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Yes, the game still has PvP exactly as you knew it.

A Sorceress in the
Burial Grounds
- ganked before
Blood Raven
? :)

Blizzard wrote:
So with multiplayer we want to keep all the features you've known and loved there. So PvP will still be there, down to opening the party window and engaging hostility.

Andre Abrahamian - Lead Designer 31:05 19th Feb 2021
Liking that they aren't trying to cash cow on this and expand or 'improve' it. Diablo 2 PvP was unbalanced, hectic, and player-initiated. No matching or lobbying or ranks. Excellent stuff.
See forums/diablo-2-resurrected-pvp-guide-t3278.html
Description by Stormlash

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Stormlash 356Moderator

Paladin Europe PC
Yes, the game still has PvP exactly as you knew it.

A Sorceress in the
Burial Grounds
- ganked before
Blood Raven
? :)

Blizzard wrote:
So with multiplayer we want to keep all the features you've known and loved there. So PvP will still be there, down to opening the party window and engaging hostility.

Andre Abrahamian - Lead Designer 31:05 19th Feb 2021
Liking that they aren't trying to cash cow on this and expand or 'improve' it. Diablo 2 PvP was unbalanced, hectic, and player-initiated. No matching or lobbying or ranks. Excellent stuff.
See forums/diablo-2-resurrected-pvp-guide-t3278.html



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