1. PS and HC.
I see more and more trades from psn and hc. That is nice, but its very hard to notice it and usually people need to write it and push back offers from pcers. That warning with HC to the right also dont do the thing. That surely need to be addressed. Make background different for every trade ps/hc/pc, giant ICON SOMEWHERE or some filter even for account like in my personal settings to mark which trade i want to see. I dont really need any trades than sc/pc for me for example, i dont play any other mode.
2. 10 last offers (the short list when u enter item description) in trades are broken after last changes 2 weeks ago.
I usually click on them and half are dead. They point to deleted topics, which should not be a thing. I would add WTB/WTS to that list also. I recently just click active all, because that short list is useless now.
3. Its nice we have 6 tabs now, but i can see only 10 trades per tab. I cant see other trades which i posted when i exceed 10 count. Any chance to make pages there or at least remove limit ?
4. Would be nice to filter WTS/WTB in search. Sometimes there is more WTB.
5. Is it possible to add sorting in trade list filter by added time not last post? I seee dead trades from a week ago or more and they pop at begining because people like zombies post offers in trades where is no response from author.
6. Not that it matter that much but the level of account is broken. I have level 1 after last update and everyone got level 1

I think thats all. Anyway, last changes were very nice. Thanks!