I noticed that selling items seems to be quite difficult these days.
I tried to sell a Grief (385/40) and got basically no offers at all in days aside from some lowballing like Ohm or Lo.
trying to sell a Faith gmb with 0 offers (on 3 websites), while i am trying to sell it even below the cost.
I sold those items before several times already and got plenty of offers very quickly.
did the trading massively slow down for you guys as well?
Description by I tried to sell a Grief (385/40) and got basically no offers at all in days aside from some lowballing like Ohm or Lo.
trying to sell a Faith gmb with 0 offers (on 3 websites), while i am trying to sell it even below the cost.
I sold those items before several times already and got plenty of offers very quickly.
did the trading massively slow down for you guys as well?

Can be used to make Runewords:
I noticed that selling items seems to be quite difficult these days.
I tried to sell a Grief (385/40) and got basically no offers at all in days aside from some lowballing like Ohm or Lo.
trying to sell a Faith gmb with 0 offers (on 3 websites), while i am trying to sell it even below the cost.
I sold those items before several times already and got plenty of offers very quickly.
did the trading massively slow down for you guys as well?
I tried to sell a Grief (385/40) and got basically no offers at all in days aside from some lowballing like Ohm or Lo.
trying to sell a Faith gmb with 0 offers (on 3 websites), while i am trying to sell it even below the cost.
I sold those items before several times already and got plenty of offers very quickly.
did the trading massively slow down for you guys as well?
I think it's a combination of PTR plus people holding their breath for 2.4 and ladder.
All prices negotiable. BIN always wins. Americas (Pacific), but int'l trade times can be arranged.
The player base is shrunk for non-ladder play, as most of the people achieved stable goals. Perhaps selling directly in-game may help.Durok wrote: 3 years ago I noticed that selling items seems to be quite difficult these days.
I tried to sell a Grief (385/40) and got basically no offers at all in days aside from some lowballing like Ohm or Lo.
trying to sell a Faith gmb with 0 offers (on 3 websites), while i am trying to sell it even below the cost.
I sold those items before several times already and got plenty of offers very quickly.
did the trading massively slow down for you guys as well?
Everyone is waiting for ladder or is play PTR atm.
but meanwhile seeing lots of people saying no incentive to play ladder
I don't think that is it because trading doesn't need you to actively login or anything. I trade on the side through websites and only login if I found a buyer. (no time to play atm)
Maybe most people just got most their gear or quit already. Would be quite sad if the game is dead already in so short time

Many people got all of their base gear and only go after perfect rolls by now or very few rarer pieces to fill the gaps. So even with high rolls, you have an ever shrinking audience because high just isn't quite perfect. At the same time, you have more competition because those same people start selling their previous high rolls after getting their perfect one.
What I did notice is that attempted buying of more niche items (including non-perfect ones) became absurd here in a few cases with folks suddenly asking for 10-20x or more of the historic pricing here and/or the still current in-game pricing. Actually went back to getting those in-game by now which..is just annoying.
What I did notice is that attempted buying of more niche items (including non-perfect ones) became absurd here in a few cases with folks suddenly asking for 10-20x or more of the historic pricing here and/or the still current in-game pricing. Actually went back to getting those in-game by now which..is just annoying.
In case of your Grief - it's sort of logical, actually. Grief is either: 1) you roll yourself if you got a Lo; 2) you try to resell with profit if it rolls high enough; 3) you use it if it rolls poorly; 4) you wtb for cheap in case you don't have a Lo.Durok wrote: 3 years ago I noticed that selling items seems to be quite difficult these days.
I tried to sell a Grief (385/40) and got basically no offers at all in days aside from some lowballing like Ohm or Lo.
trying to sell a Faith gmb with 0 offers (on 3 websites), while i am trying to sell it even below the cost.
I sold those items before several times already and got plenty of offers very quickly.
did the trading massively slow down for you guys as well?
Correct me if I am wrong but he did get a 15 off perfect roll, which should be worth Lo+ for sure Maybe not quite Ber but Lo Vex at leastAsha wrote: 3 years agoIn case of your Grief - it's sort of logical, actually. Grief is either: 1) you roll yourself if you got a Lo; 2) you try to resell with profit if it rolls high enough; 3) you use it if it rolls poorly; 4) you wtb for cheap in case you don't have a Lo.Durok wrote: 3 years ago I noticed that selling items seems to be quite difficult these days.
I tried to sell a Grief (385/40) and got basically no offers at all in days aside from some lowballing like Ohm or Lo.
trying to sell a Faith gmb with 0 offers (on 3 websites), while i am trying to sell it even below the cost.
I sold those items before several times already and got plenty of offers very quickly.
did the trading massively slow down for you guys as well?
y2k#2833 on Bnet
y2kid#1811 on Discord
y2kid#1811 on Discord
Things are very slow at the moment yes.
Getting silly silly offers for really really good items
Getting silly silly offers for really really good items
@y2kid In a vacuum, yes. There is way too many Grief Phase Blade on the market for one at above average roll to stand out with a price above Lo.
This is the same as with CtAs - if you roll below 6/4/X (a great roll by itself, and after the 2.4 hits where the duration for BO and BC becomes the same, it won't get more expensive than 4/4/X) you will be hard-pressed to get anything close to the runes inside. If you want more than that of course the sale will therefore be even slower, if at all.
This is the same as with CtAs - if you roll below 6/4/X (a great roll by itself, and after the 2.4 hits where the duration for BO and BC becomes the same, it won't get more expensive than 4/4/X) you will be hard-pressed to get anything close to the runes inside. If you want more than that of course the sale will therefore be even slower, if at all.
If you get a PM offer, post it in the trade. Promote healthy competition instead of settling for less. 

