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Description v1.41 has been successfully deployed! :D
This update prepares the site for Resurrected 2.6 and Ladder Season 3. It also addresses a number of feature requests and bugs reported in by you guys. If you're looking for other development logs (before and after 1.41) then click here. Okay here we go!

Ladder season 3
  • All active Ladder trades that were listed during Ladder Season 2 (and not marked sold, and not marked WTB) will be converted to Non-Ladder listings tomorrow when the new season begins. This is to account for what happens in-game where all Ladder S2 chars become Non-Ladder.
  • Inside each trade listing that has been converted to Non-Ladder, there will be an indication banner showing that this the listing was converted to Non-Ladder at the start of S3. This banner will not show if you re-mark the trade as Ladder for whatever reason.
  • All items listed as Ladder in the marketplace from tomorrow onwards on are considered to be fresh items on the new Ladder (ie characters playing Ladder S3).
  • Don't forget to update your profile settings to Ladder or Non-Ladder, so that any newly created trades you make default to the correct filters.
New runewords
  • All new 2.6/Ladder season 3 runewords have been added to the site and enabled for trading. These include Bulwark, Cure, Ground, Hearth, Temper, Hustle, Mosaic, and Metamorphosis. Comments and screenshots on these DB entry pages are welcome!
  • These new runewords have been marked as Ladder-only. You are now able to filter Runewords by Ladder-only once again in the Runewords database category.
Freeze all trades
  • You can now 'freeze' all your trade listings from your stash page. Freezing all trades will prevent them from expiring after the standard 3-day interval has passed.
  • This should be useful for preserving your listings if you're going away on holiday or taking a break etc. and don't want to recreate all of your expired trade listings upon returning.
  • Listings are frozen permanently until unfrozen. They can be unfrozen at any time providing that 12 hours have passed since you initially froze them. Upon unfreezing your trades, they will automatically be bumped.
  • Frozen listings will not appear in the market (other than in your stash or by direct URL) and cannot be interacted with in any way besides moderation.
Dynamic timestamps
  • You can now use a BBcode to create a timestamp that automatically converts a UTC date/time to the viewer's local date/time. Example usage: [utctolocal]2023-06-10T01:00:00[/utctolocal] will create a timestamp that looks like this: 2023-06-10T01:00:00   This timestamp has been automatically converted to your local date/time for convenience. The format is DD/MMM/YYYY, HH:MM am/pm. This is based off your browser time. .
  • You must always use the UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) time and date of the event inside the BBcode tag, in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format. The 'T' is required (it just separates the date from the time).
  • After you submit your post, all users will see that time converted to their local time and date (based off their browser time).
  • This was requested by contributors in the various Dclone walk announcement topics who are constantly swapping times and dates. Hopefully it will make sharing event details a bit easier and less confusing for everyone.
Toggle hover tooltips
  • You can now toggle hover tooltips on or off from your user dropdown menu in the top-right. This is for power users mainly who find the tooltips are annoying/getting in the way and not as useful as they were at the start. All users will continue to see tooltips by default until toggled off.
Season indicators in price check
  • When looking at historical price data for any item, you now see indicators for which ladder season the item was traded in.
  • You can also filter historical price results by which ladder season they occurred in from the 'Misc' tab. This will be useful for determining whether the item was sold early or later on in the season.
Console ID buttons
  • For Xbox, Switch, and Playstation traders, you can now enter your contact ID in your profile for each platform you trade on. These will appear as 'copy paste' buttons in your posts like the existing Bnet/Discord ID buttons. These copy-paste buttons have had a small facelift (better/bigger icons) too.
Forum sorting
  • There are now sorting options available for the list of topics in the main forum, price check subforum, feedback subforum, bug reports subform, and contributions subforum. You can sort by post time, views, and replies, or alphabetically by subject or author.
Other changes & improvements
  • Added a
    Junk Jewels
    pseudo item for use in trade listings. Like
    Perfect Gems
