB (in this setup only from Gores) My merc stayed alive for the whole fight.
- Diablo - it was easy and my merc stayed alive.
So in my next run, I want to make Baal easier and here are my thoughts:
1. I've already made Duress to switch Lionheart (to add some more CB and OW)
2. After Mephisto to switch Dracs with LoH (don't think I need Life Tap for Baal and Diablo since my Merc is spawning Decrep and I was ok with my Life leach). The idea is to increase greatly damage with 350 Dmg to Demons. Also to switch Thundergods with Verdungo (no need of Light absorb and also to benefit from damage reduction)
So, I am wondering if these changes will make the difference, or I need to add Guillaume's (which I don't want currently because of the great benefits of Arreat, and also I will need to respec, because dex won't be enough for the Griefs).
Also I can make Fortitude, but I am trying currently to not spend Lo if not necessary, also not sure if this added damage will be better than Duress's CB and OW.
Other thing is I can create Death for CB, but not a great fan of slower speed of Colossus Blade.
Any thoughts will be much appreciated
