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Total results: 5371 • Page 172 of 180

WTS [Services] Turtle Uber Service 3x3
Hello Everyone

I'm there to help everyone who need Uber service just get your 3x3 ready and add me Sammy#41222 or message.

Price list :

3 Lem + 1 Pul
2 Pul
1 Um
39 Pgm's + Pul

Always happy and open to talk to people so if you have other offers just hit me up ! : )

If you planing multiple runs talk to me for discount.

See you Soon !

Turtle : D

Listed by oa121212  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] I help you in Hell
Hey hit me up for any rush, Uber or Quest or Diaclone help that you need.

I dont want anything in return, but i would not say no to a tip.

Just add me, ill help when im online Zakara#21256

Listed by Ahnquiraj  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] Need Help with Ubers
Just need someone to help me kill Lilith, I'll tip you!

Listed by terminator154  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] MF party Hello ladies and gents,

Long story short, I've been farming since the release of D2R and so far the results are rather underwhelming to put it mildly, which is why I decided to take some action.

Right now I'm running exclusively Travical with my Frenzy barb, so every other location in the world is free. If you are looking for fast games - 2min/3min per run - you can add me Midrail#2757 and we can have better chance at getting something. :)

I'm willing to make the games longer, if more players are involved. Just msg me and state which is the part of the world that you'd like to get 'reserved' and we will work things out. All of this will be done within private games.

See you in the Sanctuary, Heroes of Earth!

Listed by Midrail  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] I Hell Rush For Forge!
level 93 hammerdin with 125 fcr
Done in a jiffy
danie008 #1740

Listed by danie008  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] LF Larzuk service
I need a larzuk rush service please. Can offer a Lem

Listed by naoz5  •  Expires never

Normal Rush for Normal rush / Larzuk quest trade Always looking for A5Q1 by new chars
I can pay Ko / 2 Lum for it or rush your new chars

Listed by Imp-rostov  •  Expires 2 years ago

WTS [Services] Socket Char Rush? Trade rush for rush


Listed by s4ltfree  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] Uber Services for 1 Key Only CHEAP
Will run your uber for you

Your keys to open portals

Cost: 2 of any Key (Key of Hate, Key of Destruction, Key of Terror) Or 1 Key of Destruction

If you are a sorc, please teleport to mini ubers for me to save on time

Fully geared Smiter.


Listed by uRJeremyK  •  Expires never

Help me rush from Act3 to Ac5 Normal? Hi there, is there a kind soul online who could help me get to Act5 on Normal? Currently on Act3 and have no desire to do any of the quests there, even if someone has only 2-3 minutes to help me just with the Travincal WP and Durance WP and to kill Mephisto and just give me the required waypoints would be awesome. Thanks in advance.

Listed by Jamezdin  •  Expires 2 years ago

WTS [Services] will do ubers for your hellfire torch
you heard that right gentlemen! i'll do your ubers and i'll keep your torch.

A nice flat fee, and you'll get the experience of a life time, able to move around like as if you were in your own youtube video!

you make the portals, i kick the ass and collect the reward!

Listed by Traumateam9  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] Looking for 1+ for MF runs Lvl 90 Sorce and Lvl 89 Barbarian looking for 1+ for quick 3 player solo MF runs.

Games roughly 15 minutes each.

Currently Andriel, Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo, pindle, countess, summoner, and Nihlathak are spoken for. Everything else is free game

Can provide Lvl 33 Battle Order as needed.

Looking to run for the next couple of hours

Listed by JustSomeGuy  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] Bumper available for Grush I have 2 lvl 40 bumper for sale available for Grush. LF offers

Listed by QcSpatule  •  Expires never

Listed by WILDCRUX  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] Uber Service
My payment is 1 of the following keys (Key of Destruction, Key of Terror, Key of Hate) or a Pul rune.

You provide the 3x3.

I kill all the Mini-Ubers and Ubers

Add me TSFox#11356

Listed by TSFox  •  Expires never

Uber Services I offer Uber services for 1 Key or Pul.

You provide the 3x3 Keys and an extra key or Pul for me. I provide the unidentified torch.

Add me if you need help.


Listed by TSFox  •  Expires 2 years ago

My keys you uber I’ve got a set of keys and some runes I would like to trade it for a unidentified ani

Listed by Krafty35  •  Expires 2 years ago

Uber/Dclone service Hi,

I'm offering my service as smiter for Uber/Dclone services. Offering services via D2R Community Discord, Facebook community group (as the Lastwish guy) and here.
Today from 8 Unid Torches 3 were Storches with high rolls (which also made me very jealous). So try out your luck!

Uber service for 3 tkeys or 1dkey+1hkey
Dclone service for pul or 30 pgems.

No runes only key offers.

DC: Asgaardian#6863
Bnet: Asgaardian#2188

Have fun and happy grinding.

Listed by asgaardiantyr  •  Expires 2 years ago

WTS [Services] UBER Services! Super quick and super cheap
Payment - Pul

Gear: Smitedin
- grief, gface, hoz, COH, maras, 6/6 cta, 18/18 ptorch
Level 85

Please leave review after!