    , it represents any quantity or quality of jewel.
  • Added the last two cube recipes that have been 'missing' from the database:
    Recipe: Normal Quality Armor of Same Type
    Recipe: Normal Quality Weapon of Same Type
  • Dclone Tracker page - 'Upcoming Walks' button now links to the last post of the planning/updates topic. The second button has been renamed to 'SCNL Log' and links to record keeping topic for softcore non-ladder. This better reflects the true purpose of each topic.
  • When searching for members by their Bnet ID, the search is now case insensitive. This will make it much easier/less cumbersome to find the d2io username associated with a specific Bnet ID.
  • Total likes received are now visible next to usernames in mini post-profiles in Forums, Feedback, Bug Reports and Contributions areas. This is to further highlight/celebrate users that have received high numbers of likes over the last two years whilst posting on the forum.
  • Total posts made by user value is now also visible in mini post-profiles sitewide when hovering over the user's forum level.
  • The trust level indicator has had a bit of a facelift - the icon and container are more compact, and the word 'trust' has been omitted. The same change has taken place on stash pages/profiles/trade stats. It also appears in the price check subforum now.
  • Trade volume graphs sitewide are no longer chopped off after 12 months of data - they now show 24 months of data and have a longer cache time of 3 days.
  • Added indicator lines to volume graphs sitewide to indicate the beginning of D2R 2.6/Ladder Season 3 (on the 16th Feb).
  • When registering, users can no longer use the # symbol in their username. This is to prevent issues with URL rewriting/routing that can occur in Chrome when a pound symbol is encountered (usually when people are using their Bnet ID as their username). There is a tooltip/(notice for mobile UI) next to the username field, and strict validation in place. If you want the pound symbol taken out of your username, please private message me and I can change that no problem.
  • Notice/tooltip added to password field on registration page warning users not to use the same password for d2io as they use for (!!). Notice on bnet ID field warning users not to use a Bnet ID having spaces between characters (also causes issues with URLs).
  • There is a countdown box on the home page counting down to the announced start time for Ladder season 3. It will be removed after the countdown finishes tomorrow and I have run a migration script for ladder -> non-ladder trades.
  • Changed 'Saved Stuff' to 'Bookmarks' in user drop down menu for it to make it clearer where this link takes us.
  • Script that will convert Ladder trades to Non-Ladder trades has been modified to ignore listings that are WTB.
  • When bumping all posts, the countdown has been reduced to 5 seconds. There should also be reduced instances of the bump 'not going through quickly enough' before the page refreshes. The countdown for deleting all trades and freezing all trades is also set to 5 seconds.
  • Deleting all trades and freezing all trades are both now hidden behind three confirmations, to stop people from accidentally activating either command. I hope that this will be enough and we don't get stories of people's kids wiping out 200+ trade listings on the iPad lol.
  • Deleting trades/Freezing trades options are now grouped and separated from the Bump all trades command, to further protect against accidental activation. They have had some
    colours added to further aid with distinguishing them from one another.
  • Removed the 'large' bnet ID/discord ID contact buttons at the top of trade listings. These were superfluous and taking up valuable space. The contact buttons in every post in the listing of course remain and should suffice.
  • Indicators for WTB trade listings have been coloured green to help better differentiate them from the WTS tag. This change has taken place across all of the trade UI.
  • Set item upgrade recipes have had their descriptions changed to remove the soon-to-be incorrect 'ladder only' warnings.
  • The filesize limit for uploading pictures has been reduced from 8mb to 4mb.
  • Items marked as Free and also Sold are now deleted on a daily basis to prevent stale giveaway listings from accumulating in the market (this means you may/may not be able to get trust exchanged in time before a deletion event is triggered however).
  • Page title when making an offer on a trade listing now reads 'Post comment' instead of 'Edit trade' (but remains 'Edit trade' if you are the author of the listing).
  • Removed 1 day cache on trust level value in profile header to avoid confusion where some trust values appeared out of sync with each other.
  • Easier manual donation management UI features for myself as paypal's IPN continues to fail.
