together with PrincipalOShagH (member/PrincipalOShagH/), we are doing cheap uber services.
As my friend states we are just another two dudes who love to bury the three brothers in blizzards and shield bashes
Write to either of us an we will provide you a run/run rescue/a ready torch asap.
Status of the offer: Limited offer
3x3 keys+ 2 any keys of your choice for (Weak)
3x3 keys + Pul or 2 random keys for (PrincipalOShagH)
3x3 keys + 1x3 (much appreciated)
3x3 keys + any 3 keys of your choice.
3x3 keys + Mal
To standard offer: 4th run for free. (you pay only for opening the portals or open them by yourself). So if you plan to have 4 torches overall, you pay the same as limited offer.
3x3 can be also treated as an Ist and Mal or a single Gul
Blizzard wrote:PrincipalOShagH: b6re6ez6e#2450
Weak: Weak#21832