Lo + Vex is too cheap for such a Grief. Wouldn't sell 40/385 roll even for 2x Lo myself, tbh. Perhaps even demanded Jah or Ber - I'm never givin away good rolls for cheapy2kid wrote: 3 years agoCorrect me if I am wrong but he did get a 15 off perfect roll, which should be worth Lo+ for sure Maybe not quite Ber but Lo Vex at leastAsha wrote: 3 years agoIn case of your Grief - it's sort of logical, actually. Grief is either: 1) you roll yourself if you got a Lo; 2) you try to resell with profit if it rolls high enough; 3) you use it if it rolls poorly; 4) you wtb for cheap in case you don't have a Lo.Durok wrote: 3 years ago I noticed that selling items seems to be quite difficult these days.
I tried to sell a Grief (385/40) and got basically no offers at all in days aside from some lowballing like Ohm or Lo.
trying to sell a Faith gmb with 0 offers (on 3 websites), while i am trying to sell it even below the cost.
I sold those items before several times already and got plenty of offers very quickly.
did the trading massively slow down for you guys as well?
@Asha Depends on the base - if it's Colossus Blade, it's amazing. If it's Berserker Axe, it's good. If it's Phase Blade it's ok in a sea of oks because the IAS roll on PB literally doesn't matter. A 30/400 is better than 40/399.
If you get a PM offer, post it in the trade. Promote healthy competition instead of settling for less. 