  • Footer copyright dates updated for 2023. Chat gem polished.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed bug where expired trades from months ago were still hanging around in the marketplace despite the autoexpiry function. Not sure still what allowed these ones to slip through (no database value differences, I'm guessing script timeouts) - there's now a daily event scheduler to delete 'phantom' expired trades like this. The latest you should see a trade overdue its expiry now is 4 days after the original post time (the extra day is to allow for the autoexpiry function to run before deletions occur).
  • Fixed bug where many trades appeared active but then clicking through would result in a 'Topic not found' error. This is another weird one where sometimes the autoexpire function would archive the listing as historical data correctly, but then fail to delete the original topic afterwards. There is now a daily event scheduler to delete these 'half-migrated' trades, so you should see no more instances of 'topic not found' in the market.
  • Fixed user mention/nudge bug where typing @ would fail to bring up a dropdown list of users to choose from for the mention. You should be able to type @ now and see the list change as you type.
  • Fixed select-quoting in Chrome/Firefox browsers and on mobile devices (was using click() and forgetting touchstart() lol). You should now be able to select a portion of text from someone's post and then click a hovering 'quote' button to quote your selection in the quick reply box.
  • Fixed bug where Chrome/Firefox users were not able to hover over truncated trade descriptions in the historical price check area to see the fully expanded text contents. Now when you hover, you should see the full text from that trade in a browser tooltip.
  • When hovering over links to active trade listings on an database item page, you should no longer see an overlapping browser tooltip parsing the time. This was obscuring the trade text hover tooltip, should be gone now.
  • Fixed bug in historical price check area where the use of a horizontal rule bbcode in the trade's description would cause layout to break.
  • Fixed bug on registration form where the tab index took users from the first field to the third field, instead of the second. It should now feel correct to tab through these with keyboard.
  • Fixed bug in the header navigation for the database section where the link to 'Quests' category was invisible/just not there. This was due to an unclosed <a> tag and went completely unnoticed for a whole year lol.
  • Fixed bug that caused the 'Free' filter to become unselected when loading the Edit Trade screen.
  • Fixed bug that caused polls in the Price Check forum not fill layout width.
  • Added ability to search, mark read, and sort through the Price Check subforum. This was particularly annoying not being able to mark read nor search through appraisal requests made there.
  • Fixed bug where on switching between 2.3/2.4 data on some items caused navigable links and tooltips to disappear from sub-items in the item's stats. You should be able to switch between data sets and then hover/click on sub items again now.
  • Fixed bug when browsing trades where sometimes the active/sold filter option wasn't persisting when navigating subsequent pages of results.
  • Clicking the like button on a post now instantly updates its value instead of hanging on 0.
  • Clicking a like button now no longer results in a 20 seconds delayed phantom modal.
  • Fixed incorrect 'upped' damage values for
    Buriza-Do Kyanon
    , and
    Athena's Wrath
  • Fixed missing line break in
    Witchwild String
    's magical properties
  • Fixed incorrect effect description for Bone Crack
  • Fixed filter-breaking string inconsistencies where some items had Max Resistance and others had Maximum Resistance. All read 'Maximum' now which should fix filtering for this property in the database categories being considered. Similar issue addressed with 'Resist' and 'Resistance' inconsistencies.
    Arreat Summit
    data had many inconsistencies that we ended up unknowingly carrying across to here.
  • Fixed incorrect damage values for
    War Fist
    Grand Scepter
  • Fixed bug where
    Naj's Puzzler
    wasn't appearing as a set variant of the
    Elder Staff
  • Fixed bug where 2.4-changed runewords such as Insight, Obedience etc. were not appearing as craftable Runewords for
    type items.
  • Fixed bug where
    Demon Machine
    were missing when filtering by Fires Explosive
  • Fixed missing line break near upped values for bow and
    type base items.
  • Fixed sorting by Dexterity required in the Bases category. It now parses integers and sorts correctly instead of doing alphabetical string sort.
My comments