Listed by danie008  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] My Little Smiter: Friendship Is Magic (Cheaper Uber Services) Hi folks,
together with PrincipalOShagH (, we are doing cheap uber services.
As my friend states we are just another two dudes who love to bury the three brothers in blizzards and shield bashes

Write to either of us an we will provide you a run/run rescue/a ready torch asap.
[b]Status of the offer: [/b] [orange][u]Limited offer[/u][/orange]

[center][orange][u]Limited offer:[/u][/orange]
3x3 keys+ 2 any keys of your choice for (Weak)
3x3 keys + Pul or 2 random keys for (PrincipalOShagH)

[center][green][u]Standard offer:[/u]
3x3 keys + 1x3 (much appreciated)
3x3 keys + any 3 keys of your choice.
3x3 keys + Mal
[i][b]To standard offer:[/b][/i] 4th run for free. (you pay only for opening the portals or open them by yourself). So if you plan to have 4 torches overall, you pay the same as limited offer.[/center]

<s>[title]</s><B><s>[b]</s>3x3 can be also treated as an Ist and Mal or a single Gul<e>[/b]</e></B><e>[/title]</e> [blizz]
[center] [b]PrincipalOShagH: b6re6ez6e#2450
Weak: Weak#21832 [/b]

[attachment=0]3WJnx50 - Imgur.png[/attachment]

Listed by Weak  •  Expires never

Cheap Uber Services I help with ubers.

Can be 2pul/Um or 3 keys of any sort.

Listed by Weak  •  Expires 2 years ago

Free Ubers For Someone I collected smiter gear and I want to test out how I performs on ubers. Will do it for free if you provide teleports.

Other offers is: I can help you with uber for letting me test my gear on ubers.

Listed by Weak  •  Expires 2 years ago

WTS [Services] Ubers HMU if need help with Ubers Ralm#1739
Or Uber services

Listed by Silversteinx37  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] Uber Services with kicksin
Hi there.
I can provide uber service with my kicksin. Playing mostly every day 21-23h CET.
Fee for 1 service :
2x PUL / 2 random keys / UM
I leave my battletag down below



Listed by soszmen  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] Diablo Clone Run in 18:30 CET few more spot required. Hi there guys, Me and couple of my friends have been running and tagging along with some off the continent groups for a while now learning basics of diablo clone hunting.

We decided that we should start our own group which is more suitable for the EU players.

We are gathering people around and we are currently 100+ people in the discord group who are willing to participate in the runs.

Rules are simple and easy to follow which are stated in our discord channel.

Our first run was on Sunday, 14.11.2021, 00:30 Gmt +2 time Combined with other group.

Next Run Date Is Today at 6:30 PM CET

If you also want to participate or find out more about the group, pm me on discord.

Discord: tomerva22#7732
Feel free to contact us for further questions.

Listed by tomerva22  •  Expires never

WTS [Services] Nightmare Bumper
Looking for NM Bumper. Post here or DM.

Listed by Anaksul  •  Expires never

Need a rush Hi, need a rush for rush if anyone have time :)

Listed by vyssan  •  Expires 2 years ago

Listed by vyssan  •  Expires 2 years ago

T2 Rushes Free [n/nm/h] [b][green]Norm [/green]/ [grey]Sock [/grey]/ [orange]NM[/orange]: [gold]All Free[/gold]
[red]Hell[/red]: 99% Organic Free range[/b]

I run free rushes from my channel, come give me a wave and let me know what difficulty you need?

Listed by T222  •  Expires 2 years ago

WTS [Services] Rush and quest services [b]Offer rush service [/b]

to act V (socket quest) - Ko

[b]NM[/b] (you have to be min. lvl 20):
Pul or Forge

[b]Hell[/b] (you have to be min. lvl 40):

[b]Quest service:[/b] Um + Forges
-Quests (skill/respec, 2 skillpoint, socket, 10 all res)
-Normal to hell
-Including help leveling to 40

[u][b]Act 1 Quest 1: Den of Evil (1 Skill Point + 1 Free Respecs)[/b][/u]
Act 1 Quest 5: Tools of the Trade (Imbue an item of your choosing for free)
Act 2 Quest 1: Radament's Lair (Book of Skill + 10% Shopping Discount)
Act 3 Quest 1: The Golden Bird (Potion of Life +20 Health)
Act 3 Quest 4: Lam Esen's Tome (+5 Attribute Points)
[u][b]Act 4 Quest 1: The Fallen Angel (+2 Skill Points)[/b]
[b]Act 5 Quest 1: Siege on Harrogath (Add Sockets to an item)
Act 5 Quest 3: Prison of Ice (Scroll of Resistance; +10 to All Resist)[/b]

Listed by vyssan  •  Expires never
Total results: 5371 • Page 172 of 180

The browse trades feature lets you filter, search, and sort all Diablo 2 trade listings currently on the marketplace without having to use any keywords. Ladder trades can be found by selecting the 'Ladder' filter, which can be combined with the 'Playstation' filter for example to change the results. Remember, add filters carefully - they work on AND logic. Happy trading! :) is supported by ads




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