Yes, trades have slowed down for me too. There was always lots of grinding early on when ladder starts and then slows down once people compete builds and move on to other games for a little while. Another thing I've noticed is people quitting because they got scammed, or people being jerks online. If some people weren't toxic aholes, there would be more players as well. (For example.... lvl 95 followed my Baal runs until I changed the name, hostiling and killing everyone just before Baal so they could get the loot... this is just a recent example there are far worse things out there :/)Durok wrote: 3 years ago I noticed that selling items seems to be quite difficult these days.
I tried to sell a Grief (385/40) and got basically no offers at all in days aside from some lowballing like Ohm or Lo.
trying to sell a Faith gmb with 0 offers (on 3 websites), while i am trying to sell it even below the cost.
I sold those items before several times already and got plenty of offers very quickly.
did the trading massively slow down for you guys as well?
Botting. - I won't be posting any links: But The Bot Farms Are In Action.
True, I had 4 bots join my Baal runs the other day. Just idle at the tp once opened and they all had the same name with a different letter at the end...Herbalicious wrote: 3 years ago Botting. - I won't be posting any links: But The Bot Farms Are In Action.
I think it is mostly that people have reached their gear goals so there is no need to heavily trade. When the game launched, items would go immediately. Now that everyone has the basic version, the only things selling are the perfect rolls to a select few that can afford them and care enough to pay.
Trading in game is a joke. It has been for weeks. Either no one wants the items, or they low ball, or they laugh at fair listed prices.
Trading in game is a joke. It has been for weeks. Either no one wants the items, or they low ball, or they laugh at fair listed prices.
Game is dead right now. There's hardly anyone on.
Most people quit weeks ago to wait for ladder or are trying out builds on PTR.
Most people quit weeks ago to wait for ladder or are trying out builds on PTR.
mh if that is the case i dont think ladder play will last very long either. of course i expect 2-3 weeks heavy activity but i can see that many people dont want to farm everything again given the low drop rates.
i for one only got my "big gear" due to early trading. if i would need to find everything myself because there are no trades, i guess i might quit as well. i unfortunately have not the time to farm so much that i could drop some high runes
i for one only got my "big gear" due to early trading. if i would need to find everything myself because there are no trades, i guess i might quit as well. i unfortunately have not the time to farm so much that i could drop some high runes
I think it's worth noting that I've had, and I've heard of others having, more and better drops on D2R than many years' worth on legacy bnet and LOD. Diablo is an inherently grindy game, by intentional design, and maybe that isn't for everyone. But I wouldn't call the drop rate low, and I wouldn't fault the trade market for any fluctuations in economy. Ladder turnover is always like this. I think it's amazing we have resources like PTR and sites like d2io, not to mention all the creative content ideas that generate these days through YouTube etc. There was nothing like that 20 years ago. For me it's a really, really exciting time to be playing Diablo.Durok wrote: 3 years ago mh if that is the case i dont think ladder play will last very long either. of course i expect 2-3 weeks heavy activity but i can see that many people dont want to farm everything again given the low drop rates.
i for one only got my "big gear" due to early trading. if i would need to find everything myself because there are no trades, i guess i might quit as well. i unfortunately have not the time to farm so much that i could drop some high runes
TL;DR: The trades will come back. If the present lull is offputting, then I probably would say yeah, okay, you might want to look for a different kind of game experience. I went literal months without getting godly drops in the 2000s. I think the current situation is pretty good.
All prices negotiable. BIN always wins. Americas (Pacific), but int'l trade times can be arranged.
By no mean i was complaining about the drop rate. I just dont have the time anymore like 20 years ago.
while i think many people experience better drops with d2r, i dont think it is because of the drop rate. people just play more effectively these days and others (like me) stopped playing d2 lod before the rune drop buff.
I stopped with 1.11 and have never seen any rune above Ist at that point.
in d2r i got 2 Gul, 1 Jah and 1 Ohm. while that is great and all, my equipment is worth about 6-8 Ber runes atm because i traded up
but the drop rate is very low because about 99% of the items are useless now and that makes it difficult. in the beginning, the drop rate feels very high because all uniques have value, but shortly after there are like 10 items left in the game with value apart from crazy charms, jewels and circlets that have very low roll chances
i am not looking to improve drops. the drop rates are made this way because trading exist and for me the most fun in this game is actually trading for awesome items because how likely is it for you to find a 20|15 griffon or a 3/20/20 or a jmod? you might as well never ever find one.
probably a reason why yhe grailers never include the real valuable items and just go for the basics even with terrible rolls and even that takes month while they are literally no lifeing 12h a day pits.
so if trading is dead, bnet is basically a glorified single player witb bad connection.
so i do hope people come back to the game because i cannot play this as single player
while i think many people experience better drops with d2r, i dont think it is because of the drop rate. people just play more effectively these days and others (like me) stopped playing d2 lod before the rune drop buff.
I stopped with 1.11 and have never seen any rune above Ist at that point.
in d2r i got 2 Gul, 1 Jah and 1 Ohm. while that is great and all, my equipment is worth about 6-8 Ber runes atm because i traded up

but the drop rate is very low because about 99% of the items are useless now and that makes it difficult. in the beginning, the drop rate feels very high because all uniques have value, but shortly after there are like 10 items left in the game with value apart from crazy charms, jewels and circlets that have very low roll chances
i am not looking to improve drops. the drop rates are made this way because trading exist and for me the most fun in this game is actually trading for awesome items because how likely is it for you to find a 20|15 griffon or a 3/20/20 or a jmod? you might as well never ever find one.
probably a reason why yhe grailers never include the real valuable items and just go for the basics even with terrible rolls and even that takes month while they are literally no lifeing 12h a day pits.
so if trading is dead, bnet is basically a glorified single player witb bad connection.
so i do hope people come back to the game because i cannot play this as single player

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