I focused mainly on fixing long-overdue bugs and addressing user suggestions in this patch. Coming back to the codebase again after not developing for so long felt a bit like reading Egyptian hieroglyphs. It took me 10 days to develop 1.41.

I had the help of ChatGPT this time around which helped save an enormous amount of time where I'd otherwise be googling and reading stack overflow answers. It even wrote some of the migration script SQL for me which I thought was very impressive.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your patience since the last update, and for your continued encouragement and support. is now 2 years old believe it or not! I fired up the test server for the first time on the 6th of February 2021.
And that's it! Hope you enjoy the update. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Good drops and fair trades to you all.
EDIT Search index is still being rebuilt, may take another hour or so. Until it finishes building the index, you cannot use the Search trades feature. All other discovery methods still work. Hang tight, taking a bit longer than I expected.

EDIT 2 Search index complete. Everything should be operational now :)
Description by Teebling

Can be used to make Runewords:

User avatar

Teebling 7219Admin

Europe PC v1.41 has been successfully deployed! :D
This update prepares the site for Resurrected 2.6 and Ladder Season 3. It also addresses a number of feature requests and bugs reported in by you guys. If you're looking for other development logs (before and after 1.41) then click here. Okay here we go!

Ladder season 3
  • All active Ladder trades that were listed during Ladder Season 2 (and not marked sold, and not marked WTB) will be converted to Non-Ladder listings tomorrow when the new season begins. This is to account for what happens in-game where all Ladder S2 chars become Non-Ladder.
  • Inside each trade listing that has been converted to Non-Ladder, there will be an indication banner showing that this the listing was converted to Non-Ladder at the start of S3. This banner will not show if you re-mark the trade as Ladder for whatever reason.
  • All items listed as Ladder in the marketplace from tomorrow onwards on are considered to be fresh items on the new Ladder (ie characters playing Ladder S3).
  • Don't forget to update your profile settings to Ladder or Non-Ladder, so that any newly created trades you make default to the correct filters.
New runewords
  • All new 2.6/Ladder season 3 runewords have been added to the site and enabled for trading. These include Bulwark, Cure, Ground, Hearth, Temper, Hustle, Mosaic, and Metamorphosis. Comments and screenshots on these DB entry pages are welcome!
  • These new runewords have been marked as Ladder-only. You are now able to filter Runewords by Ladder-only once again in the Runewords database category.
Freeze all trades
  • You can now 'freeze' all your trade listings from your stash page. Freezing all trades will prevent them from expiring after the standard 3-day interval has passed.
  • This should be useful for preserving your listings if you're going away on holiday or taking a break etc. and don't want to recreate all of your expired trade listings upon returning.
  • Listings are frozen permanently until unfrozen. They can be unfrozen at any time providing that 12 hours have passed since you initially froze them. Upon unfreezing your trades, they will automatically be bumped.
  • Frozen listings will not appear in the market (other than in your stash or by direct URL) and cannot be interacted with in any way besides moderation.
Dynamic timestamps
  • You can now use a BBcode to create a timestamp that automatically converts a UTC date/time to the viewer's local date/time. Example usage: [utctolocal]2023-06-10T01:00:00[/utctolocal] will create a timestamp that looks like this: 2023-06-10T01:00:00   This timestamp has been automatically converted to your local date/time for convenience. The format is DD/MMM/YYYY, HH:MM am/pm. This is based off your browser time. .
  • You must always use the UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) time and date of the event inside the BBcode tag, in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format. The 'T' is required (it just separates the date from the time).
  • After you submit your post, all users will see that time converted to their local time and date (based off their browser time).
  • This was requested by contributors in the various Dclone walk announcement topics who are constantly swapping times and dates. Hopefully it will make sharing event details a bit easier and less confusing for everyone.
Toggle hover tooltips
  • You can now toggle hover tooltips on or off from your user dropdown menu in the top-right. This is for power users mainly who find the tooltips are annoying/getting in the way and not as useful as they were at the start. All users will continue to see tooltips by default until toggled off.
Season indicators in price check
  • When looking at historical price data for any item, you now see indicators for which ladder season the item was traded in.
  • You can also filter historical price results by which ladder season they occurred in from the 'Misc' tab. This will be useful for determining whether the item was sold early or later on in the season.
Console ID buttons
  • For Xbox, Switch, and Playstation traders, you can now enter your contact ID in your profile for each platform you trade on. These will appear as 'copy paste' buttons in your posts like the existing Bnet/Discord ID buttons. These copy-paste buttons have had a small facelift (better/bigger icons) too.
Forum sorting
  • There are now sorting options available for the list of topics in the main forum, price check subforum, feedback subforum, bug reports subform, and contributions subforum. You can sort by post time, views, and replies, or alphabetically by subject or author.
Other changes & improvements
  • Added a
    Junk Jewels
    pseudo item for use in trade listings. Like
    Perfect Gems
    , it represents any quantity or quality of jewel.
  • Added the last two cube recipes that have been 'missing' from the database:
    Recipe: Normal Quality Armor of Same Type
    Recipe: Normal Quality Weapon of Same Type
  • Dclone Tracker page - 'Upcoming Walks' button now links to the last post of the planning/updates topic. The second button has been renamed to 'SCNL Log' and links to record keeping topic for softcore non-ladder. This better reflects the true purpose of each topic.
  • When searching for members by their Bnet ID, the search is now case insensitive. This will make it much easier/less cumbersome to find the d2io username associated with a specific Bnet ID.
  • Total likes received are now visible next to usernames in mini post-profiles in Forums, Feedback, Bug Reports and Contributions areas. This is to further highlight/celebrate users that have received high numbers of likes over the last two years whilst posting on the forum.
  • Total posts made by user value is now also visible in mini post-profiles sitewide when hovering over the user's forum level.
  • The trust level indicator has had a bit of a facelift - the icon and container are more compact, and the word 'trust' has been omitted. The same change has taken place on stash pages/profiles/trade stats. It also appears in the price check subforum now.
  • Trade volume graphs sitewide are no longer chopped off after 12 months of data - they now show 24 months of data and have a longer cache time of 3 days.
  • Added indicator lines to volume graphs sitewide to indicate the beginning of D2R 2.6/Ladder Season 3 (on the 16th Feb).
  • When registering, users can no longer use the # symbol in their username. This is to prevent issues with URL rewriting/routing that can occur in Chrome when a pound symbol is encountered (usually when people are using their Bnet ID as their username). There is a tooltip/(notice for mobile UI) next to the username field, and strict validation in place. If you want the pound symbol taken out of your username, please private message me and I can change that no problem.
  • Notice/tooltip added to password field on registration page warning users not to use the same password for d2io as they use for (!!). Notice on bnet ID field warning users not to use a Bnet ID having spaces between characters (also causes issues with URLs).
  • There is a countdown box on the home page counting down to the announced start time for Ladder season 3. It will be removed after the countdown finishes tomorrow and I have run a migration script for ladder -> non-ladder trades.
  • Changed 'Saved Stuff' to 'Bookmarks' in user drop down menu for it to make it clearer where this link takes us.
  • Script that will convert Ladder trades to Non-Ladder trades has been modified to ignore listings that are WTB.
  • When bumping all posts, the countdown has been reduced to 5 seconds. There should also be reduced instances of the bump 'not going through quickly enough' before the page refreshes. The countdown for deleting all trades and freezing all trades is also set to 5 seconds.
  • Deleting all trades and freezing all trades are both now hidden behind three confirmations, to stop people from accidentally activating either command. I hope that this will be enough and we don't get stories of people's kids wiping out 200+ trade listings on the iPad lol.
  • Deleting trades/Freezing trades options are now grouped and separated from the Bump all trades command, to further protect against accidental activation. They have had some
    colours added to further aid with distinguishing them from one another.
  • Removed the 'large' bnet ID/discord ID contact buttons at the top of trade listings. These were superfluous and taking up valuable space. The contact buttons in every post in the listing of course remain and should suffice.
  • Indicators for WTB trade listings have been coloured green to help better differentiate them from the WTS tag. This change has taken place across all of the trade UI.
  • Set item upgrade recipes have had their descriptions changed to remove the soon-to-be incorrect 'ladder only' warnings.
  • The filesize limit for uploading pictures has been reduced from 8mb to 4mb.
  • Items marked as Free and also Sold are now deleted on a daily basis to prevent stale giveaway listings from accumulating in the market (this means you may/may not be able to get trust exchanged in time before a deletion event is triggered however).
  • Page title when making an offer on a trade listing now reads 'Post comment' instead of 'Edit trade' (but remains 'Edit trade' if you are the author of the listing).
  • Removed 1 day cache on trust level value in profile header to avoid confusion where some trust values appeared out of sync with each other.
  • Easier manual donation management UI features for myself as paypal's IPN continues to fail.
  • Footer copyright dates updated for 2023. Chat gem polished.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed bug where expired trades from months ago were still hanging around in the marketplace despite the autoexpiry function. Not sure still what allowed these ones to slip through (no database value differences, I'm guessing script timeouts) - there's now a daily event scheduler to delete 'phantom' expired trades like this. The latest you should see a trade overdue its expiry now is 4 days after the original post time (the extra day is to allow for the autoexpiry function to run before deletions occur).
  • Fixed bug where many trades appeared active but then clicking through would result in a 'Topic not found' error. This is another weird one where sometimes the autoexpire function would archive the listing as historical data correctly, but then fail to delete the original topic afterwards. There is now a daily event scheduler to delete these 'half-migrated' trades, so you should see no more instances of 'topic not found' in the market.
  • Fixed user mention/nudge bug where typing @ would fail to bring up a dropdown list of users to choose from for the mention. You should be able to type @ now and see the list change as you type.
  • Fixed select-quoting in Chrome/Firefox browsers and on mobile devices (was using click() and forgetting touchstart() lol). You should now be able to select a portion of text from someone's post and then click a hovering 'quote' button to quote your selection in the quick reply box.
  • Fixed bug where Chrome/Firefox users were not able to hover over truncated trade descriptions in the historical price check area to see the fully expanded text contents. Now when you hover, you should see the full text from that trade in a browser tooltip.
  • When hovering over links to active trade listings on an database item page, you should no longer see an overlapping browser tooltip parsing the time. This was obscuring the trade text hover tooltip, should be gone now.
  • Fixed bug in historical price check area where the use of a horizontal rule bbcode in the trade's description would cause layout to break.
  • Fixed bug on registration form where the tab index took users from the first field to the third field, instead of the second. It should now feel correct to tab through these with keyboard.
  • Fixed bug in the header navigation for the database section where the link to 'Quests' category was invisible/just not there. This was due to an unclosed <a> tag and went completely unnoticed for a whole year lol.
  • Fixed bug that caused the 'Free' filter to become unselected when loading the Edit Trade screen.
  • Fixed bug that caused polls in the Price Check forum not fill layout width.
  • Added ability to search, mark read, and sort through the Price Check subforum. This was particularly annoying not being able to mark read nor search through appraisal requests made there.
  • Fixed bug where on switching between 2.3/2.4 data on some items caused navigable links and tooltips to disappear from sub-items in the item's stats. You should be able to switch between data sets and then hover/click on sub items again now.
  • Fixed bug when browsing trades where sometimes the active/sold filter option wasn't persisting when navigating subsequent pages of results.
  • Clicking the like button on a post now instantly updates its value instead of hanging on 0.
  • Clicking a like button now no longer results in a 20 seconds delayed phantom modal.
  • Fixed incorrect 'upped' damage values for
    Buriza-Do Kyanon
    , and
    Athena's Wrath
  • Fixed missing line break in
    Witchwild String
    's magical properties
  • Fixed incorrect effect description for Bone Crack
  • Fixed filter-breaking string inconsistencies where some items had Max Resistance and others had Maximum Resistance. All read 'Maximum' now which should fix filtering for this property in the database categories being considered. Similar issue addressed with 'Resist' and 'Resistance' inconsistencies.
    Arreat Summit
    data had many inconsistencies that we ended up unknowingly carrying across to here.
  • Fixed incorrect damage values for
    War Fist
    Grand Scepter
  • Fixed bug where
    Naj's Puzzler
    wasn't appearing as a set variant of the
    Elder Staff
  • Fixed bug where 2.4-changed runewords such as Insight, Obedience etc. were not appearing as craftable Runewords for
    type items.
  • Fixed bug where
    Demon Machine
    were missing when filtering by Fires Explosive
  • Fixed missing line break near upped values for bow and
    type base items.
  • Fixed sorting by Dexterity required in the Bases category. It now parses integers and sorts correctly instead of doing alphabetical string sort.
My comments

I focused mainly on fixing long-overdue bugs and addressing user suggestions in this patch. Coming back to the codebase again after not developing for so long felt a bit like reading Egyptian hieroglyphs. It took me 10 days to develop 1.41.

I had the help of ChatGPT this time around which helped save an enormous amount of time where I'd otherwise be googling and reading stack overflow answers. It even wrote some of the migration script SQL for me which I thought was very impressive.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your patience since the last update, and for your continued encouragement and support. is now 2 years old believe it or not! I fired up the test server for the first time on the 6th of February 2021.
And that's it! Hope you enjoy the update. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Good drops and fair trades to you all.
EDIT Search index is still being rebuilt, may take another hour or so. Until it finishes building the index, you cannot use the Search trades feature. All other discovery methods still work. Hang tight, taking a bit longer than I expected.

EDIT 2 Search index complete. Everything should be operational now :)

User avatar

Schnorki 3935Moderator

Holy change log batman.

Well done as always! A hero to the people. :)
Congratulations on the successful update.

I've seen a lot of updates go awry lately.
Edit: Timestamps do not work with only time and no date. Removed screenshot because it was big, filed a bug report which I guess can be closed.

On workdays I am generally available for trade from 19:00 CET to 23:00 CET. Weekends variable.
User avatar

Teebling 7219Admin

Europe PC
Verband wrote: 2 years ago
I haven't yet read all the patch notes, tested timestamps immediately. Preview does not match my timezone, invalid time zone in signature below trade. Browser is Firefox. Tried with 18:00:00 as well. Timezone was set before patch.
Hey, I think your format is wrong. It should be YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS example [utctolocal]2023-06-10T01:00:00[/utctolocal].

Teebling wrote: 2 years ago
Verband wrote: 2 years ago
I haven't yet read all the patch notes, tested timestamps immediately. Preview does not match my timezone, invalid time zone in signature below trade. Browser is Firefox. Tried with 18:00:00 as well. Timezone was set before patch.
Hey, I think your format is wrong. It should be YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS example [utctolocal]2023-06-10T01:00:00[/utctolocal].
Okay I see. I remember having posted in the feature request thread my use case. I'll revert the signature change then ;(

But nice work with the patch, you did a lot.

Edit: Found my post. I should have been more specific.

On workdays I am generally available for trade from 19:00 CET to 23:00 CET. Weekends variable.
User avatar

Schnorki 3935Moderator

Teebling wrote: 2 years ago
Verband wrote: 2 years ago
I haven't yet read all the patch notes, tested timestamps immediately. Preview does not match my timezone, invalid time zone in signature below trade. Browser is Firefox. Tried with 18:00:00 as well. Timezone was set before patch.
Hey, I think your format is wrong. It should be YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS example [utctolocal]2023-06-10T01:00:00[/utctolocal].
Just looking at his use case (which I for one didn't think of but makes perfect sense), is there a time-only version/functionality of the code? Or does it have to always include a date with the time?
I really like some of the small UI fixes and improvements. I see way fewer UI elements bouncing around when I go from portrait to landscape or the opposite.
User avatar

Teebling 7219Admin

Europe PC
Verband wrote: 2 years ago
I remember having posted in the feature request thread my use case.
Sorry I missed that or misunderstood. Yes, a 'time-only' version would be useful too for your original signature use case - will try do that next round of code. Schnorki, the same response to you :)

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Necrarch 2404Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Congrats, Teebling. Lots of fixes and listening from what the community asks for - recipe for success, I guess !


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
Congrats on these two years Teebling ! is the first site I check when looking for info on items / runewords.

Thank for the great work !
AMAZING work you guys are doing with the site here Teebling, love every bit of it.

Happy Slaying!
-CRUX :7
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Th3ory 663

Paladin Americas PC
Good to have you back @Teebling - strong update all around - cheers to you

O trabalho aqui é magnifico, obrigado cara!.
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Necrarch 2404Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
As said elsewhere, seems the rebuild of the search index is not finished yet causing some misses in searches - please be patient :)


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
Looking good, thanks for keeping this place awesome. :)

PC | PSN | Switch | Europe | UTC + 0
All trades are PC, PSN or Switch!
All trades will be conducted with a cup of tea.
Offering a free cross platform trading service!
Teebling wrote: 2 years ago
Total likes received are now visible next to usernames in mini post-profiles.
Listen. Strange people sitting behind a computer distributing likes is no basis for a system of government! You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some greasy couch potato threw a like at you!

If you get a PM offer, post it in the trade. Promote healthy competition instead of settling for less. ;)
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atari 751

Europe XLinux
@Teebling the mention feature still doesn't work for me but thanks a lot for your work. 1.41 is great and I really appreciate that you fixed trade descriptions in the historical price check area and removed expired trades.

w00t! Thank you very much for adding the
Junk Jewels
pseudo item!

I play both ladder and non-ladder.

Previously I had an option to search items by whatever is in the title of the trade. Just type "skiller" - > Quick Search and you have all the skiller shops.

Did you really remove this option to search trades (as it is not working now)? Do you realize how inconvenient this is?


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